Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 159: Bad Situation

Chapter 159: Bad Situation

Buggy gets interested when he hears that Mihawk is in Sabaody too. Mihawk has been famous even before the Great Pirate Era. He has challenged many strong swordsmen even before Roger's execution.

Now, he hasn't become the World's Strongest Swordsman, but people have put him as the top candidate for it. Of course, Buggy knows that he will eventually be the World's Strongest Swordsman, so there's no need to think much about it.

But as a swordsman, Buggy is also interested in fighting Mihawk. He isn't interested in the title, he just wants to fight someone who will be the strongest swordsman in the world. Fighting with Mihawk might give him some insights into his swordsmanship too.

Still, Buggy doesn't want to trouble himself to search for Mihawk. He doesn't come to Sabaody to challenge Mihawk. His objective is just to meet with Rayleigh and Shanks.

He just wants to tell them his plan to attack Kaido in Wano a year later. So he won't bother himself to search for Mihawk and challenge the guy. Well, if they meet coincidentally, then maybe he will fight the dude.

Buggy continues his training while wearing his seastone bracelet. He spars with Deon while teaching about Armament's basic theories to Deon. The best way to teach is by showing the practice.

They spar until night while waiting for Cricket & Mantis to return. Their spar still goes one side with Buggy dominating it. Even though he used a seastone bracelet and also need to teach Deon about Armament, Buggy is still too strong for Deon.

After Cricket & Mantis returned, they stop their sparring and go to rest. Buggy will search Shanks tomorrow and then goes to Water 7 immediately after that. The rest of his crew must have reached the island, so he needs to go there fast.

Their new ship will only start to be built after he arrived on Water 7. So if he doesn't go there fast, the new ship will not be built soon. Besides, there is a place that he needs to visit before going to Water 7, Florian Triangle.

'Moria shouldn't be there yet, so Brook still has his shadow now. I just need to find and convince him to join my crew. His devil fruit potential is very high and it will be a waste to let him stay in that place until Straw Hats find him,' ponders Buggy as he takes a bath.

The next day, Buggy explores the island again. But now he is focused on searching Shanks. He also orders Deon to find the Red Hairs' whereabouts and calls him if there's any info.

He walks around the Lawless area to search for Red Hair Pirates. Now, he doesn't get attacked too many times like yesterday. The bounty hunters and slave traders have learned, although not everyone did because he still gets attacked a few times.

It's not a big deal though because he gets some profit by robbing those who attack him. He also uses them as training partners as now he still wears his seastone bracelet. So he fights them just with his physical power and swordsmanship.

But just when he enjoys his day, he encounters a CD group. His mood dropped, but he still behaves and flashes to hide in an alley. No one realizes his act so there's no problem.

Buggy wants to leave the location through the back of the buildings. But thing doesn't always go as he wants. A commotion happens on the street so he checks it.

He sees a little boy is walking while crying on the street. The boy gets separated from his parents and now searches for them. But his cry annoys the old male Celestial Dragon and he orders his men to kill the boy.

Without any hesitation, a man in a suit takes out a pistol and aims it at the boy. Everyone is worried for the boy, but no one makes a move because they're afraid. The man finally shoots his pistols toward the boy, but the bullet never hits its target.

A man with long blue hair tied in a ponytail and wearing a casual blue T-shirt is holding the boy. While a man with short red hair who wears a white shirt and a straw hat is blocking the bullet with his sword. They're Buggy and Shanks who moved to protect the boy.

"Yo, Buggy, long time no see," says Shanks without looking back.

"This doesn't seem to be a good time for a greeting, Shanks," says Buggy as he stands up and lifts the little boy in his arms while trying to calm the boy.

"You seem experienced with children. Do you have one already?" asks Shanks casually.

"What do you mean by that? I am still 18, there's no way I have a kid already now. Besides, I am still pure like a white paper," says Buggy.

"Alright, alright, let's talk later, this is not a good time for a chit-chat," says Shanks as if nothing is wrong.


"Is it really the case?" asks Shanks idiotically.

"IT IS THE CASE," shouts Buggy while holding and shaking Shanks's collar.


Suddenly, some gunshots are heard from the Celestial Dragon's direction. He ordered his men to shoot Buggy & Shanks because they are disturbing and standing in his way. They shot the 2 at the same time and it scare the bystanders, but they don't even dare to scream or they'll be the next one.

But everyone is surprised to see Buggy & Shanks still standing. The bullets hit their body but didn't pierce through their bodies. Then the bullets fall onto the ground and the 2's bodies are not damaged at all.

"Bastard, we are still talking here," says Buggy pissedly.

"It seems we need to remove the disturbances so we can talk," says Shanks pissedly too.

"Yeah, just like what I thought," says Buggy.


Buggy & Shanks release their Conqueror Haki at the same time. They target the Celestial Dragon's group and knock out everyone. Their haki also clashed because they stand too close, but the effect is small because they don't aim it toward each other.

"So you have it too, Buggy," says Shanks while grinning.

"Do you think you're the only one who can have it? Don't be selfish," says Buggy while grinning too.

After knocking out the CD's group, Buggy hears a faint voice from afar. The boy also hears it and it is his mom who runs from far away. Buggy brings the boy to his mom and tells her to leave Sabaody now if she wants to survive.

The mother nods after seeing the unconscious CD. She knows what will happen if she stays here any longer. The bystanders also leave immediately because they know an Admiral will come soon to fight the pirates.

Buggy calls his crew to get ready to leave anytime. He just tells them that something unavoidable happened. They don't ask anything and just say that they understand. None of them are getting troubled by it and it also happens with Shanks's crew.

"Shanks, have you met Rayleigh-san?" asks Buggy to Shanks as they leave the location with the Red Hair Pirates.

"Yeah, just last night. He told me about your plan too," says Shanks.

"So, what do you think?" asks Buggy.

"I don't know, I have my own plan, and Wano never be a part of it," says Shanks.

"You need to think of it then. If you want to join me, then 1 year is your time limit," says Buggy as he gives Shanks his denden mushi's number and a piece of his Vivre Card.

"I don't care whether you want to join or not. But make sure to choose something that you won't regret," says Buggy before he walks away, leaving the Red Hairs.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 183 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 194 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.