To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Chi-Woo blinked. He had been curious and was planning to ask about it later. “I saw it. But why is there suddenly a tower?”

“What? I thought you already knew about it.” Chi-Hyun widened his eyes in surprise. “It’s a project created by your friend. That long-headed guy.”

Chi-Woo tilted his head at ‘friend’, but exclaimed in realization after Chi-Hyun said ‘long-headed guy’.

“Are you talking about Mr. Zelit?”

“Yeah. Zealot…um, Zelit.”

“No way, it’s complete now?”

“Not yet, but it’s almost complete. And we’re hoping to finish it before the tenth reinforcements arrive.”

“Already?” Chi-Woo was startled. Although they had spent a considerable amount of time coming and going for the Hala Forest expedition, Zelit had finally received a proper investment only when he left for the expedition. And now, the tower was almost complete in about a month?

“Most things can be accomplished with money.” Moreover, considering they had on their side the buhguhbus, a master blacksmith tribe, it was fully plausible that the tower could be constructed in a very short time.

“And that Zealot…haha, Zelit is better than I expected.” Chi-Hyun snickered while speaking, a very rare behavior from him. It seemed that he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering while thinking of the long-headed hero. “Anyway, I think it’ll be okay to maintain a good relationship with that hero.”

Chi-Woo looked at his brother with a flat smile.

“That’s unexpected. I think it’s my first time hearing you say something nice about someone.”

“Well, that hero knows his place well. He’s quick-witted, and he’s good at judging the situation, so he knows what he should do.” Chi-Hyun shrugged and continued, “It’s much more useful to have one hero like Zelit than hundreds of heroes who don’t know their place. He’ll definitely have a lot of influence in the distant future even if it doesn’t happen now.”

Chi-Woo nodded in agreement because he also had a high opinion of Zelit. “Ah, by the way.” Then he recalled something and said, “About the tenth reinforcements. No, hear this out first. When I met the Last Dragon after coming out of the Hala Forest…”

Chi-Hyun, who had been quietly listening, suddenly raised his voice when Chi-Woo said, ‘he met an old dingo through the Last Dragon’s introduction.’

“What did you say?”

Chi-Woo’s eyes widened when Chi-Hyun reacted much more strongly than usual. Chi-Hyun continued, “If the Last Dragon introduced you to her with a red jewel… Is it Boboris? Did you meet her?”

Chi-Woo stared at his brother as he spoke with a hint of reminiscence. Chi-Hyun was showing an unusually diverse range of reactions today.

“Did she look like this?” When his younger brother didn’t answer, Chi-Hyun conjured a mental image with his image representation ability. Soon, a dingo appeared in Chi-Woo’s view—not an old one, but a young dingo, and one with an air of elegant wisdom rather than the sharp irritation Chi-Woo was familiar with.

“No…she wasn’t that young.”

“What? Ah, well, no wonder…” Chi-Hyun muttered something to himself and demanded Chi-Woo to bring up her image. As soon as he saw the mental image of an old dingo Chi-Woo conjured, he smiled.

“Hah. She’s still alive… I thought she was already dead.” Chi-Hyun looked happy as he lifted his chin and stared at the old dingo. If Chi-Woo wasn’t mistaken, Chi-Hyun seemed to be happily reminiscing about a past event. Regardless of what his brother was feeling, Chi-Woo felt strange. Although his brother had been extremely unfamiliar to him as a hero, he was much more used to his brother acting normally like this.

Chi-Woo gulped and asked, “Do you know each other?”

“Can you tell me where she is now?” Chi-Hyun replied with another question.

Chi-Woo faltered and quietly said, “…She passed away.”

Chi-Hyun’s face quickly hardened.

“Right after she met me…she burst into flames…” While talking, Chi-Woo felt like a terrible sinner; if he hadn’t gone to meet her through the introduction of the Last Dragon…she might have…

“…Tell me more in detail.”

As Chi-Hyun wiped away the emotion on his face, Chi-Woo slowly explained. After meeting the old dingo, Chi-Woo had fallen into deep contemplation. She had told him to catch the first person he met on the tenth time at all costs. After thinking about it in consideration of his special privilege, he quickly came to a suitable interpretation. ‘The tenth’ that she spoke about was probably referring to the tenth reinforcements. Other than that, he couldn’t think of anything else.

In other words, the old dingo’s prophecy could mean, ‘Make the first hero you encounter among the heroes entering as the tenth reinforcements one of your stars like Ru Amuh.’

“…Yeah, it’s certainly a prophecy you shouldn’t easily dismiss.” Chi-Hyun, who had been listening with a serious expression, continued, “If Boboris sacrificed her life to leak a secret from the heavens, there must have been a good reason.” There was a strong conviction to his voice, and he let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, I understand what you mean, but don’t worry too much about it.”

“Uh…I don’t know. Even if we encounter each other, will I be able to get them on my side…?”

“If it doesn’t work, you just have to make it happen.”

“Is there a way?”

“Didn’t I say it back then? Different preferential treatment will be given depending on a hero’s performance.” Then Chi-Hyun continued, “The timing is just right. I was honestly slightly worried because of Alice, but…” Alice was the promising hero of the Ho Lactea family. Chi-Woo recalled that she had moved separately without participating in the Hala Forest expedition.

“What about her?”

“She managed to find a pretty useful god and set up a temple,” Chi-Hyun said flatly, but honestly speaking, this was important news, especially if it was truly a helpful god. “But you’ve made a contribution just as significant—no, more significant than that. There’s no reason for you to be pushed back,” Chi-Hyun tapped the desk with his index finger. Even while talking, the gears in his head seemed to be quickly turning and making plans.

Although Chi-Woo didn’t feel too comfortable getting his brother’s help, he endured it because this information was something the old dingo had sacrificed her life to give him. He needed to do everything to achieve what she told him to do.

“That’s right.” Soon, Chi-Hyun stood up from his seat. “Since we’re on the topic, shall we go together?” He tapped his wrist to call forth his device.

* * *

The exterior of the tower was finished, but the interior was still under construction. Chi-Woo looked around the busy area and saw a signboard hanging on the first floor. The place looked like a lobby.

Knock, find, and ask. Then it will open for you.

It was only two lines, but these sentences seem to convey a strong pride in the tower. Chi-Woo stopped and stared blankly as one person came up quickly to greet him. The bespectacled hero had a thick book under one arm and gave off a scholarly impression. But rather than that, his pointy head stood out the most—it was Zelit.

“I’ve heard the news. I heard you accomplished a great feat once again.”

When Zelit gave his congratulations, Chi-Woo bitterly smiled. “I was just lucky.”

“You said that every time. At this point, I should call you the hero of luck.” Zelit smirked and glanced at Chi-Hyun, who stood behind Chi-Woo. Then he continued, “By the way, I was surprised to hear that you were coming all of a sudden.”

“Have I come at a bad time?”

“No, that’s not the case at all. I just wanted to show you after it was fully constructed.”

“Then I can come again.”

“Yeah, that’s true. If it’s completed properly, you’ll stop by often even if you don’t like it. Not just you, but everyone.” Laughing, Zelit’s attitude was clearly different from before. He now looked substantially more energetic. “Let’s go. There’s not much to see yet, but there’s still some stuff I want to show you.”

Zelit grabbed Chi-Woo by the arm and led him to the stairs. Chi-Woo got to see various facilities while Zelit guided him and stopped by each floor. When Chi-Woo first saw the tower, he thought it looked like a magic tower out of a cartoon, but the inside was more multifunctional and structured than magical. There was a place that looked like an open-air theater and a place like a library. Among the different places, the more impressive sight by far was a rotary-like space in which rooms were intermittently arranged along circular walls, and each door was connected to the center and entrance. The same layout was repeated floor after floor.

“What is this place for?”

When he asked about it out of curiosity, Zelit answered, “It’s a place for trades.”

“Trades…? Like a store?”

“Well, it’s like a store, but instead of physical items, it’s a place to exchange knowledge.”

When Chi-Woo turned around, Zelit continued with joy, “Of course, it’s not just knowledge. Whether it be help or people, I’m planning to make it possible to trade anything if necessary.” Then he added, “But only if they can pay in money or something valuable that corresponds to what they want.” The trade system seemed to focus on equivalent exchange, rather than free services or goods.

“Hmm…it sounds like a marketplace.”

“Well, you’re technically not wrong. The important thing is that no one owns this tower. And arguably, everyone is its owner.” In other words, this was a place that not one person could control with their power or authority, but where everyone could participate and work together to create.

“How well you employ and use this space depends entirely on yourself.” Of course, this didn’t mean that everyone was equal. Depending on how active one was, the level of use and benefit for this tower varied. “In addition to what I just said, this tower is also going to have various other functions. For example, it’s going to have an academic function.”

“An academy?” Chi-Woo showed great interest in Zelit's unexpected words.

“Think about it. The tenth reinforcements are arriving soon, and their initial state won’t be different from ours when we first came here, right?” As Zelit said, all heroes started at zero outside of exceptional cases like the Celestial Lights.

This was an obvious point, but the heroes who came later were at a disadvantage. Although the situation had improved significantly compared to before, it would be a stretch to say that Liber was a safe environment to grow stronger in the early stages. Thus, they needed proper conditions and support to compensate for the disadvantage they suffered, and this was where the earlier recruits came into play. The tenth reinforcements needed those who would lead them from the front and shorten their early growth time. At an individual level, a hero could probably only handle one or two heroes at a time. Therefore, an organization was needed; a professional organization that could accept, protect, and take care of many promising heroes at once.

This was not a bad idea for humanity as a whole, either, since everyone thoroughly understood that Liber could not be saved by one or two people. Heroes were always open to recruiting a talented comrade and would welcome them with open arms. However, the problem was that there was more than one large organization. There were currently about five or six notable organizations right now, and it was clear that there would be more as time went by. Furthermore, the number of heroes that organizations could take in and invest resources to raise was relatively small. It was also inevitable that different organizations would compete with each other for talented heroes, leading to internal conflicts. Since the Celestial Lights already had bad relationships with each other and were constantly competing, this would only add fuel to the fire. Thus, it was necessary to create a neutral organization that could supervise procedures and mediate conflicts that arose between different organizations while allowing free competition.

“This tower was created for that purpose.” While climbing the stairs, Zelit stretched out his arm. “In the future, this tower will be responsible for coordinating and supervising issues with multiple interests across individuals and organizations.” He touched the wall and carefully swept it. “I…have no doubt that this tower will serve as a hub to build the foundation for the future of Liber in the direction that we desire.” Zelit’s eyes glistened like the starlight in the night sky as he looked up.

Chi-Woo could fully understand him. When the tenth reinforcements arrived, this tower would act as a hot spot for recruiting heroes.

‘I was wondering what he was talking about, but…’ Chi-Woo glanced at his brother, who was quietly following behind them. He now understood why his brother confidently told him not to worry. He didn’t know what exactly had happened, but it seemed as if his brother had already discussed with Zelit about various matters beforehand. After hearing about this tower, Chi-Woo suddenly got curious and asked, “What’s the name of this tower?”

“I haven’t decided yet, but…” Zelit caressed his chin and continued, “I’ve been thinking of Apertum. That which is open.” An open, clear space. Thinking back to the phrase on the signboard that he saw on the first floor, Chi-Woo thought the name must mean an open space for everyone to come in and get what they want. ‘It’s fitting,’ he thought and nodded. “It’s a good name.”

“You think so?” Zelit brightly smiled. Soon after, the three passed the top floor and reached the rooftop. Zelit took a deep breath and looked back with a smile. “I want to thank you. It’s all thanks to you.”

“No, I haven’t done much…” Chi-Woo waved his hand in denial, but Zelit firmly shook his head.

“This would have all been a pipe dream if it wasn’t for you.” In a way, Zelit was right. Chi-Woo was the one who had lent Zelit money when he had nothing, with only a flimsy explanation of ‘I’m trying to do something’ no less. Chi-Woo had also given him a substantial amount of money multiple times after that, and even introduced him to a proper investor. If Zelit hadn’t met Chi-Woo, he would probably be begging at the bottom of the social ladder by now. But above all, Zelit clearly recalled during his days at the fortress when he fell into despair after a huge mistake. Chi-Woo, who had gone missing and returned alive, had come to him directly and encouraged and comforted him at his lowest moment. Chi-Woo had given him hope and helped his dream come true. Zelit still cherished the immense gratitude he felt at that time.

“Even if you flatter me like that, I can’t lend you any more money. I really don’t have much now.” Chi-Woo scratched his cheek and groaned.

“It doesn’t matter. I have enough capital now,” Zelit said with a soft smile. “Ah, come to think of it, I should pay my debts.” He rummaged through his pockets as if he suddenly remembered something. “Can I pay with an item instead of money?” He suddenly asked with a big smile.

“Well, there’s no reason not to.”

“Take it.” Zelit held out something as if he had been waiting for this all along. Chi-Woo took it. It was a shiny black card.

“What is it?”

“It’s no fun if I tell you in advance.” Zelit bent his index finger. It seemed like a card he could use in this tower, and Zelit was telling him to find out what it was the next time he came to visit.

“Hmm…” Chi-Woo fiddled with it because he didn’t know exactly what it was and then playfully asked, “Okay, this is good for payment, but what about the interest?”

Although it was obviously a joke, Zelit didn’t laugh. “Take as much as you want whenever you need it.” He stretched his arms wide and looked back at the tower. “Anytime, whenever, as much as you want.” He spoke with a more confident tone than ever.

Chi-Woo stared blankly in surprise at Zelit’s confident attitude and then burst into laughter. He didn’t know exactly what Zelit was referring to, but judging by his confidence, it seemed that there was something substantial waiting for Chi-Woo inside the tower.

“It’s really making me curious. I hope it gets completed soon…”

While Chi-Woo inspected his black card, Chi-Hyun subtly approached Zelit and asked, “What about mine? I’m an investor as well…”

Swish! Zelit quickly turned around and raised his glasses before speaking in a businesslike tone, “From my understanding, there are still some days left until my repayment is due.”


“Sir, it’s a joke.” Soon after, he took out an additional black card. “Although I shouldn’t easily give out black cards like this…since you are the legend…and I guess, to quickly begin activities in the tower at the early stage, I should…” Zelit murmured to himself and clearly showed his reluctance to give the black card to Chi-Hyun.

Chi-Hyun felt his anger rise at the completely different attitude Zelit showed to him compared to his brother, but he quickly took the card rather than turning it down. With this card, he now gained the right to become one of the major shareholders of a stock that would only rise in value in the future.

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