This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

The wedding of Lin Fangyu was over. Yu Shu and Shen Youlin did not return to the county city. Yu Shu told him about arranging for Ye Ping and her husband to travel around the world.

"They haven't been out much, and they don't have any experience with traveling. If they go on their own, they won't be able to make the most of it. It would be better if someone with experience accompanied them, but where can we find such a person?"

Shen Youlin had an idea: "I know where to find such a person."

"SkyClub, the Paradise Power Club, caters to all the needs of its members. Not only can they arrange world tours, they can even arrange for trips to the Moon on a spacecraft if you want."

"That sounds so fantastical," Yu Shu said skeptically.

Shen Youlin then explained to her about this club that serves the world's wealthiest elites. They had even arranged space weddings for members in the past. There was nothing the members couldn't imagine that the club couldn't make happen.

"What if I want eternal life?" Yu Shu asked, still unconvinced.

"They can cryogenically freeze you and revive you when needed. In a way, I suppose that counts," Shen Youlin replied.

Yu Shu frowned. "I thought I was quite knowledgeable."

Shen Youlin made a call and got a reply from the other end: There was a couple of white travelers who planned to tour all of China over the next five years, and they were currently looking for sponsors.

Yu Shu agreed to sponsor the white couple, paying for all their travel expenses, but on the condition that they take Ye Ping and Yu Feng along with them.

The club made the arrangements, and the traveling couple would arrive in Chengdu in three days to meet Ye Ping and Yu Feng and decide whether to accept Yu Shu's sponsorship.

Yu Shu agreed, marveling that those who could become a "family" were not ordinary people.

Shen Youlin scoffed, "My family has many 'great ones'. My grandfather is a renowned scholar of Chinese classics, my grandmother is a master of Shu embroidery, a national intangible cultural heritage. Which of them isn't greater than those two foreign devils?"

"Great, great, you're great too," Yu Shu pinched his increasingly plump cheeks. "You'll become a world-famous novelist someday too."

Shen Youlin grunted twice, "Of course!"

"Let's go visit your grandparents. What would be a good gift to bring?"

Shen Youlin was delighted and snuggled up to her, "You don't need to prepare anything. Your visit alone will make them happy for three years."

Of course, Yu Shu couldn't show up empty-handed. She carefully prepared gifts for the elderly Yu couple, as well as for Shen You Lin's uncle and aunt. She also prepared a gift for Professor Qiao Zhi, Shen Youlin's mentor, who would be there too.

Shen Youlin was displeased. "Hmph, why prepare anything for that old Qiao? It's a waste of good stuff."

When Professor Qiao Zhi was young, he was a student of Older Yu and had called him "teacher" for half a century. He was more like Older Yu's son. Now, Professor Qiao was a renowned literature professor, but he still called Older Yu "teacher." After his wife passed away a few years ago, he often stayed at Chang Garden during holidays.

Yu Fanxing and Shen Chaowen were also at Chang Garden. Every Chinese New Year, they spent about half their time there.

The day Yu Shu visited Chang Garden, the weather was fine. There were many people at Chang Garden, all dressed elegantly and solemnly, standing at the entrance to welcome her.

Yu Shu was taken aback by the grand reception. "Everyone...there's no need for such formalities."

Older Yu waved at her with a laugh, "Little Shu, come to Grandfather's place. Don't be so reserved, we're all family here, be at ease."

"You all seem rather reserved."

Professor Qiao Zhi pushed up his thick glasses, the lenses like the bottoms of beer bottles. "Yes, be at ease. Your presence here honors Chang Garden."

Yu Shu forced an awkward smile. "You flatter me. It's my honor to visit this esteemed place."

Shen Youlin couldn't stand it anymore. "What is all this about? Are you all chewing on words that fell out of books? Can we just go inside and talk? My wife is wearing high heels, she's tired. Old Qiao, don't glare at me, your toupee is about to be blown off by the wind."

Professor Qiao hurriedly felt his hair and, realizing his toupee was still in place, glared angrily at Shen Youlin.

Shen Youlin jutted out his chin, his expression saying, "I love how you can't stand me but can't get rid of me."

Lin Yanqiu and the others took the gifts from the couple and ushered them inside.

Yu Yan hadn't said a word from start to finish, just smiling and watching the spectacle. As they entered, he walked beside Yu Shu. "Long time no see, VIP customer."

Yu Shu smiled back, "Long time no see, Mr. Consultant."

Shen Youlin abruptly inserted himself between them, eyeing Yu Yan suspiciously. "What are you doing?"

Yu Yan let out a mocking laugh but said nothing more as he walked away.

Yu Shu looked puzzled. "Why do you have such a problem with Mr. Yu?"

"If it weren't for him helping, you wouldn't have been able to catch up with me."

Shen Youlin grunted and said quietly, "Stay away from him, he's no good."

Overhearing Shen Youlin, Yu Yan turned back with a smile. "Ah, you misunderstand. I'm openly no good. If I really had designs on her, you wouldn't stand a chance."

Shen Youlin jumped up angrily, "What kind of superhuman hearing do you have? You should get your ears checked!"

Yu Yan spread his hands helplessly. "A gifted talent, what can I do? Remember when you got stuck in a tree as a kid and couldn't get down? I heard your cries and came to rescue you."

Shen Youlin grew even angrier. "You're just making things up to slander my innocence. When did I ever get stuck in a tree? When did I ever cry?"

Yu Lie, always one to stir up trouble, chimed in to support his brother. "I remember too. Big brother Youlin climbed a tree, the ladder fell, and he got stuck. He hugged the tree crying for half a day."

"I didn't, I didn't, stop making things up! Baseless claims, don't talk nonsense!"

Yu Yan said, "I have evidence, I recorded it."

Shen Youlin glared at Yu Yan. "You can't possibly have that video!"

"I really do have that video!" Yu Yan's smile grew wider as he turned to Yu Shu. "Want me to show you?"

Yu Shu readily agreed, "Sure."

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