The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 410 394 words, please.

"Ivy, are you going to wake up?

Consciousness surfaced all the time in your father's voice.

"Morning...... is that it? Why the bed?"

You're supposed to be sleeping in a tent.

This place is... oh, well.

Yesterday I rented a room that Mr. Ginal and the others were renting.

"Are you all right?

"Yeah, I'm fine. What time is it?

I feel uncomfortable with the intensity of the light coming in through the window.

I don't care what you think. I don't feel like it's morning.

"It's noon. He seemed tired yesterday, and I didn't wake him up. I overslept a little, too."

"Yes, it was."

You overslept a long time ago.

But I have a neat head and body because of it.

I knew you couldn't afford a lack of sleep.

"Thanks. I guess it's because I slept enough, it's refreshing. Good morning, everyone."

Sora and the others look at me and shudder with a pull.

Ah, these kids' rice!

"That was good. Because Sola and the others are finished with their dinner. And Garritt and the others are waking up and Ginal is explaining what's going on right now."


I was in a hurry to see if I was hungry.

"Thank you for the solas. Was Mr. Garritt and the others all right?

I wonder what inspired it?

"I talked to the two of them a little bit, but they don't seem to have a problem. Yeah, yeah, Ginal's guy. It's because I drank so much I couldn't wake up in the morning."

I see, you don't drink as much as you can't wake up in an emergency.

I mean, you don't drink per se, do you?

Is that it?

Didn't you wake up because Mr. Ginal got the wrong amount of sleeping pills?

"Well, never mind the details."

Seeing your father makes me laugh bitterly.

That's right, Mr. Ginal, you've successfully hidden your failures.

"I guess it's time we moved next door because we had a discussion. Yes, let Garritt and the others enjoy lunch."


"Annoyance Fee"

"Hahaha. That sounds good!

When you get up, get your bed ready and end your demeanor easily.

It's kind of really neat.

Were you that tired?

Put Sola and the others in the bag and leave the room with your father.

When you get to the next room, your father knocks on the door.

"Have we talked yet?

I don't think you can open it before you get a response, but Mr. Ginal doesn't seem to care.

When he saw me, he waved with joy.

Inside the room are Mr. Garritt and Mr. Fische, who are pale.

Which is causing you to look like that, because you drank too much, or because of the content of the story?

Are you sure you're taking too many sleeping pills?

Which, watching still, they rushed to say hello because they turned this way.

"Good Morning"

"Good morning. Sorry I bothered you."

I greet Mr. Garritt with a look of sorry.

He seems to care a lot.

He looked at me and looked pale.

Will you be all right?

"No. Are you okay?

"I guess it's okay. I've never had such a breakdown. And I'm sorry about Ivy."

Mr. Fische is also dropped.

What, aren't we both too depressed?

What the hell did Mr. Ginal tell the two of you?

When I looked at Mr. Ginal wondering, I was flaunted on my shoulder.

"I'm only telling you the truth. Look, hold on to both of you. We need to talk about what's going to happen, so we need you to freshen up."

Mr. Ginal puts two people alive, but he doesn't seem to be able to sort out his feelings.

As it is, it's going to take some time to have a decent discussion.

I might need something to change my mood a little.

I think I'll ask you to do what your father said with half the fun just now.

It's like lunch now, so you'll be hungry.

I wouldn't think about being busy if I was hungry.

I'm hungry, too.

"Mr. Garritt, Mr. Fische. Lunch, luxury."

Say hello.

Your father rode me too.

Mr. Garritt and Mr. Fische look at me and your father.

"You're a nuisance. It's the best place in the village for lunch."

Explain with a mean look on your father's face.

"It's a luxury for me too."

Mr. Ginal will be on board, too.

Mr. Garritt nodded at it, tilting his neck.

Yeah, you doubt it.

"Why are you even taking advantage of Ginal? I know it's on this side because you bothered me too!

"Never mind the details."

Mr. Garritt stares at Mr. Ginal, but it's not working at all.

On the contrary, he's laughing with his nose like he made a fool of himself.

"It's sloppy, Ginal. I can't afford you."

Did you put it back a little bit?

No, I don't know what.

All three of them feel rougher than they did a while ago?

Is this the three of you who took away your face as an investigator?

"That's kind of it. You were pretty fooled by the first impression."

Well, you can say that.

These three, somewhere childish?

No, it's a little different. What a tough character to grasp, like all sorts of different personalities all around.

"Sorry, I'll let the three of you luxury yourselves. When it's the best store in this village, it becomes a store called Yanpo on Main Street. There's a reputation for good meat. Right there, okay? If you can't have meat by day, you can have it by night."

Mr. Tuffiesche gave us information about the store as he sighed at the two noisy people. I'm fine with meat from noon.

Even when I saw your father, he seemed intrigued.

"Even meat is fine. Ivy, okay?

"Yeah. Fun"

Actually, I was a little cautious about getting the luxury, but it doesn't matter when I watch Mr. Ginal and the others.

Now the three of us are fighting over who will give the most money.

Mr. Fische, who was sighing, also participates in the discourse between Mr. Ginal and Mr. Garritt.

And it looks like Norinoli.

I mean, wouldn't the three of us split it it?

There was a battle and Mr. Fische dropped.

Apparently he decided to pay the most.

"That's funny."


Looks like we're done discussing this, so I'm leaving the room with your father.

Outside the inn, look around while waiting for the three of us to be ready.


The way people come and go around the inn hasn't changed in the last few days.

We were on that side until yesterday.

Now, though it came off then.

"Right. I've never felt so scared of normal."

Nodding at your father's words.

It does scare me.

"You kept me waiting. Hey, what's up?

Mr. Ginal opens the inn door and comes out.

After that, Mr. Sifal and Mr. Garritt.

"No, I don't think so."

"Right. It's like nothing's happening. It's everyday."

The demon crisis is right around the corner.

I wonder what the killer wants to do with this village.

For what purpose?

I mean, is the killer still in this village in the first place?

If I watched the villagers, I could imagine a future village attacked by demons with no preparation whatsoever.

You don't want to be in a village like the one with that problem forever.

You wanted to crush this village?

Then I guess it's working.

"Can I come back here after lunch? I talked to my husband so I could rent a room."

Your father nods at Mr. Ginal's words.

It would certainly be safer than a tent.

"Are you two okay?

"We're going through quite a bit of a training ground too, so if you'll just give us a little time, we'll be fine. Well, I've never had a bigger breakdown than this one."

Mr. Garritt sighs, but his expression is brighter than earlier.

Good. Looks like you got a little fold.

As I walked towards a store called 'Yanpo', Mr. Ginal stopped by your father and me.

"Ivy, Druid. Didn't you feel uncomfortable when you woke up today?

"" Huh?


I felt refreshed, but I guess that's because I was tired.

"Is that a neat feeling?


And your father?

"You still felt the Druid. And Ivy?"

"Me, too."

"Right. Me, too. At first, I thought it was because I was tired, but I was worried because it wasn't always the same. Is it because you're free from surgery, or something else? There's so much I don't know."

"Right. Can you ask someone about the magic team?

"You're royalty or some nobility. But if they find out you've been involved in the magic team, they could restrict you to action."


Would Lord Foronda know?

But are you restricted to action?

I hate to do that... but maybe you should be a little prepared.

Let's talk about it when we discuss it.

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