The Villain's Face Slapping Counterattack

Chapter 69.2

Chapter 69.2

Face-Slapping the reborn CEO (4.2)

Editor: ghost

Too lazy to care about him, Zhou Xu went back to his own room.

After returning to his room, Zhou Xu started to organize the layout of the short video competition and at the same time he started to design the poster. From the start, he was talking bullshit. Only as his relationship with the principal was more than good, then Zhou Xu would definitely use this advantage.

That very night, the layout for the competition was finished. At the same time, the poster design came out. When he went to sleep, he looked at the clock, it was already 1:30 AM.

Zhou Xu hurriedly washed his face. He looked at his phone before going to bed and saw the message sent by the principal, Nie Yuantong.

“I want to kiss you.”

Zhou Xu smiled faintly before sending a message back, “If you accept one of my conditions, I can let you kiss me until you have enough tomorrow.”

After sending it, Zhou Xu intended to sleep, after all it was very early in the morning at the moment. However, not even several minutes after sending the message, the other party answered.

“No matter what kind of conditions, I will accept all of them.”

The corner of Zhou Xu’s mouth couldn’t help but rise, once again answering back, “In that case, I will remember my promise.”

After that, Zhou Xu turned off his phone to sleep, but he could imagine the other party’s reaction.

Early in the morning of the second day, Zhou Xu went to school. He hadn’t even eaten his breakfast at home. Furthermore, Zhou Qiang also went out long ago because he had matters at his company. Ke Tur was readying herself to pick back up her acting career. As for Zhou Xueli, he once again got up late.

He always liked to sleep in in the morning. Adding the fact that he went to sleep late, by the time he woke up, it was already past the class time.

He ate his breakfast hurriedly before going to the car and rushing to the university.

In the end, Zhou Xueli still missed his first lesson, and it just happened that the teacher called roll. After Zhou Xueli learned about it, he could only sigh because this teacher usually paid attention to performance. If one wasn’t present during the roll call, then he would be really severe when correcting the tests.

The key point was that this teacher was the final examiner for specializations during sophomore years. If he didn’t agree, then even if one had chosen their favorite department, if there were a lot of people choosing it, then those who were not present during roll call would be the first to be eliminated.

He promised his father that he wouldn’t contact Wen Chan again, but he couldn’t resist thinking about her, especially her gentle and soft as water appearance that always made his heart itch.

He needed to find a mobile phone to discuss with Wen Chan first. After all, he didn’t want to hide from Wen Chan. If it was possible, he wanted for them to come into agreement that they would date after graduating.

While Zhou Xueli was thinking about how to continue his love affair with Wen Chan, the request for a short video competition made by Zhou Xu had been accepted.

In the morning, Zhou Xu came to the school really early and after arriving he waited in front of the principal’s office. Perhaps there was really a tacit understanding between their hearts because that day, Nie Yuantong also came earlier to school.

In the vast and empty corridor, amidst the soft morning light, Zhou Xu leaned against the window sill, one hand in his pocket. After seeing Nie Yuantong, he used the hand that was in his pocket to lift himself from the window ledge. In response to Nie Yuantong’s hand wave, Zhou Xu said with a clear and soft voice, “Good morning, Principal.”

Nie Yuantong confirmed once again, he really liked this person. His increased heartbeat already sold him out.

Advancing some steps, he turned his head around, confirming there was nobody in the corridor before pulling Zhou Xu into his arms, tightly embracing him.

Being held by Nie Yuantong, Zhou Xu was very comfortable. He liked this familiar embrace, it made him feel very secure, very at ease.

“Principal, when you have enough, what do you think about going into your office?”

Being held, Zhou Xu said this for the sake of saving Nie Yuantong’s face as the principal. Nie Yuantong’s indescribable place was already hard, if he was seen like this by the students, they would be disillusioned. After all, the prestige of this headmaster was actually very high among the students.


Turning his body, Nie Yuantong fished out the key to open the door and pulled Zhou Xu into his office. After entering the room, Nie Yuantong turned back to lock the door.

Zhou Xu heard that clear sound, and crossing his arms over his chest, he asked smilingly, “What kind of thing do you want to do that can’t be seen? You still have to lock the door?”

Zhou Xu then knew what the thing that couldn’t be seen was, because Nie Yuantong picked him up and went into a small rest room in the principal office.

In the room, there was a single bed. By that time, Zhou Xu had already been pushed down onto it.

He didn’t have any time to talk, Zhou Xu’s lips were already being sealed. Nie Yuantong’s kiss came. As for what kind of flavor this kiss was, Zhou Xu thought to himself, en, it was the taste of sweet soy milk.

After finishing the kiss, Zhou Xu said to the man pressed on him, “I prefer unsweetened soy milk.”

Nie Yuantong was speechless, then he heard Zhou Xu continue talking, “However, in the future I could try adding more sugars.”

Nie Yuantong thought a little before understanding what Zhou Xu meant. He smiled and said, “Zhou Xu, I love you to death.”

Zhou Xu lifted his legs and happened to bump into Nie Yuantong’s certain place. He said, “Get up, don’t try to do this kind of animalistic thing in the morning. I really have something to discuss with you.”

Nie Yuantong’s bowed his head to look at his small tent, got up and then said without an ounce of embarrassment, “This is a human’s natural instinct, not animalistic at all.”

“En, you make sense.”

“You bully me too much. Right, what’s the matter?”

Nie Yuantong sat down in the chair of the office. Zhou Xu rearranged his clothes, then went out of the resting room to stand in front of Nie Yuantong.

Zhou Xu gave the designed poster and prepared plans to Nie Yuantong and said, “I want to ask if you could run an event. Can you set it up?”

Nie Yuantong took the things Zhou Xu handed to him, browsing through them rapidly. Then he studied the poster designed by Zhou Xu. He finally said, “This thing, leave it to me. Even though I can’t decide it on my own, I promise you that this event can be set up.”

Smiling brightly, Zhou Xu said, “Then I thank you.”

“However, where is my reward?”

Just as Zhou Xu was about to leave, he heard Nie Yuantong say that. He looked down and when he lifted his head, his gaze was already different.

His long and narrow eyebrows were slightly bent as the tip of his tongue slid over his lips, one hand unbuttoned his collar, revealing his beautiful neckline. Zhou Xu spoke with an enticing voice, “Principal, what do you want to do to me?”

Nie Yuantong stared at Zhou Xu, his Adam’s apple went up and down for a long while. In the end, his special place that just went soft once again became hard.

Zhou Xu was very satisfied by Nie Yuantong’s response. Zhou Xu tidied up his collar and said, “In the future, there will be a lot of opportunities. Principal has to temporarily endure first.”

After he finished talking, Zhou Xu turned around, unlocked the door and left.

After Zhou Xu left, Nie Yuantong held his forehead with one hand. He laughed. He really admired Zhou Xu, he also fell deeper in love with this full-of-wildness guy.

He lowered his head to look at Zhou Xu’s project, examining it carefully.

The project was really well designed, from how to launch, how to do publicity, how to build momentum in the middle, and the late marketing were very clear. The key point was that the feasibility was very good.

If they put everything in place according to this plan, then this event could possibly raise the reputation of the school to a higher level. Also, this event really trained the students’ abilities. However, it would be a little difficult for one person to organize it. It would be better to form a group in the name of each class, in each department. They also can’t force the students to participate.

Nie Yuantong made small corrections on the plan. After confirming that there was no problem, he took it to the standing committees of the school.

Several members of the standing committees arrived. They were all shocked at seeing Nie Yuantong because this principal basically was the synonym of someone who “appeared and disappeared unpredictably like a ghost”. When he didn’t have anything to do, he would pretend to be a student to listen to classes, or disguise himself as the school’s gardener. He would even do aerobics with students who chose the PE elective. In short, using one word to describe this principal: really unreliable.

Even though this principal was not reliable, nobody could match his capability. The articles he wrote for the financial journal’s special column could not be written by anybody else. At an early age, he had already published two highly professional books. One year after the publications, it became a special course for postgraduate students.

In short, this principal was a kind of god-like person for them. The most crucial point was that his background was simply too good.

Several members of the standing Committees were very confused, but also very flattered. Nie Yuantong smiled slightly, and very respectfully started to speak, “Hello Teachers, I want to promote an event and came to ask if you have any suggestions.”

The members hurriedly sat down and asked, “What kind of event?”

Nie Yuantong gave them the proposal and answered with a smile, “A short film competition.”

After talking, Nie Yuantong looked for a chair in the corner to sit down, letting them face each other.

The members didn’t dare utter a word, they could only use their eyes to communicate, “Why did the principal sit down?”

The other member shook his head, blinked his eyes, meaning, “How do I know, let’s look at the proposal rapidly.”

In this way, the committee members that just came, under the pressure of Nie Yuantong, did not dare to delay for even a second before looking at the proposal. Furthermore, there was only one proposal, they could only open it in turns, when one person finished looking at a page, they hurriedly gave it to the next person.

After an hour, these committee members finished looking at the proposal. At that time, Nie Yuantong was still sitting leisurely in the corner of the room, imperceptibly exerting pressure onto them.

Looking at each other, the leader of the committee member spoke, “Principal Nie, this proposal is very good, we support it.”

Nie Yuantong stood up and said with a smile, “En, in that case, who will be the host, who will do the publicity, and who will be the judge? Let’s discuss it together and make a decision directly.”

What could the committee members answer, they could only nod their head. They quickly found someone to gather the school’s administration, teaching office, logistics, and other departments, and temporarily held a general meeting for the school.

During the lunch break, when Zhou Xueli went to look for Wen Chan, he saw the school’s billboard.

There was a huge poster on the billboard, there was also a small line of numbers under the poster. Zhou Xueli looked at it attentively, it was unexpectedly the date printed, and that was only two hours ago. How did Zhou Xu know about this event the day before?

T/N : A little bit of interaction between Zhou Xu and Nie Yuantong ~ Haha, even as a principal, the male lead is still OP.

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