The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 47 - Restless!

Laura was lying in her bed, crying...agonizing on the revelation that Luke is not what he claims he is! He was...Graven? Did he disguise himself as Luke just to deceive her? Why is it that he was acting like he doesn't know her at all?



He's avoiding her and trying his best to avoid meeting her gaze. He's giving her the cold shoulder and it pained her so. She was confused about why Luke was treating her this way?

Maybe because he knows that she's going to be his brother's wife soon? That is why?

But if that is the case, then she'd better tell her father that it's Graven that she wanted to marry not Cooper while the wedding hasn't taken place yet. She still has enough time to tell Sir Nicholas and Cooper about her and Graven's relationship, correcting the mistake. She would rather marry Graven, not Cooper!

She knows that their situation is complicated, she's in love with the elder brother but going to marry the other. It's a difficult situation indeed. But if a wedding will take place in three months, she's determined to marry Graven, not his younger brother!

Now that it comes to this, she will reveal the truth to Sir Nicholas, to her father, and Cooper.

After making the final decision, the knot in her stomach was gone. All she needs to do is talk to Graven and tell him that she's not going to marry his brother anymore. She's willing to follow him to the ends of the world this time.

She rose excitedly from the bed and left the bedroom without bothering to comb her hair. She needs to see Graven!

She descended the stairs and went to the back of the mansion in a hurry. She needs to talk with Graven and ask why he pretended to be Luke?

When she reached the mini-park, she went straight towards Graven's house.

Cooper arrived in the mini-park and saw Laura walking towards his brother's house. Anger was flashing in his eyes. Hmph, this woman! She just can't wait... she's just like any other woman who was smitten by his brother's charm. Laura can't wait to see his brother and will offer herself on the very first day of their meeting! Such a slutty woman!

He followed his future wife to the house.

Laura arrived at the door and knocked on it. " the door! Let's talk!" she said.

She knocked five times, yet no one bothered to open the door.

She's getting furious!

"Graven! Open the door! Please...let's talk!" she shouted.

Cooper walked towards Laura's side. "My darling wife! Fancy seeing you here outside my brother's house. Your voice is so loud, I can hear your voice even if I'm far away, please tone it down. You're so shameless! My father and your father might hear you screaming for my brother to open his door and let you inside. Hmm... isn't that weird? I'm sure our father will wonder why you're so persistent in talking to my brother. Indeed, my darling wife, why? Care to answer my question?" he said in a mocking tone.

Laura released a deep sigh and faced him. "Is it a crime to talk to you brother?" she said.

Cooper shook his head. "Not really...but the way I see are shameless to knock on my brother's door demanding to see him. Today is the first time you see my brother, yet, you demand to talk to him. I don't get it!" he said, shaking his head. "Why are you in a hurry to see my brother? Does his devilish appeal so irresistible - that you wanted to see him right away?" he looked at her with contempt in his eyes.

She refused to lower herself to his level and chose to stay silent.

"Shameless woman!" Cooper muttered to himself.

Laura heard his words, but she's beyond caring now.

"To spare you the trouble, I want to inform you that my brother left after talking to my father. He won't be returning anytime soon. He told me that he will return on the day of our wedding. So, if you have some romantic notion towards my devilishly handsome brother, you'd better forget it. He even told me that you are not his type. Stop fantasizing about him!" he said.

Laura closed her eyes for a minute, trying to calm her nerves. She can't tell Cooper the reason why she's acting this way. She needs to see Luke first and talk to him. Since Luke is already gone, she might as well go back to her room. She's still not feeling well after Luke ignored her. "I'm leaving..." she said calmly and walked away from him.

Cooper watched Laura walked away from the mini-park. He can't believe that she would be like those other women in the past who would drop on their knees just to catch his brother's attention. But regardless of how shameless Laura behaved today, he still willing to marry her.

He left the park and strolled on the path leading back to the mansion.


Laura arrived in her bedroom, facing back and forth on the floor.

She's feeling restless!

She can't believe that this day would turn out to be shocking and perplexing!

The mystery of Graven and Luke shook her to the core. Are they the same person or not? But when it comes to physical form, they are so alike! The only big difference is the voice, they don't have the same voice!

Graven has a smoky voice, in a sexually and attractive mysterious way, but a bit cold as well. While Luke has a soft voice, gentle and romantic. How could the same person have different voices?

She gripped her head with her hands, She's having a headache right now, feeling tortured, thinking about the big mystery-nonstop! If only Graven didn't leave abruptly, she would have known the truth already.

If she only knew that Graven would leave after lunch, she would rush to his house. She was expecting that he would stay for one day at least. Dang! She was wrong!

Now she has to wait for three months before she will see him again? That's a bit too long for her liking! She has no idea how to survive three months, agonizing about Graven's real identity. She will go crazy if she can't find the truth soon!

She must find a way how to contact him or talk to him even outside the mansion. She's willing to stalk him outside, just to uncover the truth!

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