The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 51: You are Natsume Yang

Chapter 51: You are Natsume Yang

Natsume Yang, after beating my young master Hinata Setsuna like that, do you just want to walk away like this?

This man speaks very arrogantly. As the largest family in Konoha, he does have this capital, but it depends on who he is showing off to.

People like Natsume Yang never do this.

"If you have any dissatisfaction, feel free to ask Hokage-sama to respond. I believe Hokage-sama will make his own decision. Before that, please get out of the way!"

If this person was his enemy, he could kill him in just three moves.

"You...!" After being brushed off by Natsume Yang, the hair on the Hyuga guard's body suddenly stood up, as if he was being targeted by a ferocious beast. The huge pressure and sense of crisis made him dare not do anything at all. move.

It wasnt until Natsume Yang walked away that he felt that his body belonged to him again.

On the street!

You just provoked the Hyuga clan, are you really going to be fine?

Wada Chiba asked worriedly, her mind was completely lost in shopping.

"Don't worry, Hinata Setsuna is provocative. Those ANBU are not just freeloaders. Lord Hokage understands the origin of the matter and will never take sides!"

Natsume Yang didn't take this matter seriously at all, he had already shown his value.

Judging from his own potential, as long as Sandai is not a fool, he cannot be too harsh on himself, because he has value to him.

"Well, I hope everything will be as you said!" Before the final result was reached, she could only comfort herself like this.

In fact, the third generation's idea is exactly what Natsume Yang thought, each playing eighty games, and no one is wrong.

Hinata Setsuna was provocative and struck first, and also had the idea of seriously injuring Natsume Yo, but Natsume Yo just passively fought back, but his shot was too heavy.

Although the head of the Hyuga clan was a little unhappy, there was nothing he could do. After all, the third generation had already issued the verdict. If they continued to act recklessly, the third generation would not be lenient.

However, Natsume Yang will not know that the third generation of the Hyuga clan has helped him settle the matter, and the Hyuga clan will not cause trouble for him even if they are unhappy with him. But the grudge between him and the Uchiha clan must be resolved by himself.

The time he taught Uchiha Yusuke a lesson, the soul-controlling curse he had placed on Uchiha Yusuke was still discovered. Not only that, but the soul-controlling curse on Uchiha Junji was also discovered.

How could the proud Uchiha clan tolerate such a thing? They came directly to Natsume Yang.

However, Natsume Yang did not know for the time being that the Uchiha clan had come looking for him.

The bustling scene on the street soon made Chiba Wada forget her worries just now, and she was completely immersed in the joy of shopping.

Two hours later.

You must be Natsume Yang!

Natsume Yang and the two were happily shopping when they were stopped by a member of the Uchiha clan.

This is a man with a gloomy face and a slightly dignified face. He is about thirty-five years old. He seems to be printed from the same mold as Uchiha Junyi. He looks at Natsume Yang with an unkind look on his face.

Even if he didn't look at Uchiha Shuniu, who was gnashing his teeth but terrified beside him, Natsume Yo knew who this was.

You should be Uchiha Junyis father. First time we meet, my name is Natsume Yang!

Xia Muyang stretched out his right hand towards him, with a smile on his face, as if he was holding a pearl of wisdom.

With the soul-controlling spell on Uchiha Junyi, he was not afraid of this person messing around.

"My name is Uchiha. Boy, if you are wise, I advise you to quickly remove the curse seal on my son. I can write it off as if it never happened."

"You have to understand that in front of Uchiha, you are just a little civilian. It is too easy for us to kill you, just like killing an ant!"

Uchiha leaders are worthy of being Uchiha people. They are born with arrogance and arrogance.

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