The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 221: Then it's you who decides

Chapter 221: Then it's you who decides

Me? There should be many elites in ANBU, why did they choose me!

Xia Muyang lowered his head and breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be just this matter. Fortunately, it was not something he was worried about.

"Haha, it's rare for you to pretend to be confused. Could it be that you don't know why you were chosen?" Sandai suddenly smiled, his eyes full of shrewd smiles.

Well, maybe its because of my reputation as Konoha Hanguang, Third Generation-sama!

Seeing that his cleverness was exposed, Xia Muyang couldn't help but shrugged, spread his hands and said helplessly.

Haha, okay, then its decided. If you dont object, then get ready and gather at the Hokage Building at seven oclock tomorrow morning!

The third generation has the final say, while the fourth generation is like a puppet, more of a decoration.

Well, I didnt want to agree at first, but since the third generation of adults have spoken in person, how dare I not agree?

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave first, and I'll go get ready first!" Natsume Yang looked up at Sandai with a sincere expression.

Well, lets go!

The third generation nodded with a kind face.

"Now, I have really joined the Fourth Hokage's camp! From now on, I am a member of the Fourth Hokage!"

After Natsume Yang left, he said in his heart.

"Minato, you have to put some thought into this Natsume Yang. Although he looks amiable, he has a violent heart. If he can control it, he is indeed a powerful assistant, and he is also a person who can do things!"

"But similarly, if you can't control it, bad things may happen. With his strength, he will definitely bring certain losses to Konoha!"

After Natsume Yang left, Sandai's face suddenly calmed down and he said.

"Yes, this does require attention. However, I choose to trust him, just like he trusts me. During the time I worked with him, I can feel that he is a very responsible and overall-oriented person! "

"As long as his bottom line is not touched, he should be quite willing to protect Konoha and have a strong sense of identification with Konoha! Having a powerful person like him in Konoha can also make the four forces fearful!"

Minato Namikaze can sit on the position of Hokage, of course, it is not as sunny as it seems.

Haha, okay, since you think so, then go ahead and do it boldly. Im just observing whats going on, and youve actually worked with him, so you have the most say!

Hearing this, the third generation couldn't help but smile, patted Namikaze Minato on the shoulder, and left.

Natsume Yangs residence!

Are you going with Kakashi and the others? Its quite interesting!

Natsume Yang couldn't help but smile as she soaked in the hot spring.




At this moment, the door of Xia Muyang's house suddenly rang, which made Xia Muyang a little confused as to who would come at this time.


Natsume Yang put on his clothes and opened the door.

Congratulations, you can go to the Country of Grass to broaden your horizons with the Fourth Generation Master!

When I saw Kanyue Qianxia dressed in a rich dress, with her hands behind her back and an innocent smile on her face, people couldn't help but feel a little fond of her.

"Thank you, is there anything else? The medicine pack you sent last time worked very well!" Xia Muyang said, neither salty nor bland.

I came all the way to congratulate you, but you cant bear to see me standing outside the door without even giving me a sip of water?

Kan Yue Qianxia tilted her head, with a playful smile on her face.

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