The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 495: 297: Mandated by Heaven, Blessed with Eternal Prosperity

“I, Cheng Ping, hereby offer this sacrifice to the heavens, the Earth, the mountains and rivers, the sun, moon, and stars:

Since the end of the Qi Dynasty, the Human Ways are in decline, demons rampage unchecked, and the common people suffer inexpressibly. I, Cheng Ping, am acting on the mandate of Heaven to eliminate the evil demons and the great monsters in the South-North.

Today on Golden Light Mountain, I set up an altar to offer a sacrifice to Heaven and Earth, establishing a great nation named Da Qian, with the era name of Jingtai!”

A deep yet resolute voice resonates between the mountains and rivers. As the last word falls, from the sky, five-colored auspicious clouds hover, dyeing the floating clouds. Golden light shines, illuminating miles around, and the faint sound of dragon chants echoes from heaven and earth.

This moment impresses those standing around the Altar of Heaven, including scholars, warriors, and the ordinary public who came to watch, instilling awe within them as they all cheer in unison.

Although the mixed crowd includes many martial artists and cultivators, the awe in their eyes is much deeper than those of the ignorant commoners.

They certainly understand that the so-called divine mandate uttered by the teenage emperor standing on the altar, wearing a yellow robe, and reciting the sacrificial text, is meant to deceive the commoners who don’t understand anything. As for the phenomenon in the sky, it is designed by the cultivators.

However, precisely because of this, even those who hold disdain in their hearts can’t help but feel dissatisfied. Yet none of them dares to make even the slightest move, for who could provoke a cultivator capable of such an impressive display?

In less than a year, anyone who asked around would know that the Ghost Soul Sect of the Human Immortal Way has nearly emptied its nest on the orders of its elders, to exterminate the demons.

Even though information may not be entirely accurate, people can deduce a shocking fact from the news gathered from all directions. There have been over twenty demon kings killed by the Ghost Soul Sect, including the pinnacle demon kings.

These demon kings that were merely passing by for a meal, soon after entering this territory, met their doom one after another. It is rumored that none of the targeted demon kings survived. The news only got out because the battles were so fierce that mountains collapsed, and rivers changed course.

Such large-scale battles naturally didn’t lack witnesses, and precisely because of this, when the news spread, this terrain, initially a playground for demons, quickly became a forbidden zone for them.

Large numbers of monsters fled in droves. In less than a year, the glorious age of demons came to a spectacularly rapid end.

Once the influence of these demons and ghosts was removed, what should have happened was that the various powers within this region would step forward to compete. The victor would unify the fragmented land of the Qi Country.

However, a young man not yet twenty years old, with terrifying speed bordering on irrationality, swiftly unified the whole of Qi country. As for the original forces, each claiming to be king, they either submitted to this young man or were killed.

Those stubborn enough to resist him were struck down within a day. The forces they painstakingly built naturally crumbled, and everything was seized by this monstrous young man.

Now, any slightly informed cultivator knows that behind this seemingly weak sovereign youth are the Ghost Soul Sect and three Human Immortals.

Even though this young man can seem like a monkey dressed in a yellow robe, occasionally revealing an expression of helplessness and confusion, no one dares to underestimate him, at least not publicly.

“Master, is this really a good idea?”

In mid-air, watching the young man on the Altar of Heaven reciting the sacrificial text, Sen Miao turned to look at Feng Qing’an, who was playing with a cat.

“What’s bad about it?”

Feng Qing’an glanced at the young emperor below. A boy his age, without sufficient power, forcibly placed in such a position felt like a farce.

“Cheng Ping is just an ordinary teenager. Though he has awakened a unique bloodline, his current abilities are insufficient to sit in the present position,” replied the Qilin Beast, who had been looking after the boy for quite some time under Feng Qing’an’s order, also suppressing the demonic temperament from his bloodline.

She had witnessed the boy’s growth, much more so than Feng Qing’an, and knew him and his abilities well. He was undoubtedly more intelligent and studious than ordinary people, but to push him to the position of a founding monarch was simply asking too much.

If virtue does not match position, disaster would ensue.

Having observed the boy growing up, Sen Miao was not devoid of sentiment. She wishes that the boy, who had endured a tragic childhood and overcome many hardships during his growth, could have a good life and be able to experience some of life’s sweetness.

But now, with the boy being pushed into such a position, Sen Miao didn’t want to imagine what he would face in the future. He would acquire many things and would never have to worry about food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, but he was bound to lose much more. He might never again hear a word of truth.

“If I said he could, then he can,” replied Feng Qing’an dismissively to Sen Miao’s statement. He, of course, knew that Cheng Ping’s ability was not enough to be a founding monarch, but he was not willing to spend much time waiting for the boy to grow up.

Certainly, what’s truly important is that in these times of human chaos and ruin, only by rebuilding the order can one root out the demon problems. It is useless to rely solely on him, using means to drive a group of cultivators to slaughter demon kings and monsters.

A considerable number of demons came from thousands or even tens of thousands of miles away after hearing that the Human World Dynasty had fallen. But those who rushed over possessed extraordinary demonic powers.

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