The Runesmith

Chapter 372: Strange Rumors.

Chapter 372: Strange Rumors.

‘Who is this person, was he trying to get me to attack?’

The beautiful woman pondered, her gaze fixed on the mana contract materializing in the air. The individual standing before her was supposed to be the city's Knight Commander, who had come to discuss important matters. Hidden beneath her disguise as one of the brothel owners in this growing city, she was actually the Master of the Thieves Guild. She was caught up in these negotiations by unfortunate circumstances.

There were other Madams similar to her, each with their own brothels, under the watchful eye of Madam Natasha, who remained oblivious to the true identity of the woman before her. In order to safeguard her secret, the woman had reluctantly agreed to host the meeting at the brothel she oversaw. This establishment held a unique reputation, as its fox girls possessed an innate allure that drove men wild. Their passive scent was an actual racial skill that had a mesmerizing effect. It likely contributed to the decision to select this particular venue as the meeting place.

She went by the alias Isis, and it was imperative for her to maintain that facade. Without giving it much thought, she allowed the situation to unfold. Even the implicit expectation to please this man didn't faze her, for she possessed her own methods of accomplishing things.

Her magic was formidable, allowing her to grant men pleasant dreams without having to engage in physical intimacy herself. This had always been her preferred approach, and she intended to employ it once again. It was fortunate that circumstances aligned in her favor, as once she ensnared the man with her spell, it would persist as a safeguard for potential future events.

The man’s level wasn’t all that high but he was able to defeat a rising Knight Commander that she had gathered information on. To her knowledge, the man named Wayland was a tricky one. His true class remained somewhat elusive, as he often presented himself as a Runic Mage during his adventures. However, his actual profession was that of a Master Runesmith, and his skill had been verified by numerous individuals within the city.

His origins remained a mystery, as he had seemingly materialized in the city, possibly assuming a false identity much like her own. She possessed ample expertise in the realm of concealed personas, and this man's behavior raised several concerns. This unexpected encounter presented an opportunity for her to extract valuable information from him, but unfortunately, things took an unfavorable turn.

“I hope that we can start over now, Guild Master?”

Her true identity had been exposed, leaving them in a precarious situation. The authenticity of the mage contract left no room for doubt, and she possessed enough knowledge to confirm its legitimacy. Although this person wasn't affiliated with the group pursuing her, she couldn't afford to let her guard down. He held knowledge of her true name, and she remained uncertain about whom he might disclose this information to. The utmost priority now was to ensure that he would never reveal this secret to anyone else.

“Start over? You have me at a big disadvantage Knight Commander, if you wish for us to start over, you’ll have to guarantee me something.”

“Your name? I assume that my word won’t be enough?”

“You assume correctly.”

“A contract then? But what will you give me for it? I only know your name, nothing besides it, and care not for who you are or what you do in the city as long as you follow the rules.”

“What do you care for then, Sir Wayland, was it? If that’s your actual name…”

She subtly infused a touch of venom into their interaction, aiming to provoke his curiosity and prompt him to consider the plausibility of her possessing additional knowledge. Her large eyes remained fixed on him, searching for any indication that would validate her assertion. Though his face remained hidden beneath a complete suit of armor, she detected subtle cues. A slight crossing of his arms, positioning himself defensively, and a brief pause to regain composure. All these subtle signs hinted at the possibility she had suggested.

“Please don’t change the subject. You probably know why I am here already, as long as you cooperate then your secret is safe with me.”

“Just like you mentioned before Sir ‘Wayland’, how can I believe in just words? What will keep you from telling others of what you have discovered here?”

She replied while taking her pipe from the side. The man followed her hand as if she was reaching for a dagger instead. After inhaling she released a puff of smoke, the ingredients inside alleviating some of the stress that she was feeling now. She was at a large disadvantage here, killing the man would fix the problem but doing it here was out of the question. Perhaps after they were done chatting, she could follow after and decide on his fate there.

‘If I kill a Valerian Knight they might swarm this place and I will have to leave this city…’

Hanako had no desire to begin anew, as reaching this secluded region had already proven to be a tremendous ordeal. The position she currently held was not acquired through fair means, as the previous guild master had to be ousted. Seizing the opportunity, she had chosen to seek refuge here until the opportune moment arose for her next move. Presently, it was crucial for her to stay put and further augment her power. The adversaries in pursuit of her were formidable, and starting from scratch would entail a setback of multiple years.

“I know that my word doesn’t mean anything but I’m sure we can make a deal, I won’t reveal your name and in return, you’ll help me with a few things.”

“A few things? Do you want me to become your slave?”

Her eyebrow arched skeptically as she scrutinized the motives of the man before her. His words held multiple interpretations, and based on her past experiences, this usually indicated an imbalanced transaction.

“What? Nothing of the sort? I don’t want any slaves, it would be more of a partnership. You might not believe me but I really don’t care about your origin.”

She knew she couldn't trust him entirely, but perhaps there was a way to turn this situation to her advantage. She took another puff from her pipe, the smoke swirling around her as she formulated her response.

"Very well, Sir Wayland,"

She said, exhaling a plume of fragrant smoke.

"I am willing to entertain this partnership you propose. But understand this, I won't be manipulated or used as a pawn in your game."

Wayland's hidden face remained stoic, but she could sense his curiosity and a hint of surprise at her response. It was clear he hadn't expected her to be so willing to negotiate.

"What do you want from me? Do you need someone dead? Or does your lord require more coin?"

"None of that sort. My only desire is to make this city safer and enable its prosperity. Individuals like Ivor cannot be allowed to retain positions of power."

“Is that all? What’s the catch?”

Hanako responded while confused, was this person an actual chivalrous knight? She had expected him to demand money or resources from her, but his request took her by surprise. He wanted her help in making the city safer by removing troublemakers like Ivor and Kabir from the streets. She searched for any hidden motives behind his words as she did not believe that he was doing everything out of the goodness of his heart.

Although his initial intentions appeared pure, there was an underlying theme of authority. By taking control and eliminating the criminal lords within the city, they aimed to diminish the influence of the thieves guild. This posed a potential threat to her organization, which relied on more underhanded methods and thus they could lose a significant amount of gold in such a transaction.

However, it wasn't all negative. With a safer city, individuals with deep pockets would be drawn to it, including the pleasure district. The gambling dens and brothels didn't need to resort to violence to generate profits. If everything went according to plan, the guild could actually thrive without putting themselves in any danger.

After a moment of contemplation, Hanako decided to take a calculated risk. She would agree to join forces with Wayland, but under her terms. She needed to ensure that her secret remained safe and that her organization would not be compromised.

"I am willing to assist you in your mission to make the city safer if that is your true aim."

Hanako finally replied, her voice steady and confident.

"However, I have certain conditions that must be met."

Wayland's hidden face remained unmoving, but she could sense his curiosity growing.

"What are your conditions?"

"Firstly, I cannot afford to have my name exposed, so we will sign a contract. Which I have already prepared beforehand…”

The man in the armor was visibly startled by the claim, causing him to jolt slightly. Hanako had anticipated various concerns beforehand, and the possibility of her name being revealed had definitely crossed her mind. In this world, the only means of safeguarding secrets was through binding contracts, and she had already composed one that would prohibit anyone from speaking out against her. She had several versions of the contract prepared and securely stored in her lockbox. All that remained was to have the knight sign it before his departure; otherwise, she would have to reconsider the option of assassination or making a hasty escape.

"Secondly, any actions we take must be done discreetly. I cannot have my activities brought to light or jeopardized in any way. We must work together covertly, ensuring that our actions are undetectable."

“I agree that discretion is our priority but could you go back to the first point, you have prepared a contract?”

“Yes? A lady needs to be prepared for every occasion, even for snooping Knights like you Sir Wayland.”

She smiled in a devilish manner while exhaling some more smoke. The man had clearly not expected her to be so prepared and had underestimated her. However, he couldn't deny the logic behind her conditions. If they were to work together, it was crucial that the conditions were kept.

"Very well, Guild Master. I agree to your conditions."

Wayland finally replied, his voice carrying a note of resignation.

"But I will need to review the contract before signing it."

Hanako nodded, her smile widening. She reached into the folds of her kimono and pulled out a lone key that had obvious magical symbols etched into them. She couldn’t help to notice that the man had probably identified the use for this item that only worked on the lockbox that was in a secret room leading out. To get the contract here she would need to leave for a moment which could perhaps be seen as an escape attempt.

“Now don’t run away, I’ll be back in just a minute.”

“I see, take your time, I’ll be here.”

She gave the man a wink and disappeared behind a set of drapes that led to a side room. These bed chambers led directly to a secret passage that had her true accommodations. There she had the contracts along with all sorts of different goodies that could help her with this situation. The key she presented was a bit of a test to see if he would prod for more information. If the man decided to move from his seat to examine the inside of the side room then she would know that he could not be trusted…

"This contract is... thorough."

Roland stated, his voice betraying a hint of surprise.

"You've covered every possible scenario and loophole…"

Hanako's smile widened and her eyes glinted with satisfaction. It was clear that she had spent countless hours perfecting the writing of these parchments he went through. They not only safeguarded her interests but also ensured the confidentiality of her secret. There was no space for ambiguity or miscommunication, it was a rock-solid contract designed to withstand the test of time.

“However… I’m not sure I can accept some of these terms, more than a partnership this looks like a death sentence…”

With his exceptional mental prowess, he was able to skim through the fine print swiftly. The curse of decay he had incorporated into Arthur's contract seemed mild compared to what the woman demanded to be included. If he didn't make some amendments to certain clauses, he would be heading toward his inevitable demise. As it currently stood, he felt indifferent towards the woman. While she was strong and potentially a valuable ally, the thought of destroying this place and facing a horde of assassins seemed safer than signing this document.

"Weren't you the one who initiated this discussion about vows and contracts, my dear?Will a Valerian Knight go back on his word now? I thought it was against your vow of chivalry?”

Roland had the urge to swiftly counter by clarifying that he wasn't truly a knight and therefore not bound by any oath. However, he wisely chose to remain silent, as his true identity was still concealed. Everything was going smoothly, and he had no desire to entangle himself in his family's old affairs. Having finally achieved success on his own terms, he couldn't help but suspect that they might suddenly seek to exploit him for their own benefit if his identity of a Knight Commander was made public.

“That is true… How about I make a few corrections before we continue…”

As he delved into yet another contract, he found himself investing a considerable amount of time. Despite his extensive knowledge of drafting paperwork, this woman proved to be a formidable adversary. It became increasingly apparent that she had meticulously considered every aspect, quite possibly even more thoroughly than he had. The passage of time was so large that it drew in the people waiting outside which brought on a misunderstanding.

“What are they doing in there, it has been four hours already… Does the man have infinite stamina? Will Isis be alright…”

Natasha whispered over to Viper that along with two other people were standing before Madam Isis’ bed chambers. No sound could be heard as some type of silence enchantment had been activated. Everyone expected the magical knight to be the perpetrator of the spell and was unsure of the safety of the member of their guild.

"Could he be one of those peculiar individuals?"

Viper voiced his opinion while pondering the issue. Madam Natasha didn’t like the sound of it and quickly asked for clarification.

“One of those?”

“You know, the tortuous kind?”

“Torture? No, this won’t do… We just got rid of that bastard Ivor, we don’t need to exchange one for another. Viper…”

“Really? Do I have to?”

Natasha narrowed her eyes at the snaked-faced man who gave out a sigh and stepped forward. In both of his sleeves, he was hiding his daggers, ready to skewer whenever it was necessary. After knocking a few times on the door they waited and soon to everyone’s surprise Isis popped her head out.

“Oh my, if it isn’t the Madam and Mr. Viper.”

“Isis, are you alright?”

“Ohoho, I’m doing just fine… but this might take a while… you mustn’t worry about me! But perhaps you should turn in for the night, this might take until the sun rises again. Now I must return, can’t keep the Commander waiting.”

“Is that so… Then continue…”

Isis smiled while chuckling and quickly slammed the door behind her. Natasha along with the others tried to peek inside. When they did they spotted a little bit of the Commander who for some reason was still wearing his armor. Natasha slowly looked at Viper who just shrugged his shoulders and walked back.

“Does he like to keep his armor on or something? I felt that he wasn’t ordinary…”

“As long as he isn’t slicing up the girls, then It should be fine, right?”

“I guess so…”

Following this unexpected encounter, a rumor began to circulate within these social circles. Unbeknownst to Roland, he had acquired the moniker of the Armored Stallion. Just as Isis proclaimed, their rendezvous had extended well into the morning and beyond. As the Knight eventually bid farewell, both he and his companion displayed evident signs of fatigue.

Thus concluded the visit of the Knight Commander, who had been unable to engage in a conversation with the Madam before his departure. The following day, they agreed to converse at a different venue and to have a strictly business-oriented discussion. With the sole intention of resolving their issues and moving past this conflict.

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