The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 149 Not you too, love.

Chapter 149 Not you too, love.

"So, you see -- "

"Ay ay! Get off, we've arrived!" Before Elliot Gong could finish his another defamation towards Ethan Lu, he interrupted him midway through his gritted teeth.

Fortunately, Ethan Lu prioritized his driving as his beloved future wife was on board. Hence, he was extra mindful of his driving and didn't let his irritation control him. Still, he already planned how would he get his revenge in the future.

After all, Ethan Lu received several huge blows because Elliot Gong exposed his odd habits and embarrassing moments to Lexi.

On the other hand, Lexi kept on giggling as she listened to Elliot Gong's stories and how he tainted the 'clean' reputation of Ethan Lu. Regardless, she didn't find it disgusting rather, she found it hilarious and sees him in a new light. Whether Elliot Gong was purposely trying to break whatever connection she had with Ethan Lu, it was all for naught. To her, what's important is the present and not their past, right?

"Huh? For your information, me and Lexi should be on a DATE. Why did you drive me home?" Emphasizing the word 'date', Elliot Gong remained in his spot as he cast Ethan Lu a disdainful gaze.

"Date?! Oi, don't get silly thoughts -- it's a FRIENDLY date and it ends now." Stressing the word 'friendly date', Ethan Lu turned his head on the back seat as he returned a disgusted look to his friend.

"It's fine, I think we had a great time." Slightly shaking her head, Lexi reassured.

She didn't realize it until now that she became comfortable with Elliot Gong through out the course of their long drive. Perhaps, it was the fact that gossiping nonstop about Ethan Lu — Lexi and Elliot Gong had something to talk about.

Thinking that if only she and Elliot Gong's stick with their plan to drive her home alone, she was certain that the outcome wasn't as successful as this. Hence, before both friends start arguing, she stopped them.

"See?" With a triumphant smirk, Ethan Lu cast his friend the last mocking gaze before he repositioned on his seat. By then, Lexi used the opportunity to turn her head to see Elliot Gong's displeased expression.

"It was fun talking with you." Lexi meekly smiled as she slightly nodded.

"I'm telling you this Lexi Yang as your colleague, be careful with that guy." Giving her the last warning, Elliot Gong then exited the car with a dissatisfied expression plastered across his face.

He already did everything for her to be turned off with Ethan Lu but to no avail, she found rather it silly! Even when he said his friend couldn't even remember all the girls he had dated in the past, Lexi only chuckled in return.

Therefore, Elliot Gong was worried and disapproved about their set-up. It was not because he didn't want his friend to be happy but for god sake, Lexi had undergone traumatizing experience! What if Ethan Lu suddenly got tired and leave her? Not only he'd hurt her but Morris Liu would surely kill him!

Indeed, Elliot Gong was more concerned about their brotherhood being severed because of it. Knowing the admirable Morris Liu, even though he gave up on his feelings towards her, and decided to watch her from afar, still, he wouldn't let another man hurt her the same way he did; and Ethan Lu had the ability to do that!

"Tsk, This is a problem." He murmured as he strode towards his villa.

When Elliot Gong left the car, Ethan Lu could finally heave a sigh of relief. "Finally, that guy… how dare he slander me in front of you."

"Slander? In my opinion, he was just telling the truth." Chuckling, Lexi teased as she lightly shook her head.

"Uhh, not you too love!" Defeated, Ethan Lu softly slammed his forehead to the steering wheel while both his hands held onto it.

"It doesn't matter anyway…" Rolling her eyes by his action, Lexi murmured.

Fortunately, the inside of the car was silent enough so Ethan Lu clearly heard her last remarks. Stopping from what he was doing, Ethan Lu turned his sparkling eyes to his side.


"It's not that I don't know about it anyway." Nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders, Lexi turned her eyes away from him and look at the window.

Recalling his confession, Ethan Lu admitted all his flaws and warned her that he might hurt her one way or another, whether it was unintentional or not, thus, Lexi kept that in mind.

Furthermore, it's not like they were on that level yet as she was still unsure of her feelings for him.

"Hehe~" Letting out a faint giggle, Ethan Lu began to drive again and this time, they headed to the Yang Mansion.

Although he wanted to date her, however, knowing that she needed rest, Ethan Lu could wait until tomorrow.


It only took them an hour before they arrived at the Yang Mansion. Hitching out, Lexi asked the guard to call a maid to carry her bags which was immediately acted in accordance.

"Don't forget our date tomorrow," Resting his chin over the top of his car, Ethan Lu gently smiled at her.

"Hmmm?" Furrowing her brows, Lexi tilted her head to the side seeing that Ethan Lu wasn't inviting himself inside their house like he always does. Yet, Ethan Lu misunderstood her gesture as he thought she forgot about it.

"We agreed, right? Tomorrow, you and me on a date?" Explaining their schedule for tomorrow, Ethan Lu raised his brows as he looked at her with puppy eyes.

"I know. Aren't you going inside? It's almost dinner. I know Mom would be delighted to see you. They haven't seen you for a month." She rolled her eyes upon knowing they were not on the same page. Also, Lexi knew that driving for a couple of hours straight was tiring thus, it would be impolite not to invite him over dinner.

'I was here yesterday and even got their permission.' Answering in a matter of factly tone inwardly, still, Ethan Lu grinned that showed his even white teeth. Well, how could he let spending more time with her slip? Hence, he accepted her invitation almost immediately.

"Hehe, sure!"


Upon entering the Yang Mansion, as usual, Lillian Yang welcomed them warmly. After all, it has been days when Lexi went to film and she knew that she would be coming home today. That is why she prepared a lot of dishes for her. However, seeing that Ethan Lu was with her, she was mildly surprised but recovered the next second.

"Lexi! Ethan!"

"Mom," Lexi courtly bowed her head before she gave her mother a warm hug. When she let go, he saw Ethan Lu spread his arms.

"Mom!" He greeted which made her arched her brows. Did she hear what she heard? Did he just address her mother, 'mom' as well?

"Oh, Ethan, Did you picked my daughter up? You must be tired." To Lexi's surprise, her mother chuckled and seemed she wasn't as surprised as her when Ethan called her 'Mom'.

Lillian Yang added, "Did you eat the snacks I gave you yesterday?"

"He was here yesterday?" After hearing another bomb from her mother, Lexi shouldn't be surprised about it, knowing Ethan Lu. Yet she was still taken aback.

"Yes, Mom! I was eating them until last night, thank you~" Like a happy kiddo, Ethan Lu seemed he melted recalling the taste of the snacks Lillian Yang gave her which made Lexi's brows twitched.

"Oh, oh, Mr. Main task seemed he got everything under control~!" Admiring his diligence, Churu somehow guessed why Ethan Lu went to meet the yang parents which made her satisfied with his progress.

"Oh dear, let me set the table first -- I'll fill you about the details later." Lillian Yang heartily chuckled with the back of her hand covering her lips seeing her daughter's expression. Before she left, Lillian Yang gave Ethan Lu a knowing wink that made him grinned.

On the other hand, Lexi's whole face twitched unfolding this before her eyes. 'Are they conspiring behind my back?' She thought inwardly as she felt that Ethan Lu must have run his mouth to her parents.

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