The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 163: The Reality of the City of Waters 1

Chapter 163: The Reality of the City of Waters 1

Hours passed, and by this time, the sun had already risen over the horizon, while the City of Waters was slowly beginning another day.

The city had a different movement of places with its population. After all, there was a port in this city. And with that, some regions of the interior of the Kingdom Cromwell sent their resources here, from where sea routes could send them to their respective destinations.

Therefore, the city had an unusual movement for its size.

The sound of the ships could be heard from time to time, as several people came and went from the port, with many cargo carriages coming overland.

This was a city where there was a transition from one mode of transport to another, so there was movement throughout the day.

Anyway, the City of Waters started its day with a lot of movement, as the people there began to wake up and go to do their respective services.

For Minos and his group, they had already woken up and were having their rich breakfast.

"I've never seen so many carriages before!" Alison spoke to Lee while holding a toast in one of her hands, watching from the window the movement of the street in front of the hotel where they were.

The young Lee then replied, making hand gestures. "Me too, but look, you can see the ships if you look in this direction!"

At the same time, when the two watched the city's movement through the window of the room where they were, Minos got up and prepared to leave when he said. "Come on, time to try to make an appointment with the local governor."

After saying this, the group quickly hurried to leave the hotel, following in the footsteps of the young Stuart.

They were in a hotel in the western part of the City of Waters and had to go to the central part of this town, where the local government mansion was located.

And it was not such a short way there. After all, this city was quite different from the Dry City.

While the Dry City had a population not so much smaller than that of the city they were in, the built area was very different. The town of Minos had been concentrated in a very small space since the inhabitants wanted to live under the influence of the spiritual arrays.

For this reason, the density of people per square meter in the Dry City was very high, and there were already many buildings, even if that place had only a few thousand inhabitants.

With that, if someone were thrown in the middle of the city of Minos, that person would think that he was in a big metropolis since there were really many tall buildings there.

But in the City of Waters, this was different.

This was a town that followed the model of what one would expect from a place of this pattern. There were many buildings with less than three floors, with many houses and smaller businesses.

There were only a few buildings that were more than four stories high. It was really what someone would saw in other cities of the same size in the north of the Central Continent.

Someone would certainly feel as if he were in the countryside if he came here.

Because of this, the built area of ??the City of Waters was quite large, almost four times larger than that of the Dry City.

Anyway, the group had to walk for a few minutes until they reached the central part of the town, where they were supposed to go. And while passing through the streets and avenues of this place, Minos and company were able to see a little more of life in these areas.

There were already many open restaurants, stores specializing in food, such as bakeries, small markets, etc. There was a considerable movement of people, even in the early morning.

And now and then, some groups of men from the port of the city passed from side to side, eating and drinking in the streets.

'It seems that this place truly receives many resources from other regions...' Minos thought to himself, seeing these people.

This was something very interesting. Some cities had nothing special, but due to their location, sometimes in the middle of a route or at the intersection of several paths, these places grew and developed.

People who were traveling needed services and a place to stay, so places like this developed. And over time, a place that served only as a stop, a transition, became something more, with services and a population of its own, who lived only in the region, without depending on visitors.

And that is what happened in this place, that is why it was so different from the Yellow City!

Anyway, after walking for several minutes while observing life in this place, the group of Minos finally arrived in front of a mansion.

This place was slightly larger than Minos' mansion before the renovations. But it looked much better than that in the Dry City. There were large lawns around that place, with a beautiful fountain and a stylized fence surrounding the building from other sites.

It was fascinating. The fence had sharp points at different heights, as if they were waves, while there were the same symbols every few meters.

These symbols were large orange flowers with what looked like a pin in the middle of the drawing.

This was the symbol of the Stokes family, the ruler of this city!

In addition, in this place, there was a guardhouse beside the entrance gate of this mansion, which was entirely covered by dark glass. There were also some guards around the area, patrolling and watching the movement around.

The group of Minos finally started to enter that place while being watched by the guards.

This was the local government mansion, but it was not a headquarters or the headquarters of a large family. This was a public administration building, and because of that, anybody could enter here without worrying about having a permit for this.

Just as it happened in the mansion of Minos, in the Dry City.

Finally, they walked along a stone path on the beautiful lawn of that area when they finally arrived inside the entrance hall.

The place was not that big.

There was only one reception with two young attendants, while two guards were standing by at the entrance to the place. There were also some chairs and pictures on the walls.

Minos then followed one of those girls while the rest of the group waited behind him.

One of the attendants asked with a smile on her face. "Hello visitors, welcome to the local administration. Can I know what you are looking for?"

"Hello, well, I am looking for a business with the local ruler, Miss Mirya. I believe I have a good trade offer for her..." He said without going into too much detail.

"Oh... I understand. Usually, Miss Mirya doesn't directly serve this type of visitor. We have a person responsible for the city's trade agreements. Would you like to make an appointment with him?" She asked politely.

Minos then shook his head in denial. "No, this is not going to work. This is an agreement that only a subordinate of the Stokes family could directly agree with it. I certainly need to talk to her..."

"Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to get you an appointment. After all, Miss Mirya is a high-level cultivator who spends much of her time in training." She said with an apologetic smile.

She wasn't making it difficult for Minos.

It was just that Mirya wasn't precisely an administrator. She was only here to mark territory, protecting the Stokes family's interests. For this reason, she was generally not involved in ordinary matters of public management.

"Huh..." Minos sighed for a moment and then asked. "Well, is there anyone here with the name Viola?"

"Viola?" She said in surprise. The young attendant did not expect Minos to use that name as a last resort.

"There are many people with this name in the Spiritual World. Can you go into details about it?"

"Green hair, 1.6 meters tall, well-developed, beautiful body, with an 'active' personality..." Minos began to describe what he had seen of this woman.

'Hmm, it's definitely her...' The young attendant thought to herself with a smile on her face. "Indeed, there is someone like that here. Why do you ask?"

"This woman named Viola told me that I could use her name to be able to find Miss Mirya."

'Could it be that this is another one of Miss Viola's lovers?' She thought to herself while having a slight rub on her cheeks. "Well, I will try to contact Miss Mirya. May I know what your name is, sir?"

"Minos, no last name..." He replied, with no expression on his face.

She then wrote something on paper while she said it. "OK, Mr. Minos. I will try to schedule a time for you. You can send one of your subordinates here later to find out when Miss Mirya will be able to receive you."

After that, Minos and his group left this place with the objective of taking a walk around the city and getting to know a little more about the area. After all, he had not been in the City of Waters for long when he passed here months ago.

'That young woman really helped me, huh...' He thought about it with satisfaction. He really had a bit of luck this time. Maybe that was a good sign?

Who knows...

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