The Red Hand

Chapter 62 – A Meeting with a Demon.

Chapter 62 – A Meeting with a Demon.

Agent Alexandra Nariyuki and Aoi Yukikaze drove together through the windy mountain roads Northeast of Kyoto. They were tasked by their respective governments to meet with Akagi and do what they could to garner her cooperation in the defeat of Libra. Neither had met Akagi before and while Aoi was also an FWO survivor, she'd only ever heard stories and rumors about the infamous assassin. Before they left Kyoto, the two had been briefed about the delicate situation in Japan and the growing calls for American intervention against Libra. At present, the Rapid Response Team (RRT) was down to three combat members. Superbia would be out of action for at least a week, and the remaining three were concentrated in Tokyo. Protests had erupted across the country as anger at the government's inability to handle Libra grew daily.

The U.S. wasn't in a much better position. After the attack on Yokosuka, there were calls for an intervention in Japan to deal with Libra. President Rosewood's hands were tied, and she had no choice but to pressure the Japanese government for a quick solution, lest the United States need to occupy parts of the country. Agent Nariyuki was sent as one of the few Presidential aides Rosewood trusted. Being half-Japanese also meant that she could speak to Aoi and Akagi without the need for a translator. Prior to landing in Kyoto, she'd spoken to President Rosewood and was given strict orders not to antagonize Akagi and attempt to form a good relationship with her. The CIA's debacle weeks prior had already caused a great deal of friction, and she didn't want to risk Akagi switching her agents from intel gathering to assassination.

It took about an hour to drive from Kyoto to Akagi's estate just North East of the city. It was deep in the mountains and was very much out of the way. Aoi was optimistic about their chances of securing Akagi's help, while Agent Nariyuki was much less enthusiastic. After reaching the parking lot at the bottom of the hill, the two climbed up the stairs and were met at the front gate by Yumi.

"Alexandra Nariyuki and Aoi Yukikaze I presume." Yumi looked at both women. She was wearing a slightly different outfit consisting of a green and black Hakama. This was her formal wear and something only worn for more official occasions. The two women introduced themselves and were instructed to follow Yumi to where Akagi would greet them.

{This place is incredible.} Aoi marveled at the beauty of the estate.

{They weren't lying, this place is less like a home and more like its own village.} Nariyuki scanned her eyes taking in the sights, she'd seen places like this deep in remote mountains. This wasn't her first negotiation, but she didn't like the vibes of this place.

The two were brought into the main house and were escorted into the audience room. A tatami mat sat raised at one end of the room, and the Dumetor family symbol sat behind it illuminated by candlelight.

{What is that language? I don't recognize it.} Nariyuki was knowledgeable about most cultures, but she had no idea what kind of language was written on the tapestry.

Yumi asked them to wait in front of the raised tatami and disappeared into the back, while another servant brought them tea. The two women decided to sit in seiza as this was to be a formal meeting. Around ten minutes later, the back door slid open, and Yumi appeared. She stepped to the side of the door and bowed her head as Akagi stepped out and into the audience room. She took a quick look at her two guests before sitting on the raised tatami. She was wearing the same formal outfit from the night her clan was declared, but this time she also sported a black Hanten coat over-top of it. As she took her seat, the sleeves of her coat and hakama fluttered as if moved by a strong breeze. Once she was situated, Yumi brought Akagi her favorite Kiseru pipe and lit it for her.

Akagi took a moment to inhale some of the smoke before letting it out towards the ceiling. Aoi was suprised by this mature and formalistic display that Akagi put on, while Nariyuki knew exactly what was going on.

{She's trying to show us who's in the position of power. Just like those Kongolese warlords.} She steeled herself for what was to come.

Akagi looked at the two women, her expression stern and composed. As the leader of her clan, she would take this meeting as seriously as possible since her family's reputation would be on the line.

"Welcome to my humble abode." She looked at the two women and gave a small polite bow, which they returned. "Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Akagi Dumetor, the head of the Dumetor family."

Aoi scrambled to reply, shocked at the very formal words Akagi was using. "My name is Aoi Yukikaze, though you may know me as Sugera. I represent the Rapid Response Team on behalf of the Japanese Government.” She stumbled slightly.

{It's like I'm meeting some high-level executive!} Aoi expected this to be a less formal occasion, despite Minazawa's warnings.

Nariyuki introduced herself next. "My name is Alexandra Nariyuki, and I work directly for the President of the United States as an aide and negotiator."

"Sugera, I see." Akagi took another hit from her pipe. "I do not recall if we ever met in FWO. If we have, please forgive my forgetfulness." Her words and body motions were elegant and refined.

{Just where did a twenty-year-old shut-in learn such manners and etiquette?} Nariyuki was taken aback by Akagi's level of formality, she expected some basic Japanese etiquette, but Akagi was acting as if she were a noble.

Of course, what she couldn't know, was that Akagi had picked up the Imperial nobility's sense of etiquette during her time in FWO. While it wasn't perfect, if you combined it with the preexisting Japanese nature for formality the results were incredible.

"Ah. No, I do not believe we have ever met. I only ever heard rumors about you." Aoi responded to Akagi's politeness. Akagi had worked with the assault team on a few occasions, but Aoi had never directly interacted with her.

"I see. Then, before we begin." She looked at Nariyuki. "I would like to extend my family's deepest condolences for the loss of life in Yokosuka." Akagi gave a formal bow. "It is truly senseless and regrettable that so many innocent men and women lost their lives. I will pray that they find peace in the next world."

"Thank you, your kindness is truly appreciated," Nariyuki replied.

"Now then, shall we move on to the reason the two of you have requested an audience with me?" Akagi returned her pipe to Yumi, who placed it in an ornate box.

"Yes." Aoi nodded. "I have come on behalf of the Japanese government, which requests your assistance in defeating the terrorist group known as Libra." Aoi bowed her head as she asked.

"As I expected." Akagi smiled. "However, I'm afraid that I do not see any reason I should help you." Her words were icy even if her smile was warm.

Aoi was taken aback by her refusal. "Please." she bowed again. "We need all the help we can get. As of right now, we only have three active agents who can combat Libra, and at this rate, we won't be able to protect the people of Japan from their attacks." She pleaded for her help.

"I understand that Libra will cause a tremendous loss of life. However, I fail to see why I should aid those who attempted to take my life, as well as those who kidnapped my sister and her friends." Akagi's eyes turned sharp. "Surely you must understand my reluctance to help one who was so recently my enemy. If you are to be destroyed by another group, why should I intervene to save you?" Akagi wanted a logical answer, and Aoi wasn't going to be able to give one.

"The loss of life-" Aoi was interrupted by Akagi.

"I will save you the trouble. If you want my help, emotional or moral arguments will not work. Human morals do not sway me." Akagi's sense of humanity was dwindling every day, and she wasn't particularly amenable to the idea of saving people for the greater good anyway.

“It would be in your best interest to assist us.” Nariyuki chimed in. “Even if Libra isn't a problem for you at the moment, the more chaos they cause the more likely that you and your people will be harmed.” Nariyuki hoped that her argument would be more persuasive. “Your sister and her friends will be in danger if Libra continues its attacks.”

“I won't say your wrong.” Akagi mused. “But just because I might be entangled with them eventually doesn't mean I have to get invested now, does it?” Akagi actually had intel which told her that Libra was intentionally avoiding antagonizing her. Which is why she didn't see much urgency in defeating them.

Akagi looked at Aoi. “Lets assume that I agree with Nariyuki and that assisting you is in my best interest. What do I get in return for helping you?” Akagi asked.

{Now the real negotiations begin.} Nariyuki thought to herself.

“Um....” Aoi floundered.

"You would be requesting the removal of over ten high leveled players, add in the extra cost from my displeasure with the Japanese government, and well, I can assure you the price for my help will be quite high."

"If you want money. I'm sure the Diet would-" Aoi stopped when she saw Akagi's hand go up.

"I have no use for your money, so do not waste your time." Akagi had more money than she and her family could ever use, so more was pointless.

{Here it comes. I have a bad feeling about this.} Nariyuki had dealt with all kinds of unsavory individuals before, so she knew Akagi was going to ask for something outrageous.

"Then, what do you want?" Aoi asked with bated breath.

"Simple." Akagi clapped her hands, causing Yumi to retrieve a parchment from a box beside her. "In exchange for dealing with Libra, I want the Japanese government to transfer ownership of these twenty-odd square miles to me."

"A land acquisition?" Aoi didn't understand. "I mean, most of that land is owned by the government, so giving it to you would be possible." Most of the surrounding land was national parks or woodlands, so they could easily hand it over.

{That's not what she meant Aoi.} Nariyuki sighed internally.

"I believe you misunderstand what I'm asking for Aoi." Akagi handed her the map. "I am not asking for these lands to be transferred over to the private ownership of a Japanese Citizen or a private entity." Akagi took a breath. "What I am asking is for the Japanese Government to secede this land to me as a sovereign entity. To simplify my demands, I wish to turn this land into my own city-state, much like San Marino, with me as its ruler."

{Well, that's one hell of an ask.} Nariyuki knew that the Japanese government would be reluctant, if not hostile, to such an idea.

"I... um..." Aoi didn't know how to respond to this development. "I don't think I'm authorized to grant such a concession. I would need to confer with my superiors. May I ask if there was anything else you would take as an alternative?" Aoi was hoping Akagi might want something less drastic.

"No," Akagi flatly denied. "It's either this or nothing."

"I see," Aoi pursed her lips.

"How would the United States view such a proposal?" Akagi looked to Nariyuki.

"I cannot imagine the President or Congress would be enthusiastic about Japan losing any territory, even an area as small and unimportant as this. The precedent it sets would be undesirable, to say the least.” Nariyuki shook her head.

"I will take your offer back to my superiors to discuss it with them, though I must profess my doubt that they would agree to your demands." Aoi gave a wry smile.

"I will also speak to the President about your offer, but I suspect her reaction will be the same." Nariyuki was dreading the conversation with her boss.

"I see. Well, I will await your reply. Hopefully, it is favorable, and we can work together." Akagi gave a polite bow, and the negotiations were concluded. However, before they left, Nariyuki asked on final question.

“If you don't mind, what is the language on the banner behind you? I've never seen it before.”
Nariyuki was a language expert, so seeing a script like the one behind Akagi caught her interest.

“Its my native tongue.” Akagi smiled. “In my language we call it [!$@#!!], but in Japanese, I believe you would call it Demon.”


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