The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 689

Chapter 689: The Cult is Involved as Expected

Many of the monsters in that base have died. Some were tamed again after their previous tamers died because of the fight against the vampires.

As for the vampires, because everyone inside thinks that they are strong and very useful, they got tamed even though they needed to sacrifice some weaker mages for it.

There’s only a few of the vampires left. And they finally realized that they are in a losing battle. Even though they have drunk a lot of blood and make them at their strongest form, they are not a match against a single master level mage.

But I never thought that the vampires are smart. Instead of just running away, they chose to only target the tamers to release their vampire friends. Once the vampires who were tamed freed, they escaped while also grabbing some humans with them. Probably so that they can drink their blood later on.

All the vampires who raided the base, except for some who died, managed to escape. Along with some monsters who were freed from their contract. Though I don’t think those other monsters will return here again. As for the vampires, they might return again in the future just so they can get more blood.

“Seems like it’s over. Spot, I won’t use portal here. Let’s just retreat normally. I’ll open a portal when we’re far enough,” I said.

“Okay. Did anyone notice you?” Spot asked.


“Nope. They are too busy with the vampires and other monsters. They didn’t notice us at all. That’s why we’re retreating normally,” I said.

Even the master level mages didn’t chase after the vampires even though they supposed to have the power to do that. I guess they don’t want to kill too much of the vampires knowing that they are strong and smart monsters.

Spot flies away with us on his back very quickly. In just a matter of second, we’re already far from that base. And as I was about to open a portal to our world, Sonia appears in front of us.

“Sonia, any news?” I asked her.

“Yes. Albert has done with the interrogation. He also finished asking the others who were caught by the werewolves as well. And he wants you to meet him as soon as possible,” Sonia said.

“I guess it’s something important. Well, I was just about to go home. We’ll meet him right away,” I said.

I was about to open a portal back to Cassau, but I changed my mind and open a portal directly to Albert’s location. He’s in an office near where the prisoners I brought are. Since they are still being imprisoned, I guess they are enemies.

“Hey, Albert. Randy as well. What did you find?” I asked.

“Roy. That was quick. I was just finished talking with Sonia,” Albert said.

“Yeah. The raid is over and most vampires have left the base. I was just about to open a portal when Sonia came to tell me that you’re done with the interrogation. Anything you learned from them?”

Albert then told me to take a seat first before he starts talking. I guess it’s quite serious if he asks me to sit first.

“Roy. There are some tamers that we have captured thanks to you and the werewolves. By the way, did you ever notice how there are so few tamers and summoners out there?” Albert asked me.

“Well, I was just discussing about it with Victoria before while we were watching the raid. Do you know the reason behind it? Is it the cult again? They are grabbing the tamers and summoners who have just awakened?” I asked.

“You are right. Yes, that base is part of the cult,” Albert said.

At this point, I’m not surprised. That was well within expectation. They let some people die just so they can tame some vampires. But those vampires in the end escape with their lives.

I’m listening to Albert’s report about what he found. He will also tell it to other kings but he’s telling it to me first.

Apparently, in many school, the introductory school to introduce kids at the age of 15 about magic, there are some people related with the cult. Either knowingly or not.

Some are teachers, some are school staffs, and some were even the students. Or maybe the student’s parents.

Albert and Randy got this information after comparing the answers with all the prisoners we just caught. We couldn’t even get this information from the Professor. Which means that even with how high his position was, he’s still in no position to know about this information.

Just how much do they keep everything in secret?

Those people at school, either they are teachers, staffs, students, the parents, or even those who are just interested in watching kids got their elements, were spies for the cult. Some were given order by the cult directly, but some didn’t even know that they are being used by the cult. The people from the cult were the ones asking them to find someone useful. Like summoners, tamers, or someone with rare elements.

Summoners and tamers were easy to be taught. Since summoners just need to summon a monster, while tamers only need to tame monsters. But those spies will come to those who have just recently awakened and told them that they found a way to get tamers and summoners to get stronger. Or even entice them using money.

And the thing is, those tamers or summoners also need at least one other element in which they can prove to be useful. And they will be recruited by the cult unknowingly.

And when they finally realized that they are in the cult, there’s no escape. They will be introduced to the explosive device that will be put inside their mouth.

Unless it’s for the tamers and summoners. They will be given mission. The summoners will open a portal and bring as many people as possible to Monsters World, while the tamers will tame as many monsters as possible.

“...So, do you actually think that there are innocent people inside that base that we mustn’t kill? I prefer to kill them all because it’s easier that way,” I said.

“I agree. Even if they are tricked, they should know that they are risking their lives just by going into Monsters World. We’ll just kill them and get things done as soon as possible,” Randy agreed with me.

“Sigh... you two are too scary. Can’t you find other solution beside killing?” Albert asked.


Both Randy and I replied together.

They are with the cult after all. If they have been there for a long time, there’s no point in talking with them.

“Also, there are no youngster in that base. Where do they took the newly awakened kids to? Must be somewhere in this world, right? They are being forced to join the cult. And they can’t say no if they want to live. Only when they agree will they be used to go to Monsters World. Even if they are kids, they are at least 15 years old. They are old enough to think about themselves. Probably it will take a while until they can be trusted or forced to join the cult,” I said.

“You are right. And here’s our plan. Roy, I want you to sneak into that base in Monsters World and see if you think that there’s any innocent people there or not, while also try to grab someone who seem important in there. There might be more information we can get from them,” Albert said.

“Me? Enter the base and find someone innocent? My mind is already biased by just hearing that they are from the cult. I don’t think I will find anyone,” I said.

“I know. And I don’t expect that you will find anyone innocent. But I’ll at least say that this is your real mission. I’ll tell this to other kings this way. Saying that you’re looking for innocent people there,” Albert said.

“At least you’re understand.”

“Also, once you think you have found everything, you are free to destroy that base and kill everyone in it. You can ask your friends and monsters to come join you.”

Nice. I’ll finish everything as soon as possible so I can destroy the base then.

“Next is Randy. Your training is over, right?” Albert asked Randy this time.

“Yes,” Randy replied.

“Then I want you to go and find the location where the cult is training the summoners and tamers. Save them if possible. I want Spot to go with you as well. You can ask for as many reinforcement as possible. You can ask Sonia. And if you need anything else, you can ask me or other kings through Sonia,” Albert said.

“Understood. Let’s do our best, Spot,” Randy said to Spot.

“And so, you two need to rest now. I’ll inform the others via Sonia.” Albert said.

And so, I returned back to my home in Cassau after a while.

In the end, it will be infiltration instead of a direct war against them. Well, I will also try to find summoners right away so they can’t escape back to our world. Maybe assassination suits me more than direct battle.

Albert said that those people in the base mostly doesn’t even know each other. So it’s fine to infiltrate and use my real name. Though I will probably use an alias. Not Roy, not Ninja, and not Clarence. I need another name.

Well, it’s not really important. I’ll just think about it later when they asked me.

For now, I need to rest. I don’t know how long I will stay there after all.

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