The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 673

Chapter 673: Capturing the Remaining Rebels

Victoria and I split up to capture the remains of the rebels. And we also need to investigate more if the cult is related with this rebellion or not. But I think this Empire can handle that. So I just need to capture them all.

Unlike the list given by Randy that says I am allowed to kill this person or just capture them, the list given by Claudia didn’t give much description. So I need to capture as much as possible from the people in the list.

Maybe each kingdom needs a Randy. That would be great.

Arturo has Toni, but he didn’t leave his desk job much. And he’s better in politic than espionage. But he’s smart enough to find traitors just from the incoming information given to him. Still, he’s too weak.

Consenza has Claudia. She’s not as capable as Randy but it’s because her range is wide. Not just looking for traitors, she also need to handle many things at once. She’s not as smart as Toni either, but she has taken a good care of this empire. But she can’t be compared with him.

As for Varadis, that is troublesome. They have old man Henry. An old man with a lot of experience and many tricks under his sleeve. But unfortunately, he will step off from his duty soon because of his age. I hope the next king will be good enough.

Oh, right. The next meeting between kings will also introduce old man Henry’s successor as well. Yuria and Patricia will be introduced there as well. As for other countries, I don’t think there will be any. It’s because the circus haven’t been to other countries than those five. We’re the scout for the four kingdoms after all. To see what other countries have to offer.


Victoria is with Ray and I move alone. Well, I’m not really alone since I have Airy with me. And since she never leaves my side, my air magic became stronger whenever I used it. So it’s easier for me to make the targets fall asleep.

“Airy, I feel like my air magic improves regularly every day just by being with you. Even though I’m not cultivating at all, I can feel that my air element is improving little by little. Is this your doing?” I asked Airy.

“Maybe. I just exist. I don’t know what effect I have on humans,” Airy said.

And then there was a human in the past who plays around with spirits. Capturing them and releasing them before chasing after them again. What the hell is wrong with his mind? That Timmy is sure annoying.

So, is she a monster or not? That’s something we don’t know. But even if they are not monsters and can’t be tamed by tamers, they have feelings and can interact normally. So it won’t be surprising if the cult somehow have enslaved them or blackmail them.

I wear my armor and run toward the former main base of Duke who started the rebellion. Even though this place should have been taken care of by the soldiers, there might be something else here that they miss. And I can see them with my Divine Vision. Though I won’t know if the things I find is valuable or not for the investigation until we finish checking them.

I didn’t find anyone in the list, but I managed to find one man with explosive device in his mouth. I still wonder why the cult keep making their members have explosive devices in their mouth when they can be easily removed. I don’t think they are that useful anymore. And the cult should have known about it.

Maybe just the higher ups of the cult. The rest don’t know much. So when they gave the order that there’s no need for the explosive devices anymore, those who are far less important weren’t told about it. That’s why there are still some people with explosive devices in their mouth.

Again, that’s just my assumption like usual. But for me, it’s good that they have explosion device in their mouth. This way, I can tell easily that they are enemies.

And I followed this man and he enters the restaurant. I make sure that no expert level mages can notice me when I get close and try to eavesdrop on their conversation.

And in their conversation, I heard them talking about a man on the wanted list and they are going to meet him. That’s nice. I can just follow them.

They also said some praises to the Evil God before moving. I guess they’re members of the cult then. Now, if I capture the man they’re going to meet, Claudia might be able to find if the cult is involved with the rebellion or not.

...Unfortunately for me, the man they’re going to meet is in another city. And I can’t just follow them the whole day until they meet. So I decided to move to that city right away and marked the man. Once they meet, I can find out if the cult is involved or not.

I returned back and look for some more people, but I didn’t see any one on the list or other suspicious people. So I left for another city.

In this city, I found many people on the list already. Well, it’s time to catch all of them!

There were no master level mages at all. No wonder the rebellion is over so easily. Just Celestine alone must have killed more than half of the rebels.

By the way, is the duke still alive? They must have captured him, right? They need information from him the most because he’s the leader.

The next day, I went to see the man that the person with explosive device is going to meet. The people I saw yesterday already arrive. And not just them. some more people also gathering together in the place where the man in the wanted list is waiting.

It seems to be a big meeting of cult members. I can tell because there are more people with explosive device here.

“What’s with those people and explosives in their mouth? Don’t they know that those things are dangerous and can explode if not taken care of carefully?” Airy asked naively.

“Well, that’s the thing with the cult. To protect their secrets, they chose death,” I replied.

“That’s just sad. Why was the cult created if they don’t care about the people at all? Do they become like this just because they don’t like something and want to destroy the world for it?” Airy asked.

“Oh, that’s a good question. Let’s see... among some people from the cult, I know that some of them lost something important to them, forced to join the cult, or just because of their greed they joined the cult. I don’t know at all, but they should know that we are hunting them down with the intent to kill. So, as long as they are still with the cult, we have to assume that they are enemies that we have to kill or capture. They should know that we are going for the kill if they stay with the cult. And they decided to stay. That’s all I need to know. The rest is for the others to think,” I said. Though I didn’t really answer that question.

Of course I also think a lot about that. But it’s annoying to ask them if my guess is right or not. So I just lock those thoughts deep in my mind and only do what I needed. To destroy the cult. Even if I’m going to be used like a pawn.

But I’m not a pawn that can be defeated easily. If the king tries to betray this pawn, this pawn won’t be silent about it.

“Being a human is difficult,” Airy said.

“It’s not. It’s just that humans are being that loves to complicate things. And that makes it harder for humans to live,” I said.

“Well, I don’t mind to follow you all the time. But you need to feed me with sweets, alright?” Airy said.

“You don’t need food to live though. But I guess I can buy some cakes for the others as well,” I said.

I returned to the capital of Consenza and reported about the big meeting with the cult. And when I came back, I’m not alone. Lynn, Claudia, Celestine, and many soldiers from Consenza surrounded the place they are gathering at.

“Since all of you are here, I don’t think I need to participate. I’ll just be watching you guys for now.”

I left them so they will take care of everything. A matter of a country needs to be solved by the country itself. There’s no need to use outsider like me. Though I will help if necessary.

A huge battle occurred. But the civilians have been evacuated.

The Empress herself is attending the battle. She didn’t help much but her presence is enough to improve the morale of the soldiers.

After watching for a little longer, I can confirm that they don’t need my help. So I return my act as the living armor.

I managed to capture everyone before the next circus performance in the next city. I guess this is it for my act as a living armor in Consenza. Where else should I go?

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