The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

After coming back from Ba Na, the Lunar New Year was coming soon.

This year, Kang Mu Cheng and Kang President went abroad for vacation and would spend the New Year holiday there. Kang Mu Cheng asked Jian Jing if she wanted to go together, but she declined.

Kang Mu Cheng didn't force her and asked, "What souvenirs do you want me to bring back for you?"

Jian Jing: "Anything is fine."

Kang Mu Cheng then said: "Take good care of yourself."

"Don't worry." Jian Jing smiled.

She had already planned out what she would do for the Lunar New Year holiday.

First was the year-end review. She should generously spend the courage points she had accumulated at the end of the year.

The case of the ice corpse and she herself were unrelated, so though it consumed a lot of time and effort, she only obtained 20 courage points for serving justice. The curse of the ice castle was also worth 20 points.

She couldn't claim the 10 courage points and special contribution points from side quests yet, because she hadn't finished the task of eliminating the curse.

Still, her courage points totaled 100 points now. Nice.

For the first lucky draw, she chose the fitness center as usual.

She finally drew a [Strengthening Card - Stamina (1 point)], increasing her stamina to 8 points. The changes to her character panel were as follows:

Physique: 8 (Your body is exceptional. You hardly get ill and recover quickly.)

Strength: 8 (You can subdue ordinary adult men)

Agility: 8 (You are quick to react with nimble movements, better than most people)

Explosiveness: 8 (The critical few seconds determine victory or defeat)

Stamina: 8 (Yoohoo, go grandpa~~!)

Everything was 8 points, both comfortable and auspicious.

5 points were gone.

Then she spent 30 points to unlock the memory and adaptability options in the second panel and drew two upgrade cards to increase those attributes.

The secondary panel is as follows:

[Unlocked] Memory: 7 (Your ability to remember, recognize and reproduce experienced things is higher than ordinary people)

[Unlocked] Flexibility: 7 (Your body parts are more flexible than normal people)

[Unlocked] Immunity: 7 (You've gained some resistance to weird things)

[Unlocked] Adaptability: 7 (Your tolerance for extreme environments (cold, heat, lack of oxygen, etc.) has improved)

[Locked] Reproduction: 6 (You know what this is~)

Even though it pained her to spend 60 points in one go, based on her experience, improving her physical condition would lead to more subtle observations of the environment later without needing to upgrade her observation cards.

Especially memory - instantaneously remembering details of scenes was crucial for subsequent case reviews.

As for reproduction? Sorry, not important.

With the remaining points, she originally wanted to try her luck drawing cooking skill cards, but looking at her own shiny new kitchen, she figured the system wouldn't give her any for free... To have a chance at drawing cooking cards, she would need to attend cooking classes, just like needing to work out at the gym before being able to draw strengthening cards. She couldn't get them just from checking in.

But then, if she did sign up for cooking classes, what would she need basic cooking cards for?

So she gave up on that idea.

The second big thing to do before Lunar New Year was of course, shopping.

In recent days, she had been receiving multiple packages every day, full of snacks, drinks, instant hot pots, instant and processed foods. Box after box went into storage. She also bought lots of Chinese knots, fu characters, spring couplets, mandarin oranges and decorated her home red everywhere.

She stocked up on enough holiday foods for Knight, and added lots of extra snacks too.

She even bought a new dog bed with spring couplets on it.

For herself, she bought several sets of new winter clothing and boots.

Feeling like it still wasn't enough, she rushed to get brand new bedding and a fluffy rug.

All set!

On the 30th, she took Knight out for a walk and bath in the morning, not letting it back out after returning home. "Any mess in the house and you'll face the consequences."

Knight sat with back straightened, barking once.


She had made reservations with the hotel for Lunar New Year's Eve dinner a couple weeks ago. Around 7 PM, they delivered an assortment of thin-sliced lamb and beef rolls with a dual-flavor hot pot soup base, plus some side dishes and ice-cold beer, filling up her coffee table.

She sat on the floor and watched the New Year Gala while eating dinner with Knight.

When the soup boiled, she hugged Knight close and took a selfie to upload on social media.

With no pressuring deadlines during the major holiday, the comments were all well wishes, making her feel very reassured.

Around 8 PM, Jiang BaiYan sent a barrage of WeChat messages: [Watching the Gala watch the Gala watch the Gala]

Her: [Watching]

He went silent.

Five minutes later, someone appeared on the screen - he had a role in a skit this year. Partnering with several New Year Gala's veteran comedians, they told a story about a young person who liked gaming but couldn't get his parents to understand, and finally earned national honors and parental approval, reconciling in the end.

Jian Jing felt the story seemed kind of familiar.

While the storyline was a bit cliche, Jiang BaiYan's performance was remarkable. Unfazed by the live audience, he delivered his lines fluently and clearly enunciated each word with power and confidence. Combined with natural and graceful acting, there was no stage fright whatsoever.

Especially the embarrassed reluctance to reconcile due to not wanting to lose face - he expressed all of that without a single line, purely through facial expressions and body language, resembling so many young people nowadays having family conflicts.

When Jian Jing scrolled through the social media posts, they were filled with comments like:

"As soon as Lil Bai appeared, I immediately told my mom, this is my boyfriend. My mom asked when I'd bring him home for her to meet."

"This skit is just too funny. In the end the dad compromises and says, now that you're like this I can finally find someone to introduce you to for marriage, and Lil Bai actually says, gaming is my significant other. Games over girlfriends, that's settled."

"My husband's so handsome!"

After the skit ended, he did a backstage interview and then messaged on WeChat.

Jiang BaiYan: [How was my performance?]

Jian Jing pondered and figured since they knew each other so well, no need to lie, she honestly replied: [Cliché]

Jiang BaiYan: [But it's the New Year Gala lol]

Jian Jing sent an image of Knight wearing sunglasses making an unimpressed face.

Jiang BaiYan: [Buding the aggrieved face.jpg]

Jian Jing: [Knight looking out the window completely indifferent.jpg]

Jiang BaiYan: [Buding begging for hugs.jpg]

The two dueled with images for five minutes before ending their antics.

She went back to browsing social media, occasionally grabbing some meat rolls, sipping ice cold beer, and when she felt too hot, taking out an ice cream bar from the fridge.

Knight eyed her longingly, whining "woof woof".

She gave in and fed it an ice cream too.

As midnight approached, New Year greetings trickled into her phone one by one, some generic templates "Happy New Year, great fortune and prosperity, congratulations and be wealthy", while closer people wrote personal blessings.

Too many messages to reply all, she only chatted a bit with closer friends.

Surprisingly, Ji Feng also texted: [Ms. Jian, happy Lunar New Year]

Jian Jing rolled her eyes and reluctantly typed two letters in response: [You too]

The guy was finally off work and free to chat for the holiday probably: [Whatcha up to?]

Jian Jing: [Watching the Gala]

Ji Feng: [Me too]

Jian Jing: [Didn't ask]

Ji Feng: [Can we have a proper chat?]

Jian Jing: [What's not "proper" about this?]

Ji Feng swiftly changed topics: [What are you eating?]

Jian Jing: [Hot pot]

Ji Feng: [It's the big holiday, how can you not make a few dishes?]

Jian Jing: [I do as I please]

Ji Feng: [Wanna come over and eat tomorrow? I'm off work]

Jian Jing did seriously consider it for a bit - mooching a meal meant not needing takeout the next day. So few places open for business on New Year's Day 1 with limited options...

She asked: [Can I bring the dog?]

Ji Feng: [Sure]

Right after their chat, Kang Mu Cheng called.

He asked straightaway: "Did you eat?"

"Yeah I ate." Jian Jing asked, "Where are you and Madam President?"

Kang Mu Cheng: "The Amazon River."

Jian Jing said enviously: "Wah, Madam President is really enthusiastic."

Kang Mu Cheng sighed, unwilling to even speak: "Bugs and insects everywhere, very unsanitary conditions. She got bitten and has had low fever since."

Jian Jing: "Ah... no wonder you went along."

Kang Mu Cheng said: "Take good care of yourself. We'll be back in a few days."

Jian Jing drew out her voice: "Okay~"

Hearing the TV count down in the background, he paused briefly: "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year." Jian Jing asked, "Any red packets?"

Kang Mu Cheng chuckled.

A red packet popped up on her phone. She tapped it open - 16,888 yuan, very auspicious.

"Congratulations and be prosperous." She happily accepted it.

"Sleep early." He said. "Good night."



After finishing his call, Kang Mu Cheng turned back towards the cabin.

Kang President lay sickly propped up against the headboard, sipping a glass of locally-brewed wine, water droplets covering the glass. She glanced at her son: “Should’ve brought Jingjing, you’re so boring.”

“You’re not bored, insisting on going ashore and getting bitten into the hospital,” Kang Mu Cheng snatched her wine glass and shook his head. “Drinking when sick.”

Kang President: “You know nothing, alcohol sterilizes.”

Kang Mu Cheng ignored her completely, poured out the wine and handed her a glass of warm water and medicine: “Take this quickly.”

Kang President swallowed the pills and asked: “New Year’s over in China right?”


“A year older again,” Kang President sighed, flipping her hair. “More white hairs popping out.”

Kang Mu Cheng: “Dye it when we’re back.”

“What do you think if I dye it blue? Red and brown are too old fashioned.”

Kang Mu Cheng covered her with a thin blanket: “Do what you want, rest now, don’t use your phone.”

Kang President still replied some messages before saying: “Alright I’m sleeping. We’ll dock soon, go have fun upstairs, don’t stay on the boat with me, that’s no fun. The pretty Chinese-American girl next door is quite interested in you, go tour around with her.”

“I’m going to make some calls,” Kang Mu Cheng said. “Rest well.”

Then he took the phone outside and began calling relatives, friends and business partners to give New Year’s greetings.

“Director Wang, New Year’s greetings.”

“Chairman Liu, Happy new year... Yes, we’re docking soon, I will definitely invite you to come... ”

“Uncle Nie...”

His voice was calm and steady, Kang Lei listened, a faint smile appearing at the corner of her mouth.


It was chaos at Ji’s house.

Ji Yunyun: “Change the channel, I want to watch the local station’s show. My favorite celebrity is coming on!”

Ji Feng held onto the remote, refusing to let go: “Changing channels again? How many times is it today?”

“That’s not my fault, my favorite shows are on multiple channels,” Ji Yunyun tackled him for the remote. “Give it, it’s starting.”

Ji Feng: “Time for you to go to sleep.”

Ji Yunyun: “Give it to me!”

After a few intense rounds, the younger sister emerged victorious using roguish methods, putting on her favorite celebrity’s show.

Ji Feng yawned: “Whatever, watch slowly. I’m exhausted, going to bed.”

“Hand over the red packet first,” Ji Yunyun grabbed hold of him. “Where is my New Year’s money?”

Ji Feng retorted: “You’re eighteen and still want New Year’s money?”

Ji Yunyun was outraged: “All my classmates get it, even into marriage savings! Why not me?”

“Che.” Ji Feng fished out an envelope from his pocket, “It’s my latest bonus, spend thriftily, no chasing celebrities or dating.”

Ji Yunyun rolled her eyes: “When have I spent recklessly? Buying books isn’t allowed now?”

Ji Feng’s brows shot up: “Teacher Jian released a new book?”

“Teacher Jian?” Ji Yunyun snorted twice, “No, her Demon Series 3 is still being written. Don’t know if it’ll come out this year, I mean, this year.”

Ji Feng immediately changed his tune: “No miscellaneous books, buy some test prep books. You’ve still got half a year till Gaokao (college entrance exam)!”

Ji Yunyun pretended not to hear.

“Brat,” Ji Feng tugged her ponytail before exhaustion overtook him and he crashed into bed.

Ji Yunyun excitedly opened the red packet -- 1000 yuan, a fortune for a high schooler. She happily skipped back to her room, ready to stash it in her lockbox.

Opening the hidden compartment, it was empty.

She was shocked speechless, carefully feeling around for a note:

“Stashing money here, how silly?”

Ji Yunyun: “Damn!”

He’s the silly one! Where was her money??

She frantically searched everywhere, finally finding a newly issued bank card under her own name in her wallet. Wrapped around it was a small note that read “Mom’s birthday”.

Flipping it over was another line: [Eighteen now, manage your own money. Spend it all and your tuition is gone.]

When her parents passed away, Ji Yunyun was still in elementary school. She was completely unaware of the family’s finances and greatly worried that she and elder brother would end up on the streets.

But Ji Feng mocked her: “Don’t worry, with the little you eat, keeping you alive will be easy.”

All these years, Ji Feng hadn’t revealed a thing about the family savings: sometimes Ji Yunyun felt they were quite poor, her brother’s salary seeming meager; other times she felt they were alright, her allowance had always been adequate.

“Stinky brother,” she mumbled, carefully tucking the card into the hidden slot behind her pillow. She decided to only keep 200 yuan for spending, the rest going into her Yu’ebao account.

On the other side of the wall.

Ji Feng was also looking over bank cards, calculating the family’s assets.

Their father was considered to have died in the line of duty, compensated with a lump sum from his department. Back then he wasn’t yet an adult, worried there may be issues holding so much cash, so right after receiving the benefits payment, he immediately asked his father’s friend to help purchase a small home under Ji Yunyun’s name.

He understood that as a man, being poor could still make do, but not for his sister.

Girls without money lose confidence. With both parents gone, more assets for security.

And the rental income from that house became the sibling’s source of livelihood for some time. When he graduated and entered the workforce, the house had appreciated in value. He sold it off, took out a loan, and changed to a slightly bigger 2-bedroom apartment.

He’d expected to pay it off by thirty, unexpectedly earning enough bonuses to settle it early last year.

The property was still under Ji Yunyun’s name.

Thus, adding the family savings, even if something were to happen to him someday, his sister would still have lifelong security.

Finally some weight off his shoulders.

Relieved of this heavy burden, Ji Feng swiftly fell asleep.

The TV in the living room floated out the song “Unforgettable Tonight”.


As the Spring Festival Gala played “Unforgettable Tonight”, Jian Jing’s doorbell rang.

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