The Newt and Demon

4.8 - Essence Bonding

4.8 - Essence Bonding

The scent of pungent [Swamp Onions] wafted through the lab. Tresk refused to give up her secret store of random reagents, but Theo followed his in tuition. Some of her memories flooded into him, and he realized there was a new hidden compartment in his wall. When she had the time to do something like this, let alone coordinate it with Sledge, was beyond him. Xolsa arrived in the lab just in time for the alchemist to stuff a mound of onions into his inventory.

How long will you be gone? the Elf asked, wheezing.

Five minutes, Theo said. Thats my estimation.

And how long will it be on the other side?

Twelve hours, Theo said. Are you coming along?

Doubtful. I need to understand how the skill works before I attempt to pierce the barriers. Then, youll likely need to invite me. If what youve said is true.

Of course its true, Theo said. Let me know when youre ready.

Xolsa didnt chant whatever spell he cast. He performed a series of complex gestures that left trains of glowing blue energy behind. The room darkened around them, the shadows growing long and air growing stale. Boards beneath their feet groaned as a sheet of black glass appeared in the air.

The Elf grunted, strained by the power of the spell. You may proceed.

Not wanting to spend any more time in his darkened lab, Theo activated his [Terogal Dreampassage] ability and fell through the realms. That mirror hovered above the Bridge for a moment, then the alchemist was standing on those shadowy cobbles. Wraiths moved in the distance, along with flashes of golden fire.

UzXulven! Theo shouted. Let me pass.

Why? a voice came from behind. Youre peeking.

Theo exerted his authority as the master of Terogal. The stones around him bent, as though sinking down into nowhere. UzXulven, wherever the Mistress of Shadows was, pushed back. A little more force of will, and he would have passed on into Terogal, but the alchemist paused. It was always good to test the limits of ones powers.

Cheeky. Arent you? she asked.

My friend is just studying my realm, Theo said. Hed already formed his theory about the Bridge and its purpose. So long as he held a realm, she couldnt keep him here. Not against his will.

Drogramath wanted to talk to you, but hes occupied, UzXulven said. On the tenth day of the Season of Fire, my Champion will return to your town. If you could crack the limb-regeneration salve, that would be lovely.

Is he in danger? Theo asked, suddenly feeling less brave.

Hes a dual-Champion. Hes always in danger, UzXulven said.

Theo felt the world swirl around him, but he held onto the Bridge. The surrounding railing bent inward, as if drawn by an immense force. Nothing is free. Give me a hint on the salve.

Shadows shivered in the area under the bridge. The air bristled with brief rage, then a sigh issued from every direction. Bind two potions together that have [Regeneration] and [Healing]. Apply a [Solidify] modifier.

Was that so hard? Theo asked, forcing his authority over the hole forming at his feet. He plunged through, coming to rest on the soft grass of Terogal. He made his way to the cottage, writing his thoughts out.

That was likely the thing Drogramath wanted to talk to him about. Binding two potions wasnt something he had done, but he simply needed to trace the lines of coincidence to find the answer. Fenian brought Veostian Karatan to Broken Tusk, which produced [Veostian Karatan Cheese]. The [Suffuse] property would do the trick. More than gaining a free hint, the alchemist had spat in the face of a god. And it felt good. He wasnt interested in playing games with them. They needed to understand the extent of his growing authority.

I came here for something, right? Theo said, chuckling.

Instead of getting to work right away, he made his way to the pond and sat by the bank. He stared up at the cloudy sky, spotting Xolsas strange mirror somewhere near the fluffy clouds. Time passed by, perhaps an hour, before a popping sound issued behind him.

Realm buddies! Tresk shouted. Alex honked awkwardly, waddling over to the pond and jumping in. I figured why not. RIght?

This is our first time in the realm together, Theo said. Did UzXulven give you trouble?

Nah, I told her to bite me.

Me, too.

Theo explained the situation with Xolsa, pointing to the black pane of glass in the sky. Tresk threw rocks at it for a while, but it was too high to hit. What the man could see of the realm was a mystery, but they discovered it drew unwanted attention. An icy wind approached from nowhere, requesting entry into Terogal. The alchemist agreed, and the ice-rimmed doorway opened. The smiling form of Benton walked through.

Did you guys see the weird black thing in the sky? he asked.

Yeah, dont worry about it, Tresk said.

Fair enough.

Want some tea? Theo asked.

Crowding into the cottage, Theo made some tea for the group. The kettle whistled after a while, and the alchemist poured the liquid out. Once again, it was nothing compared to Xams tea. But it was good to start a conversation about small things. Benton was a conversationalist, even being the newly crowned God of Death. Even by his own words, he didnt know what that meant.

More of a metaphor, hed said. More than once.

When the conversation died down, Theo got to work on his distillation while Benton and Tresk broke off. They had apparently taken to training west of the wheat. They used blunted weapons, and limited abilities, but both had a great time. While the god was new in an unknown pantheon, he had some impressive moves.

Theos brewing process was standard. He placed what onions would fit in the fermentation barrel and injected his own mana inside. While waiting for those to finish, he processed some attribute-enhancement reagents and set them to process. There was also the need to brew [Spiny Swamp Thistle Root] into [Refined Healing Essence] and [Refined Regeneration Essence]. It didnt take the entire time-limit within the realm to accomplish the task, and he joined with the fighting pair when he was done.

This is unfair, Benton said, panting and resting on the soft ground. I never got to see my realm before I ascended. Let alone dragging items from the mortal plane along.

Yeah, its awesome, Tresk said. Except when your soul-bound partner steals all your onions.

What are you hoarding 1,000 units of onions for? Theo asked.

A rainy day!

Theyll spoil if you dont store them in a crate.

Yeah, but then youll find them.

When did you even have time to collect them, let alone hire Sledge to make a secret panel in the wall?

I do what I want!

Time to go, Benton said, backing up through an icy archway that appeared from nowhere.

Oh, I got your waxy leaves, Tresk said, relaxing immediately.

Theo was going to ask her when she had time to do that, but he gave up. She likely used her [Shadowdancer] abilities to teleport to the coast, then teleport back. Instead of complaining, he found them in their shared inventory. He moved to the table and set some out, beckoning Tresk over to see his new process. Alex remained in the pool, happy enough to swim around and honk.

Tresk seemed impressed enough to see the process. She got bored after the first hour of billowing smoke and piles of salt, and jumped in the pool to play with Alex. Theo worked between his stills and the worktable. He made sure there were enough [Aerosolize] modified [Hallow Ground Potions] to keep Gronro happy. He inspected one example once the bulk of the order was done.

[Hallow Ground Potion]

[Refined Aerosolize]

[Potion] [Modified Potion]


Created by: Belgar


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

Grade: Excellent Quality

Shatter to create a cloud of denial.


Throwing this potion creates a fifty pace circle around the point of impact with the [Hallow Ground] effect. Undead, ghost, etc creatures may cross into the cloud, but will be banished when they do so.

Some of Theos newest potions were impressive with the amount of text they crammed into his sight. This potion was elegant in its simplicity. A weapon designed to fight undead and nothing more. It was the most useful modifier by his estimation, far more useful than the [Embolden] modifier. That modifier had created fear in the alchemists heart. It was effectively a willpower check that, when failed, would add the users mind to the undead collective.

The alchemist turned his attention to the advice given to him by UzXulven. He brewed a single [Healing Potion], and a [Regeneration Potion]. There was nothing extraordinary about either potion. Excellent quality on both with no modifiers. Withdrawing a [Suffuse Potion] to inspect it, Theo considered how to proceed.

[Suffuse Potion]



Created by: Belgar

Grade: Excellent Quality


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

A potion used to bind two properties to an object, or each other.


Bind two properties.

That was a vague description. Two properties could be bound to an object, or each other. But a potion wasnt just properties, was it? A potion was a mixture of different things, brought together to create an effect. Theo often thought of potions more as effects than properties, as those properties were the more base element of a potion.

More primal! Tresk shouted from the pool, picking up on his thoughts.

More primal, Theo repeated, nodding along.

Following the advice from the god, he considered his options. Theo verbalized his thoughts on the process, bouncing things off of Tresk and she played in the water. They examined the description on the [Suffuse Potion], as well as his only example of the primal essences.

So, primal essences are representations of properties, Theo said. They are purified properties, meaning

He gave Tresk time to answer.

We use them with the [Suffuse Potion]. Yeah, the system has a roundabout way of getting to that one. But it makes sense.

One question left. Do they need a catalyst to react? Theo asked.

Tresk pursed her lips and hummed. Assume the [Suffuse Potion] acts as a catalyst first. Since those just do the job of a binder. If theres no reaction, then yeah. You can use shavings to kick-start the reaction.

She really was stealing his brain power. Resting in their private realm could have caused that, though. Or it was just the fact that she had nowhere to be. They could relax in this place without worrying about running out of time. Whatever the case, it was time to experiment on that theory.

When Theo attempted to use his [Reagent Deconstruction] skill on a potion, it exploded. Not in spectacular fashion, but as though the liquid began to suddenly boil. It spilled out the top, shooting into the air bubbling furiously. After a few moments, and a concerned Marshling, the reaction stopped.

Alright, Theo said. Guess we have to get our primal essences from the source.

Removing [Spiny Swamp Thistle Root] from his inventory, Theo got to work breaking those down. After a few failed attempts, one last plume of smoke issued from the worktable. The resulting primal essence pulsed with a faint red light. The alchemist inspected his new pile of dusty [Primal Healing].

[Primal Healing]

[Primal Essence]


Created by: Belgar

Grade: Excellent Quality


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

Alignment Effects:

Reduces the chance of volatile reaction while bonding.

1 Unit (powder)

The primal representation of the [Healing] property.

There was nothing surprising about the result. It was simply a purified sample of the [Healing] property. Theo thought about other applications before he moved forward. If he used this to brew a healing potion, it would technically be stronger. Since raw essences were filled with little pieces of other properties, they often reduced the quality of the end product. He moved on without testing that theory, applying his mana and new skill to create a pile of [Primal Regeneration].

[Primal Regeneration]

[Primal Essence]


Created by: Belgar

Grade: Excellent Quality


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

Alignment Effects:

Reduces the chance of volatile reaction while bonding.

1 Unit (powder)

The primal representation of the [Regeneration] property.

Both primal essences shared the same pale red color. The version representing regeneration had flashes of green that traveled through the pile. They also bore the faint scent of sweetness, almost smelling like roses. It was hard to tell with deadened senses, though.

Alright, Theo said, setting a flask on the table. Time to test.

Pouring the [Suffuse Potion] in first, Theo scooped up the [Primal Healing] powder and dropped it in. Nothing happened. It fell to the bottom of the flask like sand, settling there and remaining with no further action. With a shrug, and Tresk hovering close by, the alchemist introduced the next primal essence. The reaction wasnt as exciting as hed hoped for. But it was beautiful.

Both powders swirled in the flask, creating a cyclone of liquid that issued a bright red light. The flask rumbled for a moment on the table before coming to rest. Theo inspected the resulting potion.

[Regenerative Potion]



Created by: Belgar

Grade: Good Quality


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

A potion designed to regenerate missing body parts. Regeneration length depends on the quality of this potion.

This was exactly what he needed, and there was a lot to dig into about the items description, but Theo found something to be off. Why had UzXulven said to apply the [Solidify Modifier] to the potion? It would do the job, going off the description alone. Since modifiers changed the way potions acted, perhaps the one with the modifier was simply better.

But this was a massive advancement for Theo as an alchemist. This was a third tier potion. The thing that gave it away was the quality of the potion. Another point was that hed done no distillation to reach this result. Perhaps there was a process he could use to refine the primal essences, but it was interesting. The alchemist couldnt use this as a method of generating vast quantities of potions, though. This version of the process was incredibly labor-intensive.

Look at that, Tresk said, clapping. That triplet guy is gonna be so happy.

So will Fenian, apparently, Theo said. Lets modify it.

Theo withdrew a flask of [Refined Solidify] from his inventory and applied it to the potion. The potion bubbled, then emitted a faintly foul odor before turning into a jelly. The alchemist inspected the result, finding out why UzXulven wanted him to apply the modifier.

[Regenerative Potion]

[Refined Solidify]

[Potion] [Modified Potion


Created by: Belgar

Grade: Good Quality


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

Apply this salve to the affected area to regenerate a body part. Regeneration length depends on the number of daily applications and the quality of this potion.

Well, there ya go. You can use this more than once, Theo said. With the other one, Id guess a person could only drink it once. Any more than that, and theyd get sick. Or worse.

I cant even remember the name of that guy who lost his leg. Tal? Pal? I see him hopping around all the time, Tresk said. Dont look at me like that. He hops! Ive seen it.

Might be time to head back to the mortal plane, Theo said. I feel my grip over this one fading.

Yeah. You have the recipe to regrow limbs. Thats pretty cool, Tresk said, nodding with approval. Youre like a pharmacy in a flesh suit!

Earth pharmacies couldnt cure lost limbs.

Yeah, but you get the point.

Theo put everything back in his inventory and headed for the edge of the floating island. He had the potions that Azrug requested, and a way to cure Fenian when he arrived. That was concerning, but when wasnt the Elf cause for concern? Without a target to focus on in the mortal realm, the alchemist thought about the place that he left. He didnt need to, though. His skill steered him in the right direction, sending him stumbling back into the lab.

The black mirror shattered. Xolsa was thrown back, slamming hard against the back wall. Flasks and vials went tumbling to the ground as the Elf groaned. Theo tripped over something, almost pitched to the side, then came to kneel near the downed man.

You alright?

Xolsa groaned, withdrawing a [Healing Pill], and a [Mana Pill] from nowhere and popping it in his mouth. Feedback. From the spell.

Figure anything out? Theo asked.

Yeah. Theres a planets worth of magical arrays that bind the realms together. Even more blanketed over the damned new ones.

Even with all his affinity for extra-planar travel, Xolsa couldnt even peer into Theos realm. Benton said something about the infant realms being protected, but he thought that was from the other gods. The alchemist helped the fallen Elf to his feet and dusted him off, removing shards of glass and splinters of wood from his robes. Footsteps thundered up the stairs, and Azrug stood with a concerned look on his face.

What was that? he asked, standing and looking around the room.

Magic feedback, Theo said. Dont go peeping into realms.

Never planned to, Azrug said.

Theo withdrew the [Hallow Ground Potions] from his inventory and handed them over to the young trader. Azrug gave him a skeptical look for a moment, but he shrugged it off. No problem. Just playing with magic in your lab. Theo, Ive got my [Loremasters Core] leveled up to a decent spot. If you ever need something identified. Not today. I gotta go.

I appreciate the offer, Theo said. Keep up the good work, kid.

Azrug laughed. Yeah, no problem boss. Keep tossing wizards around your lab.

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