The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 92 - Honorable Blogger

The place was so chaotic and many people were shouting for help. Houses were on fire, and some people were wounded on the street.

Almina and Yman jump at the roof of the buildings. No need to tend for those wounded people, they are both certain that someone would come to help them later. And after all, they were not healers, and right now, they have more important things needed to do.

"Tsk looks like he was possessing another person," Almina gnashed her teeth and muttered.

Yman's face twitched.

"Almina, it's up to you now..."


"How about you?"

"I will try to find a way to seal that demon..."


She turned silent for a second. She was a little doubtful but thinking about all he did below, Almina could only pray for his success, "P-Please be careful, I will come back to help you later," Almina said while biting her lips.

He nodded but before she left, Yman stopped her.

Almina was puzzled. Then she heard him whistling while looking at the sky. A moment later, he heard a howl of a fierce bird. "A Hell Chaser?!" Almina exclaimed. If her memory was right, this was the same transport bird used by those bandits who attacked the city recently.

The Hell Chaser bird landed beside him, which made Yman and Almina look small beside it. Almina wondered how Yman was able to get it. If she was right there was no Hell Chaser bird in this city. The rent house for transport birds only had Peon birds.

'Did Yman caught it when the chaos happened at that time?' Almina questioned herself enviously.

"It will be faster if you used this," he said.

She wanted to ask him how he caught it but now wasn't the time.

"Okay, thank you!" She nodded then quickly rode on it.

"Oh, before that... it was easy to control," Yman reminded him.

"O-Okay," she nodded again.

"Mhm, good luck."

After Almina nodded her head, she immediately maneuvered the bird, she was happy and sad at the same time. Because she felt she wasn't able to help much in this battle against the demon.

If she continued like this, becoming an Ace would be impossible for her. If she compared herself to the current Ace, she was too far. She couldn't let herself slack.

"I must become stronger..." she muttered and her voice blended in the air.

After Almina left, Yman looked around.

"Sistela, can you trace him?" He whispered in the air.

<Yeah, thanks to your new ability — right now it was easy to copy his data. Currently, he is in the northern part of the city, not far from here.>

"Okay, thank you, Sistela!"

Yman looked ahead. If he wasn't wrong, there was a residential area in that place. He then jumped on the alleyway.

Seconds later, a person wearing a black hooded jacket jumps out of it.

He leaped on the air and ran rapidly towards the direction of the north.

In the northern part of the city, in the residential area, "W-Who are you?!" A man asked the creature in front of him.

"Ehehehe, you are asking who am I? You insolent insects had no right to know!" 

"S**t, what is this scary creature with a horn and red skin? Tsk, I should have escaped a while ago, but who would have thought that he easily defeated those three guards! I am only doing live coverage here when the quake happened. Yet right after that, this creature suddenly appeared and attacked the people around!" Said the blogger in a panic.

"Hehe, it was too late to feel bad, human!" The demon said with a grin.

'Grr, I needed to find a strong body with great magic before the human boy and Icy b***h came here! If only I had my real body, I could squish them easily,' The demon thought in dismay.

A moment later, the demon noticed that the person in front of him was pointing the device in his hands towards him. 'Grr, what is this human trying to do with that toy? Wait, is it a weapon?!' The demon was alarmed. Then, 'No, it's impossible, I couldn't feel any danger from it,' he thought.

The demon grinned broadly, "Now it's your turn to die humaaaaan!" He shouted.

Around this time, in all the neighboring cities or at the far kingdoms, peoples of different stature were watching the live coverage while knitting their brows.

Principal Kim from Human City Z1 had a broad smile on his face. "Hehe, looks like that city's demise will come faster as planned." Said him.

Although that monster was kind of scary, he wasn't bothered by it, he had many strong individuals who could defeat it. This was what Principal Kim thought.

Chief Henderson immediately sent his men for a rescue mission for the possible victims from the high-intensity quake.

In front of him was one of the soldiers he sent to that mission. He just returned and now giving his report.

"Sir, when we arrived at the area most affected by the quake, we encountered an unforeseen danger.

One of our men unusually changed its frame and started attacking our comrades out of nowhere.

We tried to constrict that person, but he had unusual strength, and nine of us together with the captain had no match for it.

The captain ordered us to fight the enemy, but when we were about to defeat it, another of our men started to act unusually too, then it started to attack us.

We can't understand what was going on.

The captain also started to act weird like our other men who attacked us. But before the captain lost his sanity, he asked me to retreat and report about what happened there," one of the soldiers sent by Chief Henderson reported.

Chief Henderson who was sitting in front of the table, massaged his temple.

He wondered why these attacks suddenly happened one after another in this city.

"So it wasn't just a normal quake?"

"Yes, sir!"

Is this city cursed by the great god? What kind of enemy his men encountered this time? The chief contemplated.

However, before Chief Henderson could open his mouth again, one of his men came rushing into his office.

The chief was a little startled and frowned, but he beckoned to his men to speak his intention.

"Sir, there is a call from the academy!" Reported the soldier.

The chief was a little surprised. "Is it from the principal?" He asked.

"Yes, sir!"

The chief connected the call to his private line. Then he immediately strengthened his back when he heard what the principal said.

"What! a civilized demon of possession?!" The chief's countenance immediately turned sour when he heard the principal's words and the enemy's race. Not just that, it belonged to a higher family of that race. The chief gulped a cold sweat trail on his forehead.

'Maybe this will be the end of this city,' the chief thought.

The principal then asked him for a rescue team to the underground channel.

"Underground channel of West District?!"

"...Yes, chief," said the principal's voice from the other line.

"Okay, I will send some men right away!"

"...Okay, thank you chief."

Toot, toot, toot — The call finally ended.

The chief immediately ordered another rescue operation with another squad together with some medical team. It was led by the only survivor from the first team. Well, they were lacking soldiers and that soldier was the only person who knew the frame of the enemy.

No matter what happened, they needed to rescue the Ace of the academy. She was the only one who had more knowledge about that enemy. Since she already fought it for a long time.

Inside the academy, all the officials were flabbergasted from Almina's news.

"The Ace fought a civilized demon for a long time without us knowing?!" One of the faculty officials roared.

"It seemed like it, based on what I heard inside the principal's office."

"This is a big negligence of the principal's duty. It is because he doesn't give importance to the trainee's safety that the Ace puts herself in danger!"

"Shh, don't shout too loud Mr. Noy. The principal will probably hear you if you keep shouting," said the person beside the person named Mr. Noy.

"Like I care! We need to oust the principal and reelect another one who is more capable than him!" Mr. Noy roared.

"Yeah, I second the motion," said the person beside Mr. Noy.

"Come, Mr. Trillo, help me gather some friends to protest against the principal."

"Wait, Mr. Noy, look at the video, someone appeared," the person named Trillo pointed on the screen.

Mr. Noy then glanced at the screen on his table.

Currently, the predicament of the blogger was being displayed in it.

Inside the barracks, all the people inside were silently staring at the large monitor.

On the other hand, Chief Henderson's deep thinking was disturbed when his assistant rushed inside his office and showed him a video.


In the area where the fight was happening.

The blogger closed his eyes when the monster started to dash towards him, seeing this — he resolved himself that no matter what happened, he won't stop his live coverage. So that if he died today, many people would witness what he did. Maybe when he died today, later on, they would build a statue for him, and honor him as the National Blogger.

For some reason, he felt proud of himself at this thought, even in the face of predicament.

The blogger named NoTopedopie thought to himself, "It isn't bad to die like this," after thinking about it, he prepared himself for his dramatic end.

A few seconds later, the blogger noticed something weird.

He felt no pain even after a couple of seconds that had passed. He slowly opened his eyes and saw someone. That someone was wearing a black jacket beside something like a corpse of a soldier?! Now it seemed like it was still breathing, but deeply.

The monster with a horn and red skin had gone. He didn't know what happened because he closed his eyes. But it was all caught in his video.

Suddenly, he heard the person whisper the word, "Hah, it was easier than I thought..."

That person glanced at him. The blogger caught that person's face in the video. He has very dark hair and red agate eyes. Yet what caught his interest was, "...he looks so handsome!" The blogger exclaimed in his mind.

Then he noticed some kind of black smoke on that person's right hand and on his left. "W-Wait, are y-you... the black magician?!" Looks like the blogger was updated.


The blogger was unaware that at this moment. All those people who happened to watch the whole event had dumbfounded faces.

Inside the faculty room of the academy. Only gulping sounds were discernible.

"How the f**k he did that?" Mr. Noy screamed

in surprise upon seeing the video.

When he noticed his voice echoed inside the room, he awkwardly shut his mouth.

In the barracks,

"Ehhhh?! He defeated that monster so quickly?"

"Wait, isn't he the black magician?!"

"You are right, he really is!"

"Kyaaaah! So handsome!" Some girls and some semi-girls in one of the tables inside the barracks shouted.

In the office of Chief Henderson, he felt like he just saw something unbelievable.

That mysterious person summoned some black smoke and enveloped the monster. A moment later, something from the monster was forcefully taken out from its mouth. And then a sphere-like thing made of dense energy floated from and hovered to his hand. 

Currently, that sphere object was floating on top of that person's hand.

The chief muttered, "We needed that person."

"You're right, chief, someone like him, if we had a soldier like him, we could easily build an outpost in our borders," his assistant excitedly said.

"It will be your assignment to figure out that person's identity. Since he already appeared and helped the city three times, he must be someone from this city," The chief felt joy about it. With this person, this city would surely become a powerhouse like the other city.

"O-Okay chief."

Chief Henderson sighed. Actually, he was curious if what the mysterious person in black talking with the demon. Looks like the blogger unintentionally turned off the audio, because of fear.

In some of the cities, some officials gnashed their teeth. One of them was of course, Principal Kim. He never thought that Black magicians would save that city again. Now Principal Kim was wary about this black magician. He needed someone to investigate that person.

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