The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 426

C426 Galaxy Guard Alliance

“Lo Ya, I’m glad we talked again.”

When the two parties were working together, the leader naturally had to greet each other. This time, the light girl with long yellow hair appeared in front of Lo Ya again.

In fact, most of the rulers of Vivendian were men, and most women did not like political activities. But this woman’s behavior was the complete opposite. The reason why she was able to sit in the position of the leader was because… The reason why she was able to sit at the head position was because of her family’s strong financial resources and her personal popularity on the Internet. During the election, this leader used a large number of votes to suppress the other candidates. He won three years of ruling in one go.

Different from the Insect Girl Clan, the Vivendian leader was more like a symbol of status. He only had three votes in the parliament and could not be compared to the hundreds of people in the entire parliament.

However, this lady named Ilya had a very charming personality. Every time she issued an order… She would receive the support of most of the council members. In the Vivendian, more than three fifths of the votes had passed an order. This issue would then be given the right to be tested, and would then be implemented in a few cities.

It could be said that this young woman’s support for collaborating with the Insect Girl Clan had played a significant role.

Moreover, she was only over 40 years old, which was equivalent to the youth of the human race. She was one of the few young officials in power.

“Hello.” Lo Ya’s gaze did not land on the other person but on another female who was covered in dark green behind her. That green hat was definitely eye-catching and attracted Lo Ya’s attention.

“I contacted you personally this time because I wanted to discuss some issues from a personal point of view. A while ago, the God of Lightning detected a gamma ray attack in the deep space. The energy level was not high. It passed through the two hanging arms and flew to the center of the galaxy. Data analysis, I suspect that this gamma ray was launched by intelligent creatures. And it came from the direction we were heading. ”

The other party sent a form through the network. Lo Ya took a simple look and sent the data to the Brain Insect.

Not long after, the Brain Insect No.1 replied, “99% of them were launched by space civilizations. The Vivendian people’s judgment is correct.”

“Alright, I understand. Why don’t you come to my Mother Star five days later to discuss this matter.”

Lo Ya nodded and started to pay attention to the direction of the signal.

The gamma ray was a very small electromagnetic wave with a very strong penetrating force. Many gamma ray explosions occurred in the universe at all times. The ones with the higher energy were enough to destroy the entire civilization of the planet in an instant.

Because its transmission speed was light speed, it was unpredictable and undetectable. Only when it was hit would one know that a gamma ray had hit him.

Space civilizations could only have the ability to deal with the gamma ray explosions after they had mastered super long-distance communication and controlled multiple galaxies. However, this incident was not that serious.

Five days later, both parties met in the Insect Girl Clan’s Mother Star.

The imperial palace of the empire still retained its former glory. After the post-war reconstruction work, this Magic City had basically retained its original appearance.

Both parties came to a huge table. Lo Ya’s body jumped lightly and landed on it. The leader of the Vivendian opposite her sat on a chair, face to face, one big and one small.

“This time you have gathered a lot of information, right? Otherwise, you would not have come to see me personally.” Lo Ya went straight to the point.

“Yes, I sent a detector over and met with a space merchant who sold firearms. They came from outside the Milky Way, but their exact location was unclear. They claimed to have brought goods from the Galaxy Guard Alliance, but we must use high purity Energy Stone to buy them. ”

“Did they say what Energy Stone is?” Lo Ya asked doubtfully.

“Yes, it is this.”

The other party took out a cube box from his hand and took out a three-centimeter long blue crystal cube from inside. It was emitting a faint light.

“The Energy Stone is a high-purity energy crystal. It is used to drive high-grade warships or provide city power. It is also the main currency of Galaxy Guard Alliance.”

Lo Ya frowned.

When the Anti-Machine Alliance in Vivendian was established, Lo Ya had thought of using the Energy Charging Crystal as the trade currency within the alliance. She also tried to work hard for it. If not for what happened after that, perhaps this goal would have already begun to advance.

From the outside, the blue cube Energy Stone was clearly more beautiful. Its size was larger, and it was crystal clear. Compared to the red crystal mine, it had a beautiful fluorescence.

Intuition told Lo Ya that the energy condensation level of that thing was much higher than the Energy Charging Crystal, and the corresponding cost would also be much higher.

As a currency that could be used as energy, its value would definitely be beyond imagination. It would not be like other currencies, where there would be a serious inflation, unless there was an endless supply of energy.

“The other side is not sure if we have similar production technology. Anyway, this is their first time coming to our Milky Way. I speculate that the direction we are heading to is the territory of the Galaxy Guard Alliance.”

Although they were only facing a few dozen centimeters tall Small, the leader of the Vivendian was still serious.

Lo Ya raised her head and thought for a few seconds. She shook her tail and said, “It seems that we cannot advance rashly.”

“Yes, our existence is undoubtedly exposed. The other party’s technology level should be higher than ours. At least, I can’t produce things like Energy Stone. As for your Energy Charging Crystal…”

“Is there any extra Energy Stone? I want to research it.”

The other party directly threw the one in his hand over, “They didn’t give much, most of it isn’t in my hands. I think they are looking for some external civilizations to cooperate with to obtain a large amount of this currency. We can’t exclude the fact that the merchant is backed by the Galaxy Guard Alliance’s government. Of course, we can’t guarantee that. Is the other party also formed by multiple civilizations, similar to our previous Anti-Machinery Alliance?”

Lo Ya nodded heavily. “I think it’s necessary to maintain our alliance. The universe is too dangerous. Everyone had just left their Mother Star not long ago, and they had only developed a few dozen planets. This is definitely incomparable to the advanced civilizations in the universe. We need to seize every opportunity to cooperate and develop. ”

” Looks like you have the same idea as me ”

The green-haired lady behind Ilya kept frowning as she stared at Lo Ya. Because she noticed that this Little Insect Girl kept looking at her from time to time. It was really strange. Could it be that there was something strange on my head? Wasn’t it just a hat?

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