The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 743

Chapter 743

[One day, the time will come for you to step forward. I reveal it in the name of the being of creation. You who are about to face doom will be saved.]


Illyna blinked her eyes as she looked at the small pendant in her hand.

She knew this was a dream, yet it was so vivid. She couldn’t remember when she started having dreams like this. Was it right after Davey usurped the throne of the Demon King from Perserque? When she was thrown into God's Dream World with him? When the Goddess Freyja cruelly went through his past life and made him suffer?

Yes, the dreaming must have started then. The Transcendence’s Will that permeated her body sometimes made her dream.

Soon after, the surrounding scenery changed before a familiar voice rang out.

- I ask you. When I, the Demon King of the Abyss, one day become like that... Then...

Illyna de Pallan, the sword genius daughter of the Pallan Empire’s royal family with unrivaled talent, woke up with an eerie feeling as if she were falling into an abyss.

She looked at the pendant in her hand. She couldn't figure out how it got there, since she was certain she had placed it elsewhere before falling asleep...


She curled up on her bed and let out a short groan. She knew it was too big a burden, but she also knew that she couldn't stand idly by forever. She slowly got up, walked outside into a large open space, and quietly lifted the pendant into the air. She muttered softly as she watched the pendant float on its own.

“That fool...”

Light poured out of the pendant, forming the translucent shape of a human being.


She seemed to think for a while before nodding to the figure with determined eyes.

“Davey says he fights as a hobby, but he’s still a hero to those he saves.”

The figure didn’t answer.

“If that idiot doesn’t take care of himself while saving the world, then I’ll save him myself.”

That was the only promise she could make to him.


Kain felt an unusual power in the brilliant jasper-colored light emanating from the Absolute Gem.

"What happened? Is it fully charged or something?"

"That is..."

“That can’t be possible. First off, the Absolute Gem isn’t supposed to recover so quickly... Wait, that can’t be...” Kain trailed off and opened his eyes wide. "That can’t be. Did God sacrifice his hard-earned advantage to the Absolute Gem?!”

The people around focused on Kain as he gasped in astonishment.

“Wait, I don’t want to miss out on this drama. Fill me in,” Davey said, making Kain sigh.

“God Neltarid is currently engaged in a power struggle with the other side. The power was only balanced despite the advantageous situation, however, thanks to the power being infused into the gem.”

In other words, Neltarid had taken all the advantages they gained due to Eclipse’s trolling of this side.

Davey took the gem without saying a word. He hadn’t received any revelations since the destructive side awakened—he figured they couldn’t send any, not that they purposely chose not to.

A mysterious soundwave spread inside his head as he held the gem. For some reason, he felt like he was hearing a voice.

[Delegate of creation. A wise man who receives the favor of harmony. As the end times are approaching, announce the end before dusk comes.]

“Damn it, if you’re going to give me a revelation, don’t be so cryptic about it. Got that?” Davey muttered angrily and jumped up. He then calmed himself and said, “Everyone must have been surprised by the Malicious Spirit attack—let’s take some time to rest up.”

“In this situation? If we don’t do something right now...” Tiara trailed off, then rolled her eyes as Edison covered her mouth.

"Ah. Gramps! I thought I already told you not to cover my mouth when I’m trying to talk!”

“You! That mouth of yours is always causing a problem. Wise Teacher, please rest up—we’ll all do the same.”

As Edison left with Tiara in tow, Kain also quietly stood up.

“Kain. Where are you going?”

“Don’t pretend that you don’t know what’s going on.” He coldly pulled Frelia’s ear and left. Verdandi also disappeared without a word. After everyone left, it was just Davey, Aerie, and Perserque.


The two looked at Davey in silence. As he silently looked at them, he suddenly fell to the ground.

[I knew it... Fastforwarding time turned out to be a big burden. My apologies, my lord.]

'No need for that. Rather, keep an eye on that mutant. Once he’s done being useful, I’ll either send him back to the void or get rid of him.’

It had already eaten countless humans. It was probably still busy moving around, but Davey knew it would once again start eating whatever it could once it was done.

[Then I shall excuse myself for the time being.]

As Arbit’s consciousness disappeared, Davey yawned while hugging Perseque, unable to hide his tiredness.

“That’s right, that’s right. You’ve been through a lot,” Perserque said as she quietly patted his back. She then continued speaking with playfulness in her eyes, “I thought you promised not to overdo yourself.”

“It’s really hard... to make a living...” Davey replied.

She smiled at his words. “Everything will be fine.”

"She’s right—Prince Davey is strong! When you want to rest... uh...” As Aeria spoke, she paused and her face immediately turned red. When Perserque and Davey looked at her, she didn't know what to do. She ended up speaking in the tiniest voice. "Uh... I’ll.... I’ll lend you my hand...!”

Davey thought it was very funny to see her being so embarrassed and not knowing what to do, jokingly saying, “If possible, I would like you to lend me your thighs.”

"Ah... Ah! T-That’s....”

“Oh Davey. Cut it out.” After saying that, Perserque made Davey hug Aeria.


Aeria shrieked and trembled with a red flushed face.

“If you’re going to do it, be confident.”

Aeria froze up. Davey couldn’t help but notice how she seemed to be the same as usual, despite the current situation. Enjoying her cute reaction, he became even more playful and closed his eyes while holding her.

He was in fact extremely tired, having used more strength earlier than he had imagined. He knew that he would pay the price later if he didn’t rest up now. Although it was going to be short, if anyone dared disturb his rest, he wasn’t going to let them...


“Damn it.”

Davey wasn’t going to let that someone die peacefully.


Asgard was currently hovering in the Korean airspace. Davey had left it levitating for inspections, but a group of countless mutants took advantage and attacked.

Zing... Boom!!!

An enormous number of mutants were shooting mysterious rays of concentrated energy toward Asgard from their mouths, and its main batteries were trying to shoot them down. However, the surprisingly high number of enemies meant that the main batteries couldn’t handle them all by itself.

Thud!! Thud!!!

As the entire huge airship shook from the violent shock, Tiara shouted with a hardened expression.

“It’s dangerous if we keep releasing energy like this! Can’t we intercept them?!”

At her shout, one of the elves in charge of mana control broke into a cold sweat. “Well, there are still a lot of unstable mana circuits, and since we’re inspecting them...”

“This is the worst,” Tiara muttered.

She was referring to the void energy, the massive power coming out from the nuclear reactor along with the authority of the Demon King. But this was the current output limit using the void energy.

There was no problem when slaughtering monsters, but their opponents right now were mutants. In fact, among the enemies was a mutant monster that was particularly strong—t had managed to overpower Davey in terms of strength in the past.

“If things continue like this, we’ll suffer too much damage. Intercepting...”

"No. They’re.... They’re probably exhausted since they just finished fighting...”

“But as you know, the main battery’s durability is considerably low since it's already being used to its limit. With all the accumulated damage... if we’re not careful think it might explode before we can even use the light particle cannon.”

Tiara gritted her teeth as the elf woman wearing glasses explained it to her. She knew there weren’t many people capable of doing interceptions. Verdandi withdrew from the fight to suppress Urd, and Megalodria had immediately disappeared again. Perserque and Rinne were the only ones left—unfortunately, there were too many enemies for the two to handle.

But then...

"Uh... Huh? Tiara, what are those on the deck?” Edison asked curiously as he watched three beings walk out of a crystal ball which displayed a wide, flat deck like an aircraft carrier.


Their skin was gray with bizarre gleams. They were eerie, topless people with thin but well-proportioned bodies. Even so, it was difficult to see them as human beings. They looked relaxed, as if they were on a picnic.

"Wait... Can I listen to what they’re saying?” Tiara muttered with a stern expression. An elf adjusted the magic circle and they began hearing them.


They had a unique laugh. Even with the ear-piercing sound that Asgard's light particle cannon made while attacking the mutants and the mutants counterattacking, the three monsters were busy giggling among themselves.


Then one of the three got hit by the remnants of a mutant’s breath that had penetrated through a gap in the World Tree's barrier.

One of the mysterious beings clinked their teeth excitedly and laughed while holding their stomach. Another monster stabbed the fallen one using a battle ax that seemed to have come out of nowhere.

As Tiara and Edison were wondering what the three monsters could be, the fallen one got up and grinned to the other two while pointing at the sky.

“Let’s kill that thing.”


None of them disagreed. With that, the monster holding the battle ax crouched down, grabbed the other one, and threw them like a shot put.


The monster flew into the sky, wielding a sword in one hand, and created a huge flash of light. At the sudden attack, a countless number of mutants fell while bleeding. The monster bounced around using the falling mutants as stepping stones and began indiscriminately massacring them. Their attacks possessed a force beyond one’s imagination.

“What on earth...?”

"Ah... They are..." Aeria muttered in a surprised tone as she entered the captain's office.

“Princess Aeria? Do you happen to know them?”

"Yes, although my memory is a bit blurry... They’re folks that follow Prince Davey.”

Tiara looked slightly uncertainat her explanation. “What they’re doing does seem similar to his style... though I can’t help but see them as monsters.”

“Even though they may seem very playful, they are quite easy to get along with.” Aeria reassured Tiara. However, her focus was on their grotesque appearance.

Aeria continued, "Oh, and Prince Davey asked me to pass on a message from him, so I came here in person.”

Then Rinne appeared on the deck. She spread her blue particle wings, rotated the circle above her head, and spoke up.

[Elder Brain. Give me orders.]

At the same time, the giant golem raised its shield and blocked the giant mutant that tried to attack Rinne, engaging it in hand-to-hand combat.


As soon as the golem was pushed back, Rinne flew up while her blue eyes were flashing. After a moment of silence when it felt like everything came to a pause, a tremendous amount of light flashed from Rinnie’s hand, soon turning into a crowbar. She then used it to pierce and leverage the mutant’s private part.


With an eerie sound, the mutant curled up and fell without even being able to resist.


“Oh my god...”

The men who saw this flinched and reflexively covered their crotches.

“Prince Davey has something to tell you.” Aeria continued, “He thinks it's time to eradicate all the bugs.”

Although the Illuminati attacked to buy time however they could, Tiara couldn't help but feel sorry for Davey who was angry at missing his opportunity to rest up comfortably.



The city-state of Singapore was currently in chaos due to the enormous amount of mutants spreading throughout the city. Numerous people screamed in fear as the mutants showed a level of danger far exceeding ordinary monsters. They destroyed and slaughtered everything in their path, overwhelming the citizens.

Although Singapore had a small population, the rate of Awakened individuals was quite high, and they were also pretty strong. However, even their strong defense could not stop the mutants’ relentless attacks.

Many of the Awakened and military troops were injured, and the Singaporean government urgently requested help from neighboring countries. Yet, since the mutant problem was widespread, there were not many who could actually afford to provide assistance—the situation was gradually worsening.

Helloy, an Awakened individual out in the field, trembled as he saw his team members being brutally slaughtered.

- Gooo...

He stepped back, frightened by the huge mutant approaching him. Unfortunately, he tripped on a rock, making him fall to the ground.

Ah... Ah...

The thought of imminent death made him shudder. As the monster slowly extended its hand toward him, he closed his eyes, bracing for the pain.

But he never felt the pain. Instead, he heard a voice.

“You fucking bastards! Where are your freaking manners? How dare you disturb my peace!?”

Bang!! Bang!!

Helloy opened his eyes at the vulgar words and was shocked by what he saw. The mutant, the epitome of fear for him moments ago, was being torn apart by a young man who looked like he had just left his boyhood. He couldn’t find anything to say as he saw the young man vent his anger on the mutant.

- Goooo!! Gwaaa!!”

The young man was tearing up the mutant to the point that Helloy felt bad for it. Even so, he remained silent as he was flustered by what was happening. Soon after, crosses made of light began to appear from all directions, raining down like a bombardment. These crosses of light combined into a single attack, piercing and burning the mutants.

“Thus says Goddess Freyja: Let sleeping dogs lie.”

Helloy found the statement odd, but he didn’t have the guts to argue.


The young man trampled and crushed the last bits of the mutant which had trembled and begged for its life. Then, with a grim look on his face, he turned his gaze to Helloy. When their eyes met, Helloy gulped.

“What are you looking at? Is this your first time seeing a mutant croak?”

Heloy looked up at him blankly.

‘Yes, it is,’ he thought.

The whole situation of the mutant dying so easily felt unreal, especially when he couldn’t even take one down after desperately struggling.

“Let’s see... I definitely smelled the Death Lord coming from here...”

With a grim smile and eerily flashing eyes, he muttered, “You bastards, I won’t let even a single one of you die peacefully.”

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