The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 737

Chapter 737

Immediately after that, the red mutant, the only variable outside the control of the world's forces, ran away and escaped from Davey with firm determination.

Meanwhile, Davey had completely disappeared from everyone’s radar, even the Malicious Spirits’. Now, the only one that they could see was the red mutant in the form of the Saint of Tionis.

[My lord, the mutant is moving faster. He must have already found the correct wavelength.]

Forced to believe that it had found and detected Davey’s wavelength, the red mutant ran away faster the closer Davey seemed to it. Unbeknownst to it, it was doing the opposite of running away. Since its reality had been distorted, it was actually moving faster the closer it was to the target that it had been tracking.

Davey hadn't been sure that the red mutant would remember the wavelength of the Malicious Spirits since it hadn’t been able to catch or kill one before. The entire plan was more of a gamble than it was a decision based on fact.

If the plan succeeded, then things would be easier for Davey. If it didn’t, he could just kill the red mutant on the spot. Fortunately, the gamble paid off; the mutant remembered the common wavelength of Atlantis, the Malicious Spirits’ race.

It did not matter if the red mutant could not locate the target with pinpoint accuracy—Davey only had to get sufficiently close to his opponents before he could track them down himself.“To be honest… I don’t want you to go,” Perserque said as she wrapped herself with a thin blanket and reached out to touch Davey’s cheek. “The warmth spreading in my hands. The touches. All of these are very precious to me.”

“If I don’t stop them now, the consequences would be unimaginable.”

To put it simply, Davey was fighting for the fate of the world. Davey, the Abyss, and the Malicious Spirits—all three existences were fighting for their own survival. Only death awaited those unfortunate enough to lose the war.


The rustling of cloth echoed in the room as Perserque approached Davey. The blanket slowly slipped off her, revealing her white and tender skin.

“Perserq—” Davey said, shocked by her actions, before he was cut off by a warm sensation in his mouth.

Instead of saying more, Perserque just placed her hand on his cheeks and kissed him. Then, she pushed Davey, who was getting ready to go out, back onto the bed.

Looking at him from above as if she wanted to subdue him, she began to act recklessly and without abandon

‘She was so shy at first too.’

Davey had been feeling like she had been growing up too fast in this aspect, but he let it be. After all, he benefited from it quite well, no?


“I have to go.”

“Please don’t get hurt,” Perserque said as she showed Davey her ring. “I will be here waiting for you.”

She then lowered herself and kissed Davey again. With a smile, she added, “Even if I want to, you won’t let me follow you anymore.”

“Your body’s no longer spiritual.”

If she still had a spiritual body, then she could go anywhere with Davey. But now, she had a physical body.

There was also the fact that she still could not bear children despite her body already having undergone metamorphosis. Davey didn’t hate her just because of her inability to give him children, though.

“I really wanted to have your child.”

“I’ll make it possible one day.”

Although it might be a bit difficult to secure Perserque’s original genes, Davey would make it happen.

“Are you going to leave right away?”

“Yeah, but I’ll be quick.”

Perserque slowly stood up and put on her clothes.

“You could have at least listened and gave in to your wife’s stubbornness, no?”

Perserque wanted was, after all, something very simple.


Just by listening to Perserque, one could tell how possessive she was. If so, why did she consent to the addition of Aeria to Davey’s harem? Davey even had a feeling that she was waiting quietly and aiming for Illyna to join as well. However, whenever she was asked why, she would always keep her mouth shut.

Davey led Aeria, still awake knitting a scarf for him, out of the mansion and into the ruined city of Sokcho, where they had anchored the gigantic airship Asgard. Its crew, both dwarves and elves, had already started to live in this city.

Davey walked through the streets of Sokcho, leading Aeria and Perserque into a building that had been restored with the help of the dwarves and their great technological skills.


“There’s something very interesting and fun here.”

Perserque turned to Aeria in doubt. “Do you know what’s going on?”

“No. I also…” Aeria trailed off, her eyes widening at the sight before her.

It was only natural for her to react that way, though. When Davey found the building after cleaning up the monsters, he made the dwarves remodel and renovate it. Now, it was a fully functional theater.

Davey led the two to sit on the chairs. He then smiled at them. “Well… It can be considered a ruin… but it has its own charm, doesn’t it?”

With everything in this building completely still, they felt as if the entire world had been destroyed, and only the three of them were left.

Thanks to the barriers created by the elves, the monsters could not enter this area. Thus, they did not need to fear that they would be attacked in the middle of whatever they were going to do in this place.

Completely clueless about what Davey was trying to do, the two watched him as he slowly walked up to the platform. When he bowed politely, the girls giggled, seemingly finding it funny.

Not long after, Davey stepped on the switch on one side of the platform.

Clank!!! Rumble!!!

At the same time, a part of the stage opened up, and something slowly came out.

“What’s that?”

The girls’ eyes sparkled with curiosity and surprise.

“There aren’t many gifts that I can give you,” Davey said as he sat down on the chair that came with a grand piano, the large object that had risen to the stage when he stepped on the switch.

Davey used his index finger to silently press one of the keys of the piano.

[Your singing might sound like a serenade from hell, but your skills with the piano? They’re good, I have to give you that. You’re much better at playing the piano than any other instrument.]

The memories of the Bard Hero, Mute—or was it Muse?—surfaced in Davey’s mind.


Davey slowly closed his eyes as the clear and crisp tone rang in the entire theater.

Oh… Rinne highly rates this elegant and scenic view created by master Davey.”

The sound of Rinne’s voice floated in Davey’s ears. It seemed like she had followed behind them.

“Rinne will film this. Rinne judges that Rinne will be able to secure a huge amount of funds with a private broadcast of this.”

Davey did not know what Rinne wanted to do on her own, but he didn’t try to stop her either. After a moment of silence, he began to move his hands.

‘Alright. Let’s try the one about the old clock.’

[Grandfather’s Old Clock.]

Davey’s fingertips pressed on the piano keys, playing an interesting and soft song that could be adapted in many ways. As the beautiful melody slowly spread in the theater, a five-colored aura began to wrap around him. It was as if a spirit was fluttering and dancing around him.

The effect increased his vitality. Although it did not mean much, the five-colored aura that wrapped around him so naturally only made the scene look more brilliant and stunning.

Ahh… Beautiful…” Aeria mumbled to herself as the music lingered in her ears.

At the same time, Perserque closed her eyes and listened to the music quietly.

Davey slowly played the piano, showing his sincerity to the two. Just like that, a concert unfolded in the ruins of Sokcho City. He could feel nearby life gathering around them as the slow rendition of the Grandfather’s Old Clock swiftly resonated in the area.

When he turned his head, he saw elk, wild boars, and other animals that had likely settled in this ruined city gathering on one side of the theater. Even the ones that were usually not on good terms with each other sat in a daze, seemingly also enjoying the performance.

Eventually, Davey, doing his best, finished the song.

“Why are you crying?” he asked.

Perserque just remained silent for a few more moments. After a while, she stood up and answered, “It’s… It’s nothing.”

Still, when Davey approached her, she leaned into his embrace and wept silently. Although Davey should have known why she was crying, all he did was lightly hug her back.

“I’ve been meaning to do something like this for you.”

Davey did truly want to try this. Unfortunately, they had never gotten the right opportunity and atmosphere for it until now.

“I… I haven’t forgotten the song that Davey played for me in the Imperial Palace,” Aeria said.

That was the time when she stepped out and faced countless people with her mask removed—the time when she was finally freed from the disease that plagued her all her life. Aeria had said that it was the happiest moment of her life.

Aeria’s ears twitched as she smiled softly. “This time too… I will never forget it. Never.”

Davey reached out to her and patted her on the head.

“Please be careful.”

“I will.”

Aeria stepped back, still smiling.

As if instinctively sensing that he’d be leaving now, Perserque hugged Davey tighter.

“Davey… Davey…”

“You’re acting like a child today, huh?”

“What’s so wrong about a wife longing for her husband’s touch?”

“I’ll come back to see you soon.”

Perserque grew silent.


“Awaiting orders.”

“Protect the two of them. No matter what.”

Rinne just nodded solemnly in response. After that, Davey sent the two to Asgard and ordered Tiara, its captain, to take them away from this space.

Afterward, Davey went to the Middle East.

Unlike Grapes and Maga, Prince Al Hajat was a production slave who was more or less fully developed. That was why it didn’t take long for him to do what he was tasked to do.

“You’re going somewhere, my friend.”

“Nothing good will come out of letting a war like this drag on for too long.”

Al Hajat smiled softly as he handed two items to Davey. One was a black robe, and the other was an object with an unusual shape.

“I know that money is meaningless to you. No matter how much gold we give you, it would still be too shabby and wouldn’t be of any help to the path that you will be taking in the future.”

“I did not help you for the money. This is already more than enough for me.”

“This is all I can give you.” With a smile on his face, Al Hajat pointed to the object with an unusual shape. “It’s an amulet my father picked up while traveling all over the world in his youth. He said that it had always brought him good luck,”

Davey smiled in response. “I’ll use it well.”

“I hope that you can achieve what you want to achieve. One day, once you have done everything you have set out to do…I will show you your cruise.”

“My cruise?”

“Yes. I thought long and hard about how we could repay you and eventually reached this decision. I bought you a private jet, your own cruise, and that large area in Korea where you are located now. Once a building has been built on it, then it can serve as your mansion.”

“You… How much did you spend on this?”

The smile on Al Hajat’s face grew softer when he heard helplessness in Davey’s voice.

“What I hate the most in the world are people who don’t repay the kindness and grace they receive. From a national standpoint, you could have gotten more from us when you offered to help us, but you chose not to. You willingly helped us in our time of need, allowing many of our citizens to continue to laugh and live. We have no way to adequately repay such kindness and grace.”

Davey just quietly listened to Al Hajat. Then, he slowly put on the robe, the effect of which was quite simple. It significantly increased the effects of Malicious Spirit Meses’ Shadow Predation.

Davey hurriedly absorbed Meses’ core the moment the robe displayed its power. When he saw his shadow move as if it were an extension of his body, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

“May luck accompany you on your path. I hope you don’t get hurt, my friend. I will treat you to a precious drink someday soon.”

“Good. I happen to have this drink called Amrita in my hands. I also have Nirvana, but it would be too much for an ordinary person to drink.”

He wasn’t trying to put Al Hajat in the hospital, so he figured the potent emperor-sedative Nirvana was off the table.

“I look forward to it.” Al Hajat bowed.

Davey crossed through space again.

[My lord, please mind your condition.]

Heeding Arbit’s concern, Davey closed his eyes and slowly put away the power boiling and rampaging in him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the red mutant in front of him. Completely unaware that it had already lost to its opponent, it headed toward the western part of America—Los Angeles, to be exact.

The monsters’ large-scale attack had reduced the city of LA to ruins, destroying all of its functions. Now, the place was completely infested with zombies—perhaps the Malicious Spirits had no better place to settle down than a place that was devoid of humans that could bother them.

Davey slowly got closer and closer to the area. At some point, he started to feel the wavelength of the Malicious Spirits, albeit very weakly.

Standing beside Davey, Verdandi asked, “Aren’t you quite stupid? Do you really think you can deal with this on your own?”

“That’s why I brought you along.”

“What if I betray you?”

Davey smiled widely. “Then King Grid will die.”

“You really are a shameless bastard,” Verdandi said with a cold smile. She then opened her hands.

If Davey used his power before they launched the surprise attack, then there was a high chance that the Malicious Spirits would notice it. That meant it was time for Verdandi to show off her demonic technique.

The magic book that she always had by her side floated in front of her as blue energy began to gather atop her hands. Then, with a bright flash of light, her power enveloped the entire area.

Right after, Davey released his holy power without any hesitation. He could not use his divine power recklessly since it was the only thing that he could use against Eclipse.

The Malicious Spirits had judged that Davey would be very interested in the Illuminati, but the truth was that Davey wasn’t the least bit interested in those baits. He only had his eyes on the big fish.

Of course, he had to thank the red mutant, which had copied his appearance, for taking the aggro in his place. Davey had to use this opportunity to attack before they noticed it heading straight toward America through the sea.

[My creator. My shepherd. My guide. I, Davey O’Rowane, offer a prayer to you. Please make the fucking bastards blocking my path shut their mouths.]

[Please break the fingers of the motherfuckers who dared point their spears at your lamb.]

Holy power gradually gathered at Davey’s palms. As it grew stronger, it began to spin.

[Go. Burn all of the bastards who dared stand in my path.]

The price was…

[Let’s start by giving them some free service.]

[9th Transcendental Holy Magic]

[God’s Middle Finger]

[Ten Consecutive Shots]

The highest level of offensive holy magic shot out from Davey’s hands and rained down upon the land. In an instant, the area was bombarded with god’s divine attacks.

Afterward, Davey flew through the air. He pulled out the Corona Destroyer and attacked a gigantic Malicious Spirit—the first to react to his offensive— blasting it away.


Keok?! What the hell is this?!”

The Corona Destroyer’s baptism made the Malicious Spirit stumble on its feet. The attack didn’t deal much damage, but that wasn’t really the point. The Corona Destroyer was a three-strike debuff weapon.

‘That bastard’s defenses will now be…’

In an instant, the shield protecting it was shattered. Confused and flustered, the bald Malicious Spirit looked around until it finally found Davey. Thanks to Verdandi’s reality distortion, Davey looked like a high-ranking Malicious Spirit to his opponent.

Davey grabbed the spear of light that rested in his hands. Divine Spear Longinus appeared in its second form—a bamboo spear—but the vast amount of mana that Davey was releasing swiftly turned it into a lightning spear.

Ah… Let there be light in your head, bastard.”

The lightning spear shot out toward the flustered Malicious Spirit at a speed that almost tore the space around them.

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