The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 545

Chapter 545

In the aftermath of Rinnes unleashed power of destruction, the cave began to collapse. Davey, who had previously sliced through the cave, knew it was only a matter of time before it succumbed to the added shock.

Attempting to escape the collapsing cave, Davey supported the boy who hadn't fully healed from the Rain of Heaven skill. However, Davey halted when the boy desperately clutched at his clothes.


Here's a revised version with some adjustments for clarity and flow:

"The boy, bloodied and gasping, appeared to have something urgent to say.

"Do you have something to say?" Davey inquired, acknowledging the rarity of a foreigner in such a dire state.

Typically, foreigners' bodies turned to dust upon death, but this boy seemed like a local, implying that the man Rinne blasted away was responsible for his condition.

"I understand you have much to say, but let's get you treated first, then you can talk."

In response, the boy desperately reached out and clutched at Daveys clothes with a shaking hand, indicating his reluctance for Davey to leave immediately. Trembling, he pointed toward a motionless girl on the ground.

With his faint voice, he managed to utter, "Sis...ter..."

Partially recovering his voice due to the Rain of Heaven, tears of blood rolled down his cheeks, conveying his desperate plea.

Understanding the situation, Davey nodded and addressed the boy, "Saving her will come at a high cost. Are you prepared to do anything?"

After a moment of stunned silence, the boy nodded with determination and a hint of vengeance in his eyes.

Dont be stupid. Just rest for now.


Disregarding the boy's resolve, Davey lightly knocked him out with a hit to his abdomen. He then approached the girl, who bore countless damages and injuries.

Is she a girl or a woman? She seems too young to be an adult woman, but too mature to be a girl.

Placing his hand on her neck to check her pulse, Davey realized her heart was still lightly beating.

Her tenacity is insane, Davey remarked.

Despite severe injuries that most humans wouldn't have survived, she clung to life, almost miraculously, likely due to his amplified prayers to the gods. The same applied to the boy.

However, there was a repercussion: because he extended their lives through prayers and divine magic, they couldn't be further healed through holy magic for three hours. He had to choose between physically healing them or waiting three hours to use holy magic. It was a difficult decision, a consequence of Goddess Freyjas weakening influence in the world.

"Where there's a will, there's a way," Davey muttered, laying the boy and girl side by side. Rinne, he is still alive. Dont kill him.

Davey was aware that the culprits misused the body of the Deathlord.

An eye for an eye. A murderer will be punished with a death sentence, and those who utilize the dead for artifacts will face the same fate.

Rinne, a high-performance combat bio-golem. The probability of mission success is very high!

A man with black hair burst out from the remnants of the collapsed wall, his expression instantly twisted in fury. "You dare! You dare! You dare to touch me, the sacred custodian serving the Deathlord... Me! Me! Me!"

His scream was filled with madness, and Rinne, observing the dagger and the artifact he held, began to move slowly. Meanwhile, Davey had laid two bodies down, channeling mana for healing.

Holy magic is the least harmful way to heal. But just because you can't heal with holy power doesn't mean it's impossible to heal at all.

"Reconstitution of the body," Davey muttered, and the devil mana began to stir.

Dark magic dealt with the mind, and devil magic dealt with the body. To be precise, the source of devil magic was the medical practice through magic. Ultimately, it was a type of sorcery born from a pure longing to revive the dead.

Not stopping there, Davey pulled out a talisman he had prepared as a spare from the pocket plane and tossed it into the air.

[2nd Grade Sorcery]

[The Gate of the Celestial Realm]

This was the most efficient method for humans. If these individuals were from an Earth devoid of mana, there was nothing more effective than sorcery.

"If I've decided to heal you, it's best you don't plan on dying," Davey cautioned.

Even if death came, he would grasp their souls and bring them back. Sorcery originated from Earth before the dimensions split, and even the descendants of the humans from the pre-split Earth could expect significant benefits.

The Gate of the Celestial Realm was a sorcery spell used by sorcerers to optimize the physical state, creating a paradise that synchronized with humans. It would buy him some time. Others might shake their heads and say it would be impossible, but they should not underestimate him.

Having linked the celestial gate to the boy and the woman, Davey clasped his hands in prayer and began to draw forth all the devil mana.

[8th Circle Devil Magic]

[Re-source Body]

Crack! Crack!

Bones twisted, skin stretched, nerves contorted, and the skeleton began to alter on its own. The human body held over 200 bones and an unimaginable amount of muscle fibers, not to mention the nerves that, if carelessly tampered with, could be fatal. Davey worked silently, meticulously twisting and correcting each one. Ordinary users of devil magic would have been horrified by the scene, but with no one to witness and no intention to show, his actions became increasingly bold.

Fractured bones mended, fatal wounds healed, organs repaired, and severed nerves swelled as if regrowing. The boy and girl, who had seemed near death, began to recover. Rain poured from the sky, and in tandem with the necromantic magic, the woman's ravaged arm began to heal as if it had never been damaged.

Davey pondered if he should have simply used high-tier holy magic from the start. Despite potential side effects, the healing process would not have been so cumbersome.

"Life is precious, side effects or not," Davey mused as he watched their breathing steady.

He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, dampened it with the rain, and gently wiped the blood from their faces. The boy in his late teens and the woman, or rather, the young lady, in her early twenties, looked innocent and vulnerable.


Suddenly, a thunderous clash echoed from afar Rinne and the man with the black hair were engaged in combat. The artifact the man carried, tinged with the Deathlord's essence, indicated Rinne might be at a disadvantage.

However, Davey remained unconcerned. He had been waiting for this moment, for the man to reveal his power.

"But why do these kids seem so familiar?" Davey pondered aloud, gently stroking their cheeks.

Is that even possible? Ive never seen you unable to remember someone else, said Perserque.

"I have dj vu about people I don't remember."

They look familiar, but I cant recall them?

It was an unusual situation for Davey, who possessed a flawless memory. Forgetting was a luxury beyond his reach. They looked familiar, yet he couldn't match them to anyone he knew.

Ahh! This rude witch! I will kill you! I will murder you! I will rip you apart!

As Davey pondered their identities, the man's screams grew more frantic. He brandished a dagger embedded with an artifact, the very essence of the Deathlord imbued within it. As the artifact glowed, the man's body grotesquely distorted.

Crack! Crack!

I will show you the fate of confronting the servant of the Deathlord! I will dissect him and tear your limbs apart and boil them!

He appeared different now, towering over 3 meters tall, bulging with muscles, and seeming to emit steam from his mouth.

"Ah, ah! How delightful it is. All the skills I've taken from foreigners are now mine!" he exclaimed, picking up a simple-looking artifact, a bead, and a book adorned with artifacts.

He then proclaimed maniacally, "The Deathlord decreed to purify the world! Everyone must unite under the grace of the Deathlord! Purity means integration and fusion!!!"

His crazed shout caused Rinne to deeply furrow her brow.

"I'll kill you all!!!" he screamed, charging at Rinne.

The ground rumbled and shattered under his immense force, and as he reached Rinne, who was startled and about to summon her Light Saber, he struck her with such force and sent her flying.


Laughing wildly, he exclaimed, "Incredible! This is unity! This is integration! This is purity!!!"

He then turned his crazed eyes from Rinne to Davey and Perserque, showing a sinister smile. "Come, come! Your bodies and souls shall also unite with me! With the Deathlord's artifact, we all shall become one!!!

His movement to activate the remaining artifacts ceased as Davey intervened.

Davey nonchalantly remarked, "If you're finished, you won't be needing your limbs anymore. And keep those two artifacts intact; I need them unharmed."


Red lines began to appear on the mans limbs.

"Don't worry. I won't kill you, you piece of shit," Davey said, indicating his intent to keep him alive until every part could be utilized for artifacts.

The man began to collapse after the slicing of Red Ribbon.

Wha What?

Approaching the man, Davey said, "You thought transcendent magic could be used so carelessly."

The man, bewildered and frightened, looked up at Davey.

"What do you mean...?" he uttered.

"There are higher forms of transcendent magic, but there's also lower transcendent magic that can be countered," Davey explained calmly, taking the artifacts from him and tossing them to Rinne.

Then, he lightly trampled over the man's large form and smiled. "You can't dispel magic that's already been activated. But if it hasn't manifested yet, that's a different story. Before the manifestation of power, it is not the power of the Deathlord, but simply the power of psychopaths complacent with the potential power of the Deathlord."

The man's face showed sheer terror. "How control someone's mana movement so quickly and from a distance!!"

"That's because you guys are still lacking as dark magicians," Davey retorted.


With a swift kick, he knocked the man unconscious and whistled sharply.


A huge black dragon appeared in the sky. Davey addressed it, "Let's take this monster back to Heins territory."

It was Megalodria, a grandmaster-level mythical beast that was waiting for Davey.


Come on, lets go.

[I'm not a type of transport!]

"Come on, just help me out here!" Davey complained, his voice a blend of charm and insistence.

The dragon sighed, resigned to its fate under Davey's compelling and sometimes exasperating influence.

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