The Loner Who Conquers the Other World

Chapter 202: I’M Worried About Where This Line Is Going.

Day 57 – Late Morning, The Town of Omui.

It looks like Royal Girl and Maid Girl are also childhood friends, so she must’ve been beside herself with worry. The two are now hugging in tears. I’d like to join them, but they’d probably get angry if I do. I mean, I didn’t say anything, but Armored Pres-san is drilling me with Flat Gaze from behind. How did she know?

As I’m told, Maid Girl is of low social status, were she to cause harm to someone of high standing, she would be given the death penalty without any room for consideration unless the other party is willing to let it slide. That’s why she was in tears, unable to bear the thought of her childhood friend being executed for coming to her help. She looked so anxious, biting her lips because she was intending to put her own body on the line if push came to shove. It’s a bit of a waste, but a girl crying isn’t something I want to see, and I also wouldn’t be able to bring myself to do anything lewd to her. Doing lewd stuff to the point of tears is a different story, but on the next day, I always get one hell of a beating during practice (Revenge), and on the following night, I become an Avenger (Erorist)! Thus, a spiral of revenge (Lewd) sees no end.

However, I’m neither of high status or low status? More like, I’m of no status at all. I mean, I’m not even a citizen or an adventurer, I’m just a jobless? How come I have the decisive say in this? Well, that would explain her concern, having a jobless NEET have the last say in the fate of her friend must’ve been very worrying. This sounds like a typical beginning of some doujinshi. And I’m most definitely not against lewd development, especially considering that this one has Royal Girl coming in a set with Maid Girl, an incredible superior offer, with which I wouldn’t mind preparing another erotic dress, but while I might be skilled at making them cry, I hate them weeping on me? This one seems like a happy ending as well, so it works too.

But it’s a secret that Maid Girl, who was hugging the princess in tears, looked very sexy from behind. I mean, the entire back of the dress is see-through, exposing everything up to the upper bit of the buttocks, a fantastic design. Moreover, since they are hugging on their knees, it emphasizes the butt, meanwhile, her thighs are in plain view through the deep slit below it. Thank you very much.

Since Royal Girl seems to be having an emotional moment with Maid Girl, I waved my hand to Meripapa-san and turned to leave. However, the lord who is waving both of his hands with all he’s got, isn’t there a problem in terms of dignity? Well, if I were to call out to him it probably would devolve into another long conversation, so whatever.

Leaving through the front gates of the mansion I walk through the town.

There are more shops and more stalls now. But what’s more important, there are more shoppers. Not enough to create a big crowd, but the town looks noticeably different with the increased pedestrian traffic.

Among them, there is a particularly conspicuous black-haired group raiding the stalls (Buying and eating stuff on the spot). The female meat brain team, in other words, Athletic Girls are busy storming the stores. Even though they had breakfast and we are about to have lunch? But in their hands, they are currently holding croquettes. It’s as good as decided that they are going to have a boot camp today. Your trainer is going 『Good grief』 right next to me, you know?

「「「Ooh. Haruka-kun, welcome back, going to the inn?」」」

「It’s about time for lunch after all. Actually, why are you stuffing yourself right before a meal? Are you trying to become Giant Meathead Girls? Are you going to do a gattai with the five of you? Then fight among yourself over who is going to be Yellow, and split due to the differences in musical directions, start solo careers and end up all alone? Well, to be blunt, you’ll gain weight, you know? If I were to shade it off a bit, putting it more softly, you’ll get fat?」

「「「Don’t say it! That’s a taboo word for girls!」」」

Noisily making our way towards the inn, we next stumbled upon the bitches busy with something. They were in the company of local girls.

「Bitches? Bitches and Bitch Queen? Hey! Don’t bite town girls, okay? Even if your gums aren’t bleeding, it still doesn’t mean that you won’t infect them with something? 」

「「「You still don’t remember our names?!」」And when did I evolve into a bitch queen?! No, I told you, I’m not a monster, so I’m not going to evolve! *haah, haah, haah*」

Wow, it’s been a while since the last shouting from the bitches. These are pretty good Flat Gazes as well, but the overall noisiness and their attempts to bite are a big flaw.

「You got it wrong? Lately, the town girls began asking Shimazaki-chan and the others for fashion advice.」

Which reminds me, the general store’s shopkeeper once told me that the clothes worn by the bitches are selling the best. Lately, the clothes I make are split between the general store line and the stylish line for extra orders, but certainly, Bitch Series is a selling line. However, their demands are peculiarly specific, so making them is a bother. After all, they won’t permit even a 2-3cm measurement error. Apparently, it’s not about the length or breadth, but all about the balance? Even though their own mental balance is all out of order, they care about it a great deal. However, it’s a secret that their look is actually 『Pure and Innocent-type Bitch in Cool and Refreshing Marine Theme with a side of crunch』and has quite a bit of imbalance. They’ll probably bite at me if I actually tell them that.

The attention of the town girls seems to be on the bitch leader’s navy blue mini one-piece and white Sabrina pants, mules are blue, creating a fresh and innocent bitch line? I wonder where that line is going? I’m worried about the destination. However, it is indeed eye-catching, without feeling forced at the same time. Naturally cool.

This should sell. This should be a profitable line. Let’s make more of it. Also, Bitch B’s fur belt also seems to be gathering attention, let’s make more of those tonight.

Returning to the inn in a crowd we find everyone lazing around, it’s too soon for preparations but too late to go out to play. And they must be awaiting today’s lunch. The reason is that I received a request, so we are having omusoba. Well, I just have to wrap fried noodles in egg, but that’s omusoba. I already made the mayonnaise, and there is plenty in stock. I also managed to obtain mustard, cabbage, bean sprouts, and pig-like something? It’s a bit sad that there is no kamaboko or chikuwa but there are some that don’t approve of their use, calling it heresy, so whatever. There is also red pepper, and a sauce-like something entered the organized manufacturing stage, so the volume of supply is increasing. As for the noodles, I already prepared them yesterday, the only thing left is to fry them. The preparations are flawless. [1][2][3]

Stretching iron ore with Alchemy, I shape it into a giant hemisphere, heating it up add in oil, and shaking it like an oversized wok with 『Holding』fry everything at once. That’s probably more than 60 portions here. Might be even 80, but it still won’t be enough. Let’s make some riceballs too. Those days make me desire to have some pickled plums.

Now, I’d like to prepare for dungeon exploration, leaving the cleaning up to the others, but my equipment is my casual clothes. Armored Pres-san is also clad in armor, and Slime-san is a slime-san. Hm? Isn’t there nothing to prepare? But even so, they never let me clean up? Even though it would take me only an instant? Why is it? Well, might as well reward them with sweets later. Poster Girl and Stalker Girl who always show up to eat are helping with cleaning up too. And yet, compared to that the geeks and idiots are… No, they shouldn’t be allowed to wash plates! They either will throw and chase after them, or the plates will be transformed into something completely different!

「「「We are done. Are you ready?」」」

「Okay.」「Any time.」「Perfectly?」「Let’s make some money!」「「「Yeees.」」」

Following the pres’ lead, we go ahead with the fast traveling group into the upper floors. Being once again banned from speaking up and interfering, Armored Pres-san is bound to go wild during the boot camp today. Speaking of which, lately, there seems to be an improvement in the girls’ figures, especially around the waist. Gaining a moderate amount of muscularity did wonders. From time to time the geeks and idiots are also troubled about where to look, but naturally, being high school boys, they are still sneaking glancing looks. It goes without saying that they lack the guts to stare at them openly.

Hidden rooms are a rarity on those floors, so we are advancing at a quick pace. After all, we’ve been to quite a few dungeons already. This one shouldn’t be that deep. It’s the type to have a Dungeon Master on the 50th floor. I mean, the design of this dungeon is pretty weak and sloppy. In this regard, the great dungeon was beautiful, even the walls gave off an atmosphere, the uniformity and feel were so refined that such a cheap dungeon can’t even serve as a comparison. As expected, the better the article the deeper and more spacious it is, which means, there probably won’t be any dungeon lots as nice as the great dungeon.

The sweep up is going well, but there is something so fitting about this that it’s scary. Why does the pres-san looks so natural with a whip? The previous time she was trying to be a tank, and now she switched to a whip master. Why is she annihilating a swarm of 『Silent Bee Lv 16』all on her own? Is she unbeatable in middle-distance fights? It fits her so well, that I expect her to go 『Call me pres-sama!』any time now. Bondage gear is probably going to suit her as well, but she’ll punish me were I to make that. It would be a problem if I awakened to some weird fetish from that, so I’ll pass on it. She is glaring at me already. Oh no, my sexual inclinations are in danger!

I tried upgrading the whip, that resulted from the geeks’ attempt at making a bow, by infusing it with magic stones and mithilifying it, and ended up with the monster of『Chain Whip of Savage Lightning – ALL 70% UP, +ATT, Grand Lightning, Whirlwind, Hundred Strikes, Seal of Raging Skies, Shape and Length manipulation』. And since the only person who had『Whip Mastery』was the pres, we quickly reached an agreement, and it was sold at a low price. It’s a secret that everyone thought that she is the most suitable owner for this weapon.

Apparently, she plundered『Whip Mastery』from some sort of a plant monster. And it had『Ensnare』too. Was it that sort of plant? A plant monster shouting『Call me Mistress Plant!』, while whipping a restrained target? Yeah, there is no chance of getting any weird fetishes from that. Rather, I have no such intentions? Well, GJ on getting the pres to plunder your skills.

By the way, the point is that the pres got really angry when she was asked if she has this kind of a hobby since she had 『Whip Mastery』, and even began a sermon while giving a flat gaze, Naturally, I was the one getting scolded.

「Man, doesn’t it suit her too well?」

「I’m going to properly listen to her from now on. That’s scary.」

「No idea if that’s『Whirlwind』or『Hundred Strikes』or『Seal of Raging Skies』, but it’s completely one-sided.」

Countless bees are scattered away in the blink of an eye. A whip is a crazy weapon, to begin with, I mean, imagine breaking the speed of sound with human strength? And in this world, it is swung by level 99, enhanced by skills. The effect is overwhelming. And with a flash of 『Grand Lightning』they are completely destroyed. She was unstoppable. A total Mistress Pres.

「「「Thank you for your hard work, Pres-sama?」」」

「Why am I suddenly being addressed with 『sama』? Why is everyone vaguely afraid? I’m going to cry, you know?」

Pres-sama is on the verge of crying. But this is truly amazing. Not only does it work, but it also suits her, this is what’s called a calling. No idea if the calling is handling a whip or being Pres-sama, but this is her calling. She is simply, and purely, strong.

If she had this back at that time, then even if she couldn’t kill the sphinx, she still could’ve broken through the ocean of mummies, she should’ve protected them. The powerlessness she felt back then is the reason the pres strives for strength so much.

But with this, she is unbeatable when facing trash mobs, free to do whatever she pleases with them. In truth, endless hordes of weak monsters are scary. Being unable to handle the enemies with just the big attacks alone and getting swarmed as a result is dangerous. That’s the terror of numbers. But this Pres-sama can slaughter them unchallenged, today she tried it in a real battle for the first time, and all of a sudden, there is such an overbearing strength. And Armored Pres-san seems to be overjoyed over that excessive strength, she is clearly brimming with the intention of training. My condolences, Pres-sama? I mean, she is a hard opponent for sparring, and she is in the mood to get carried away? She acted just like this when I got 『Rajingan』. It goes without saying that I got badly beaten. Even so, it still would be the best training possible. Even though you’ll end up beaten up by the end of it. Like, speaking from experience?

[TL Notes:

[1] Omusoba – Omelette (omuretsu) + stir-fried noodles (yakisoba) = Omusoba.

[2] Kamaboko – Steamed seasoned fish paste.

[3] Chikuwa – Tube-shaped fish-paste cake.


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