The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 41: 《Great Sephiroth》

“I can’t believe it….”

That was her impression as she watched the Debran army being blown away like fireworks.

It was overwhelming.

That one word was more than enough.

Even the main cannons fired from the largest mothership of the Debran army were easily blocked by the opponent with a hexagonal transparent barrier.

However, the opposite was different. Each shot fired as if it was a regular attack exceeded the power of the main cannons of the Debran army's motherships.

Even a grazing hit penetrated all defenses, causing catastrophic damage.

While the opponent couldn't land a successful attack, none of this side's attacks were blocked.

It was truly an unreasonable situation.

Thus, the battle was impossible to sustain.

After roughly a million beams of light were poured out, the Debran army's formation was shredded and blown away by explosions.

It felt like watching a hundred thousand common soldiers being thrown at an Archmage. Would that be how to describe it?

She was speechless as she watched the space warship fire beams of light without any tension.

A 4,200km long space warship.

Ah… calling that a warship seemed strange. After all, at a glance, it looked like a small planet made of machinery.


This must be the helper the Oradge mentioned, right?

If not… it would mean she had to fight against that kind(?) of thing….

That isn’t possible, you know? Impossible, I'd rather die.

She recalled the past as she watched the battlefield.

It seemed like just yesterday when she was happy to create a design for a flight process that could fly out of the atmosphere.

But now… At this point, a bitter laugh escaped her.

Just moments ago, she was despairing at the sight of the Debran army's 2,000km space warship.

Come to think of it, the timing seemed so perfect. Did the Oradge plan even this?

If it had been just a little later….

Even with this special machine that the Oradge had lent, she wouldn't have lasted long.

Earlier, it was horrifying beyond words.

Before the total war that commenced, despite her Karma debt surpassing 300 million, she had momentarily enjoyed the joy of victory after destroying the reconnaissance fleet.


When their main fleet arrived, she despaired.

At that point, she had no strength left to even scream at the scale of the fleet from another dimension.

No matter how fast her machine was, there were so many warships that even a proper barrage of fire could not be avoided.

It was truly a dilemma.

Moreover, the opponent deliberately targeted the planet to prevent her from escaping.

She had raged at the despicable tactic of taking hostages despite their overwhelming power.

Not only that, they gradually increased the intensity of their attacks, as if testing her limits.

And, as a result of her busily running around and blocking their attacks for a while…

[-3,165,375,995 P]

3.1 billion….

“Is this what it means when debt doesn’t even look like debt anymore because it seems so unrealistic?”

Now, it just looked like numbers.

But, well...

Even without her making a fuss, the Oradge wouldn’t be able to help but figure out a way to extract something from her.


Anyway, it seemed everything was over now.

When that gigantic warship first appeared, she wondered what exactly it was.

It seemed like it had been through rough times, with parts damaged and patched up here and there.

However, it seemed like it was just a ruse.

She leisurely swam through space, watching the cosmic battle between fleets. Occasionally, the aftermath of attacks reached her, but they were blocked in the air and caused no damage. It seemed the newly arrived space warship had taken some measures.


Seeing that the debt wasn’t increasing, it was certain.

Still, let’s not get too close.

Unlike at the beginning, the Debran army was actively fighting back, exchanging fierce attacks.

But it seemed obvious that they couldn't inflict proper damage.

So she leisurely watched the cosmic fireworks(?) and glanced at the community.

All while wondering if the Oradge had returned.


But the Oradge was nowhere to be seen, and an odd aggro post was gaining attention in the community. Not only that, it caused quite a stir.

This is….

A disturbing image that had painfully fractured text. Despite the painful sight, she looked to the end because of one photo.

It’s the same as that warship!

The subject of the photo amidst the broken text was unmistakable. It was the same entity that was blowing up the Debran army in real-time from afar.

Only the lower part is visible in the photo, but it’s certain!

However, some of the text was readable, with words like ‘Administrator,’ ‘gift,’ ‘salvation,’ ‘hurray,’ and ‘steward’ standing out.

The community’s reaction was lively.

ㄴthe hell is that? a floating city?

ㄴA city? Tf u mean? LOL it’s completely covering the entire sky

ㄴbut doesn’t it seem like the the ground and sky flipped?

ㄴBut is that really all machinery? damn isn’t that like a dream LOL

ㄴMust be a hoax LMAOO how could that even be real LOL

ㄴBut why is the text all broken? Is it just me?

ㄴnah, it’s the same for me

ㄴthey sure put effort into photoshop these days, huh AHHAHAH

ㄴDid the Oradge play a prank?

ㄴmust be viral marketing LMAOOO

ㄴLooks like they deleted the account lololol

ㄴthat’s so staged… how tf do u even believe that LMAOOO

ㄴLOL r u kidding me? u seriously believe that?

Most reactions were negative, but quite a few believed it.

ㄴwhy would they go to such lengths to stage this LOL

ㄴi mean, this is on another level LMAO

ㄴtf are they shooting a new edition of Independence Day or some shit?

ㄴIt’s magnificent. How is it so big?

ㄴIf it’s someone who made the community store, they could surely make something like that hahahahah

ㄴhey, guys? some of the people who provoked the Oradge have quietly disappeared too

ㄴThey probably just got tired and left the community.

ㄴIf that’s really a gift, how generous is the Oradge exactly?

ㄴGive me a gift too….

ㄴstop spamming fucked up pics first ㅡㅡ

ㄴ(This comment has been deleted.)

ㄴAnyway, better watch our mouths LMAOO

Amused by the situation, she uploaded a photo as well.

-Writer: Magic Is Just For Support

-Title: The Protagonist In Question Who Has Visited Our Dimension

(A photo of Hyperion cutting through the Debran army.jpg)

Of course, the community went wild.




ㄴno fucking shot how can it be that big?

ㄴis that for real?

ㄴtry playing spot the difference no doubt 100% will come out

ㄴof course it’s a fake or photoshopped

ㄴWhat did I just see?

ㄴda fuq?

ㄴWTF i can’t fucking believe it LMAOOO but it must be real, right? HAHAHAH

ㄴWhat’s the Bluadge doing there? is she just lurking?

ㄴLiving up to her nickname AHHHAHAH

ㄴhow could they even begin to interfere LOL she’s nothing more than a spectator LOL

ㄴcome to think of it, didn’t the Bluadge go to space too?

ㄴLOL even being a spectator requires ability no? what a fucked up world fuckkkkk

Comments piled up. They were fiercely debating who was right.


She couldn’t help but laugh. Watching the users react and swarm like bees over a single photo gave her a rather strange feeling.

Anyway, she didn’t want to get further involved in this mess.

She left the community. The Oradge didn’t seem to care about those reactions anyway.

Yeah, fine. What’s there to life anyway? I just gotta make the most out of it.

This had probably happened after her debt exceeded 2 billion.

That moment when she turned to YOLO.

However, such thoughts were abruptly cut off.

[The steward this time is quite lucky, huh?]



For some reason, she felt a chill run down her spine.


One of the 《Roots》 of the 《Great Sephiroth》.

In front of a statue in a temple where white marble and tree trunks harmonized, the air shimmered. The shimmering soon turned into cracks, and a bloodied man rolled out onto the floor.


The man’s appearance could not possibly be described as uninjured. Half of his face was disfigured by burns, ice chunks stuck to him here and there, and silvery blood flowed from his wounds.

“Cough… Damn it!”

Barely managing to get up, the man limped hurriedly toward the depths of the temple. He reached a small spring the size of a pond and threw himself in.


After a while, he emerged with his upper body, his previous wounds healing.


A tree trunk came down beside him to support his body.

“Damn it!”

Although his external wounds were significantly healed, the man’s grim expression didn’t relax.

“To think that the barrier is broken… What is going on?”

Silvery blood still flowed from his cracked side and other parts of his unhealed body.

“I almost lost my divinity.”


He had almost crossed the river of no return after carelessly entering an unstable dimension.

“Surely it wasn’t the actions of ‘those bastards’….”

His eyes burned with unbearable rage.

He had sensed that something had happened to the children not long ago. Unfortunately, as he was under house arrest, he couldn’t take any action and had to stay put.

How dare they touch me….

A silver aura surged around him, ready to explode.


Barely calming his mind, he pondered.

The children who had suffered this time were the ones who had caused his house arrest in the first place, so he wasn’t particularly upset about their extinction.

After all, he had even considered dealing with them personally.

But the damage to the barrier was a different story. The world he had to nurture was damaged, like crops being destroyed along with the field.

So, it would be impossible to restore it for a while.

Looking at his slowly healing wounds, he calmed his eyes.

Should I report this?

The man shook his head, thinking of a certain being.

No. Let’s not.

There was no need to create more trouble.

That was his conclusion.

If it became known that the barrier had been damaged, he didn't know what kind of punishment might befall him.

Even so…

“I can’t just leave it be. The one who dared to touch what’s mine… I will find them….”

He clenched his fist so tightly it seemed it would shatter.

Soon, a silver current began to swirl around the temple.

The wrath of the Supreme God who ruled a world was not to be taken lightly, after /genesisforsaken

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