The Law of Attraction

Chapter 291: Your Favorite

Chapter 291: Your Favorite

Lana was about to leave her house when she suddenly saw Keira outside walking towards her door.

"Surprise! I went to your office and your adorable paralegal said you're here, so I decided to drop by knowing you'll be feeling lonely while your husband is away..." Keira cheerfully greeted with paper bags full of Lana's favorite snacks and drinks.

"Wait, are you going somewhere?" she asked with knitted brows, seeing Lana was in a casual dress with her purse hanging on her elbow.

"Yeah, your cousin is asking for me. He said he needs urgent help with something, and he wants me to represent him."

"That brute! No way you will get entangled in his case! Go back inside and I will talk to him!" Keira with a gloomy face burst and quickly pulled Lana inside.

She was aware of her cousin Xander's matter that was going on right now, because she and her husband were helping him out in solving it, but there was no way she would allow her friend Lana to get involved with that kind of dangerous matter!

Lana felt something was wrong hearing Keira cursing her favorite cousin as they went inside back to her apartment.

"What's going on? Xander will leave the country soon, and he wants to urgently meet me now. What are you doing Keira?" Lana asked, totally confused by how weird Keira was acting at that moment.

Keira pulled her to sit on the couch of her living room and said, "It's dangerous so I will not allow you to handle that case of Xander Lana. Your life will automatically be put in danger if you take up the case."

Lana sighed and said, "Keira, Xander is like your real brother and he is not like some other clients to me as well. Xander is a close friend of mine too, so if he needs my help then I will gladly do it." Then she paused, realizing she vowed not to take a dangerous case so Liam would not be disappointed with her again.

Keira heard a deep frustrated sigh and muttered, "BUt it's different now Lana. You have your own family, so you have to ask and consult your husband about it first."

'How can I do that when he's ignoring me? He's not contacting me at all.' Lana wanted to complain.

Keira noticed her expression and asked, "What's wrong? You look weird right now, Lana. What happened? Is everything alright between you and your husband?"

As she expected, Keira could read her slightest of emotional drain very well and very easily, compared to others. Lana heaved a long deep sigh as she opened up to Keira and told her what happened and as usual she received more scolding from Keira as well.

"See what I'm telling you? And I definitely agree with your husband and I support him in punishing you this way so you will learn your lesson because you're too stubborn to handle! So you have to go over my grave as well before I let you represent Xander with the trial in that 'cult'?" Keira beamed as she grabbed her mobile phone that instant to call Xander.

Lana crumpled her face and mumbled, "As if you're not more stubborn than me…"

"I heard you…" Keira beamed with rounded eyes directed to her. She was about to comment but Keira signaled her to pause, then there she heard her scolding Xander next on the other line.

"You get a lawyer there! I don't care… Ask Chad for help or wait till I get you someone… No… I will not allow Lana to do it or else you will face my wrath…"?Lana gulped and suddenly felt bad for Xander but that was how her friend was.

Keira was too overprotective when it came to her, Drey and May since they were like siblings being together since they were kids, going to the same school as they grew up. She smiled recalling how she, May and Drey even joined Keira in military school while she followed her man of her dreams, Zach.

But then Xander was still Keira's family, so she felt bad for rejecting him in his hour of need. She was sure Keira was definitely torn between helping out Xander and protecting her. But she was being sensitive and considering her situation now that she already had a husband.

Keira heard a long depressed sigh as the call ended.

"I feel bad for our Dr. CEO. You're so rude to him. I thought he's your favorite?"

Keira pouted her lips and said, "But you're also one of my favorites."

Lana looked at Keira directly and said, "Why do you call it 'cult'? Are you referring to that triad? Mirage Clans?"

Keira nodded. Xander and his assistant Ron had already briefed Lana about that matter, but it was not detailed enough though.?She knew that the group was dangerous and Xander was indirectly involved in it somehow, or rather connected with that Mirage Clans somehow.

"You see, I wanted to help Xander. I'm sure it's not that complicated since I heard you will not get hurt if you represent someone from court. They even get a normal judge on trial, right?"

Keira nodded and whispered, "Yeah, but still I won't compromise your safety for even a bit."

"How about I consult Liam first as you suggested and if he agrees then let me help Xander? He's your closest family Keira and if I can help, you know I will."

Keira stubbornly shook her head and said, "The trial is safe but the enemy he's going to fight with are not so it's still risky. If your husband will agree then I will…"

She wanted to help his cousin Xander first, but Lana should not be the only one to decide for it. Keira cursed because she honestly tried to contact everyone she knew she could trust, but when they heard the word 'Mirage' they suddenly would back out and feel scared. Honestly Liam, was the only one left, but the man was out of the country helping out the Kens. And also he was Lana's husband, so she also had to consider his safety for Lana's sake.

Keira then suddenly heard the grumbling of Lana's stomach.

"Hey… Didn't you have lunch yet?" she suspected because it was past twelve in the afternoon already.

Lana shook her head. Keira's eyes brightened and said, "Oh nice, let me cook you some meal."

Lana's eyes widened recalling how bad Keira was in cooking so she quickly stood up and said, "No way. I will cook for you instead."

Keira laughed seeing her expression and said, "Hey I have changed a lot already you know… I've improved my cooking skills since my mother-in-law is so good at it and she has really taught me well…"

Lana looked not convinced at all because the last time she heard Keira's cooking improved, but often it's still bland.

"Don't go to work later and let's just hang out with the others here…" Keira mumbled as she followed Lana towards the kitchen. She knew Lana was heartbroken because of her current quarrel with her husband, so she did not want her friend to feel lonely.

"Alright." Lana answered with a smile. She was smiling, but deep inside her heart was so shrieked in pain.

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