The Law of Attraction

Chapter 236: Pain In The Ass

Chapter 236: Pain In The Ass

At Yu's Building.

"What is this?!" Noah grunted, seeing Luo slid an envelope on his table.

Luo casually sat on the chair in front of his table as she said, "My resignation letter Boss."

"What?! Are you crazy?" Noah barked and grabbed the envelope to check what was inside, thinking Luo was playing an annoying prank at him.

He crumpled the letter before her and said, "What's the meaning of this? Resignation after just a few days of joining? Are you kidding me? Are you playing games with me, huh? Is this some kind of prank?"

Luo's eyebrows arched as she answered, "I do love to play games with you, Boss, but sorry to tell you I'm serious this time."

"Tell me why? Did that Liam Sy give you another hefty offer to join him back? What is his offer, tell me… I will give you a better one!" Noah barked with eyes darted to Luo. The woman was really testing his patience. She just entered his firm and now she wanted to resign? He heard Luo heaved a long, deep sigh before she met his piercing eyes.

"To be honest, I offered myself to join your firm to look after Liam's wife. It was my idea to bargain with Liam on this for earning an extra income, but then she took a U-turn and decided to become a freelance lawyer so there's no point in my staying here. My loyalty remains to Sy law firm Boss no matter what happens, so I have to go back there.

Don't worry, I will comply with everything that I have to pay for breaching the contract. I'm really sorry about this. About Gale's case, I have already transferred all information to Mike and the scope of what I did so far."

Luo was someone who would not hide the truth as much as she could, a very honest person. Not caring what Noah would think of her, she told him everything was her idea, with the thought of getting benefited on both sides. No hard feelings, but for her everything was purely business.

"Do you think it would be that easy, huh? How dare you do this to me and my company…" Noah yelled with flaring nostrils. He was fuming in anger.

Just the other day Lana called informing him about her change in plans and now this sly woman before him was telling him she wanted to resign since Lana would no longer enter his firm? How dare she play with him like this? No one till date dared play Noah Yu like this without him getting even!

"This is not acceptable! I won't accept this resignation!"

Luo gazed at him in disbelief and shamelessly said, "Don't tell me you have gotten attached with me in this short period of time and that easily. Do you somehow happen to like me already and is that why you don't want to let me go that easily? I told you that you will be compensated well for the damages and loss as per agreed…"

"Like you? Are you that shameless? No one dared play a trick on me like this till date!?"

Luo chuckled, ignoring Noah's rage as she continued, "So it's your pride that is making you reject my resignation? But your reaction is too much Boss, and it makes me believe something else instead.

There are a lot of good and potential lawyers in your firm and losing me would be nothing for you, but of course that's a lie since I'm considered equal to Liam in the legal world, well even if I am not equal to his cunningness but I am almost next to him I guess. Anyway, I will leave now and pick up all my things. I will settle everything with the accounting department before I leave."

Luo stood up and was about to leave Noah, who remained flabbergasted with what just happened.

"Stop!" Luo heard him snarled.

Luo paused and heaved a long sigh before turning around. She looked at Noah and softly uttered, "Please don't make things complicated for me. I believe there's no damage done. Unless you let your ego eat you up. Things like this happen a lot in the business world, and you are aware of that. My only purpose to come here was to look after Lana. Again, my loyalty never left Liam's firm…"

"You once said that you're only loyal to money. Now what is this loyalty remaining with Sy firm?" Noah scorned.

"Yeah… that's true, but I'm also loyal to a few people I owe a lot to, if you know what I mean. And Liam is one of them. How about this… I can be your drinking buddy whenever you need one since I'm good at it?"

Noah's face twitched as he ticked off, "Is that how you will pay me for all those branded clothes, shoes and bags you bought?"

"Oh, I forgot all that…" Luo whispered. It would be too much if she would also let Liam pay for that. Liam would be the one to settle everything about breaching the contract.

She honestly felt Liam would lose a lot of money just for her to return. She hated such situations of losing money, but then Liam insisted she returned to their company so she would comply. But still the loss… 'Oh God, that's too much money!' she mused with a broken heart.

"Don't worry… I will pay you back for all those dresses. Oh wait, there are a few that I haven't used and can be returned. How about I return that so I will only pay for those I have already used?" Luo bargained, feeling bad she had to pay for those expensive things she would not dare buy for herself with her own pocket because it was not practical and a waste of money.

"Oh, God! You're so unbelievable! Just go now!" Noah barked before his blood pressure shot up higher.

Luo quickly left while Noah watched her back with a clenched jaw.

"Such a pain in the ass!" he scorned as he closed his eyes and massaged his temple. Yes, Luo was right. He was an egoistic man, and he hated that fact and the feeling of being played on.

"What the heck are you? Letting your minions watch over your wife? Only an immature and insecure person will do that!" he burst out in annoyance, pertaining to Liam.

Craig entered and Noah told him what happened. He loathed Liam in front of Craig, who chuckled and said, "Hey… You never know. You might end up becoming an immature and insecure person also when love knocks on your door, so don't say words like that, putting a period in each word."

Noah's face crunched as he hissed, "I tell you that would never happen to me!"

Craig shook his head and would remember this day. And when that day comes, when Noah becomes insecure and immature in the future because of love, he would definitely tease him non-stop that even if he begged him to stop, he won't stop until he bled in annoyance.


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