The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 50: Every drink and peck has a certain number.

Chapter 50

In the beginning, in a carriage that had just been pulled out of the mud pit, there were two maidservants accompanying a young lady of twelve or thirteen.

The young lady was graceful and beautiful. She kept paying attention to the movement outside the carriage. When she saw Granny get on the carriage, the young lady asked anxiously, "Granny, have you thanked them?"

Granny smiled and said, "Of course I did. The servant just asked around, they were from Lingzhou Prefecture passing by, the host was an old gentleman with a very young child.

The servant took a rough look, it seemed they were carrying something very heavy in the carriage behind. In addition to the escorts, the other guards who accompanied them were also well trained, they didn't look like an ordinary family."

Miss Chen complained, "Granny is really a gossip. They helped us, we should go and thank them, why do you need to ask what they were carrying in their carriage.

What if we offend them, wouldn't it show Lingzhou Prefecture was ill-mannered?"

The granny quickly said, "Yes, yes, yes, miss is right."

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the world was blurred.

The convoy hurried along and finally entered Jizhou City before the city gate was closed.

At this time, the imperial guard from the front station came to report that due to the heavy rain blocking the road, all the inns in the city were full, and they really had no choice but to find a civilian house.

Granny happened to get off the carriage to hear this. She thought about it and decided to tell the young miss.

Miss Chen said, "Since this is the case, Granny, please invite them to our house to stay overnight! If it weren't for them, we would probably still be standing in the rain outside the city."

The granny hesitated, "But, miss, shouldn't we let the master know first?"

Miss Chen said, "No need. It would be too time consuming to come and go. Moreover, I know my father, he is a man who repays kindness. He would never do anything to leave his benefactor out in the rain."

When the master and disciple heard that the host of the front carriage was invited to stay overnight in the manor, they were surprised and overjoyed.

After thanking the granny, they ordered the convoy to follow the Chen family's carriage.

After settling down in the Chen Mansion, they finally realized that the Chen Mansion was one of the best merchants in Jizhou City. No wonder the yard was built so luxuriously.

When the Chen family master returned home, he heard that his precious daughter who went to visit her maternal grandfather had come back, and he was very happy.

When he heard that his daughter had brought back a group of people, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

After asking in detail, he finally realized that they were travelers who had helped his daughter on the road. Because Jizhou City was full, they couldn't find a place to stay, so his daughter invited them to stay overnight.

He was a generous and righteous man. He said that since the people had helped his Chen family, they were the benefactors of the Chen family. He ordered the servants to prepare a sumptuous banquet and took his wife and children to entertain the benefactors in person.

Hearing that the master and disciple were from Lingzhou Prefecture, the Chen family master highly praised them, "Lingzhou is a good place. Not only does it have high-yielding crops, even delicacies like watermelons are also produced there. The various canned foods produced there are also bestsellers.

It's a pity that I, old Chen, don't have any connections, otherwise I would have done this business."

When the master and disciple heard this, they looked at each other without saying a word.

After the meal, when they returned to the yard where they were staying temporarily, Jiang Yuqing asked Doctor Qiu, "Master, will that Chen family master know my identity?"

Otherwise, why did he mention crops and watermelons?

Doctor Qiu said, "Impossible! You are young and have always liked to stay at home. You rarely even go to the county town. Few people have seen you before.

How could a businessman from Jizhou possibly recognize you? He probably just made a passing remark. But this Chen family master is not bad after all."

"Oh!" Tuanzi nodded thoughtfully.

The next day when the Chen family master got up, the servant came to report that the guests who had stayed overnight had left.

Looking at the sky outside, the Chen family master rubbed his still slightly aching temples from the hangover and said, "I'm getting old, I get drunk after just a few drinks. I got up so late that I was negligent to my benefactors."

The servant respectfully handed him a piece of paper, "Master, this was found in the room of the little guest. We servants don't recognize the words, so we specially brought it for you to take a look."

The Chen family master took it and saw that it was written in an extremely childish and lovely, even crooked handwriting: "Ten acres of watermelons, mid June, pick up at Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion!"

The seal at the bottom was a bright red little seal: "Linghui Township Lord Seal"

The Chen family master was stunned at first, and then extremely excited. He excitedly slapped open the door of his daughter's yard with the letter: "Yingying, Yingying, come out quickly, come out quickly!"

Hearing her father yelling anxiously, Chen Yingying thought something had happened. She hurriedly put down the half-read book and ran out of the inner room, "Dad, what's wrong, did something happen?"

The Chen family master excitedly handed the note to his daughter, "Look at this!"

Chen Yingying took it suspiciously and looked at it. She was so happy that she almost jumped up, "So the cute little sister yesterday turned out to be the little township lord of Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion. We really didn't recognize Mount Tai."

The Chen family master laughed loudly, "I wouldn't have thought that my daughter would have this blessing to invite such a noble guest home. With this little township lord leading the way, our Chen family business will surely reach new heights."

Chen Yingying said, "This is also our family's blessing. If not for father's kindness, our family would not have befriended such a noble guest. This shows that everything has its destiny."

"Yes." The Chen family master was also quite moved.

"Dad, let's quickly spread the good news to mother and brother!"

"Ok, ok, ok..."

Doctor Qiu knew what his precious disciple had done.

"Our family was only prepared to plant thirty acres of watermelons, but you promised ten acres with one word. You are really generous."

Tuanzi said arrogantly, "It doesn't matter who we sell it to. The Chen family is a good business partner that dad will like."

Doctor Qiu also felt the Chen family was good. They were kind, magnanimous and valued justice.

Working with such people, you could trust them with your back without worrying about getting stabbed from behind.

After passing Jizhou, they had traveled halfway through this trip.

Fortunately, although there was rain from time to time on the road ahead, it was smooth sailing.

On the twenty-sixth day after leaving Qing Prefecture, which was the afternoon of the eighth day of the third month, the convoy finally entered the capital.

Qin Jue, who was the heir of Pingyang Marquis Mansion, personally came to meet them at the city gate. As soon as Jiang Yuqing saw him, she threw herself at him, affectionately saying, "Uncle Qin, I missed you."

Qin Jue hugged the soft and sticky dumpling and laughingly said, "Little girl, we haven't seen each other for over a year. It's admirable that you still remember me. I'm so touched."

Tuanzi bluntly punctured his lies, "Nonsense, if you're touched, did you prepare the seeds I brought for you?"

Qin Jue pretended to glare at her ferociously, then laughed and rubbed Tuanzi's little head, "Talking nonsense!" Then he asked again, stroking Tuanzi's little head, "It must have been tiring traveling such a long way. Do you want to go home or come to my house with me?"

Tuanzi asked, "Are there delicious food and beds to sleep in if I go home?"

"Of course!" Qin Jue couldn't help but tickle her and said, "Your dad sent several letters by carrier pigeon, asking me to be sure to get your mansion in order before you arrive. How could I not listen?"

Tuanzi dodged the tickling and said with a smile, "Thank you, uncle. Don't tickle me, I want to go home."

Only then did Qin Jue put her down and respectfully cupped his fists to Doctor Qiu, "Doctor, you must be tired from the long trip, please go back to the mansion and settle down first."

Doctor Qiu returned the courtesy, "Thank you, young master."

"Don't mention it!"

When the convoy arrived at Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion, the mansion gates were wide open, and the servants stood in two rows, greeting in unison, "Welcome the Township Lord Linghui and the Doctor back to the mansion!"

Jiang Yuqing raised her hand slightly and said, "Rise, you will all be rewarded."

"Thank you, Township Lord!"

After entering the gate, Jiang Yuqing solemnly thanked Qin Jue, "Uncle Qin, thank you for taking such good care of our mansion. However, we are unfamiliar with this place since we just arrived. Uncle Qin, could you lend us these people from your mansion first? After we have hired our own staff, we will return them to you, alright?"

Qin Jue profoundly said, "No need to return them. I will give you their indenture contracts later. From now on, they will be your people."

Tuanzi didn't understand, "Why, don't you need them anymore?"

Just as Qin Jue was about to speak, a clear adolescent voice took over, "Because I helped buy them for your family."

The person was Jing Yan.

When Yuqing first saw him, she was extremely happy. Letting go of Doctor Qiu's hand, she threw herself over: "Ah, brother, Qingqing missed you!"

Jing Yan happily took the little one into his arms and chuckled lightly: "I missed you too!"

The two children were intimate for a while, until finally Doctor Qiu couldn't stand it anymore. He coughed loudly with his hand over his mouth, stopping them.

Jing Yan had already received the carrier pigeon letter from Qing Prefecture, knowing that the little one he was thinking of day and night had entered the capital. He was very excited.

Knowing her convoy would arrive in the capital today, after leaving court he went straight to the Pingyang Marquis Mansion. It was to go pick her up together with Qin Jue.

It's just that his identity was inconvenient to show his face at the city gate, which is why he had been waiting in Qin Jue's carriage the whole time. Only when they reached the Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion did he get off.

The Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion was originally built according to the specifications of a prince's mansion. Due to some special reasons, after the mansion was completed, it remained vacant.

Until last year when the Emperor bestowed it upon Jiang Wenyuan, the Ministry of Works then modified and renovated the mansion according to the specifications a marquis mansion should have. It had just been completed not long ago.

However, the original large framework was still there, with an extremely expansive area.

Just the large and small courtyards alone totaled 22, not including a nearly 20-acre lake, and over 30 acres of landscape woods surrounding the walls.

Among them were pavilions, artificial mountains, streams, covered corridors for rain and wind, winding paths leading to secluded areas - everything that should be there was there, a completely luxurious garden.

All along the way, Jiang Yuqing's eyes could barely take it all in. Everywhere they went, there was a scene to behold every five steps, and a view every ten steps. It was truly endless beauty.

She felt that a place as beautiful as this, she could live in forever and never grow tired of it.

Following the housekeeper through seven turns and eight corners, they finally arrived at a two-story courtyard called "Tranquil Waves Pavilion" after walking for about an hour and a quarter.

It seemed this was where she would be living from now on.

Just as she had expected. Because Tranquil Waves Pavilion was next to the lake, with lotuses planted throughout, the surrounding scenery was the most beautiful.

After Jiang Wenyuan got the blueprint of the mansion, this was the first place that caught his eye. He designated it as his beloved daughter's residence. And he personally named it Tranquil Waves Pavilion.

The interior design was all based on her preferences, and the furnishings of her boudoir were exactly the same as her room back home in Xijin Ferry.

These were also all drawn by Jiang Wenyuan, who had the grannies arrange everything according to his sketches.

Such attentiveness, even Qin Jue couldn't help sighing, that doting on his daughter to this extent was unprecedented and unparalleled.

Doctor Qiu's courtyard was east of Tranquil Waves Pavilion, named "Returning Spring Courtyard".

It was meant to signify miraculous hands bringing spring back.

Inside the courtyard were two very large flower gardens, currently bare soil, prepared for him to plant medicinal materials. This was also extremely thoughtful.

As for the Lin Family Escort Agency's entourage, they were all arranged in the guest courtyard up front.

The housekeeper's surname was Zhao. He was originally a disabled veteran saved by Jing Yan in the past.

Later, seeing his capabilities were not bad, Jing Yan had people focus on training him.

Last year when Jiang Wenyuan was conferred marquisdom, this huge mansion in the capital was left with no one to manage it, so he had the idea to send Zhao there as housekeeper of the Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion.

From the day Zhao was assigned to the Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion, he was told that from then on, his master could only be surnamed Jiang.

Therefore, he naturally had to understand the family members and in-law relationships of the main household well.

He knew that the people from the Lin Family Escort Agency were not only invited by the main household to escort them, but were also proper in-laws of the marquis mansion, and could not be slighted.

Jiang Yuqing was also very satisfied with Zhao the housekeeper's appropriateness. She immediately rewarded him handsomely.

Afraid the household expenses were insufficient, she gave him an additional 2000 taels of silver, telling him to put it into the public account.

Dinner was ordered by Qin Jue from Shengping Building, saying it was to welcome and treat them after their long journey.

Because they had rushed on the road continuously for almost a month, everyone was exhausted.

Thus, after eating, Qin Jue and Jing Yan took the initiative to bid farewell and leave, so that master and disciple could wash up and rest early.

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