The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 131: Shocking Discovery (2)

Chapter 131: Shocking Discovery (2)

Kang-Ho only stopped his attacks on the bat king after hearing the sweet sound of levelling up. If someone with a faint heart looked at the bat king that laid on the ground, they might get nauseous just from the sight of the thing. The bat king that was laying on the ground was incomparable to the bat king which was still alive, the only thing you could see when you looked towards the bat king now was a pile of mushed meat.

The impact of Kang-Hos attacks was very powerful, but the body of the bat king wasnt that strong so whenever Kang-Hos attack landed on the body of the bat king it would leave behind a mess. Kang-Ho after the bat king was killed started to inspect his body checking for any kind of wounds or anything that he might need to worry about but to his relief there were no threatening wound on his body that he had to worry about. After he was done inspecting his body Kang-Ho sat down and started to breath heavily as he was extremely exhausted after so much fighting. Even after he had killed all the bats inside the cave the path which he should follow next hadnt opened up yet which made Kang-Ho confused to say the least, right when Kang-Ho was thinking if he had missed something, he heard a noise.


A sound that closely resembled the sound of levelling up came out of nowhere, Kang-Ho was shaken after hearing the noise, he suddenly stood up and picked his short sword which he had laid upon a rock and assumed his battle position. Kang-Ho started to look around the room trying to figure out from just where the sound had come from, this kind of situations where he didnt have any idea just what was going on made him anxious.

Wha-.! Kang-Ho muttered as he jumped back, he saw something in the middle of the room, that made him very surprised. Kang-Ho didnt know what was going on but when he once more glanced towards the middle of the room Kang-Ho saw a holographic image. Kang-Ho was surprised seeing something like this in the middle of the dungeon. Kang-Ho slowly moved towards the holographic image; he was very cautious when he moved towards it though.

Kang-Ho felt even more confused when he moved forward towards the holographic image as, all he could see was some pictures of very intricately designed glass bottles which contained mystical looking liquid, but that wasnt the thing that confused him, writings on the image was what confused him.

I somehow feel familiar with these but I cant seem to remember from were. Kang-Ho contemplated as he looked towards the holographic image.

The writings that were written on the image was something he didnt understand but he somehow felt a very close familiarity with it. Kang-Ho racked his brain trying to figure out why he felt familiar, right then he remembered the words that were written on the wall when he entered the dungeon he found inside a crack on a rock. Although the writings were completely different Kang-Ho still could remember the resemblance between the letters in this image and the writings on the wall. The letters were very similar to each other which led to Kang-Ho thinking they were same, but he had no way to find out so it was just a speculation.

What the-! Kang-Ho mutter something just when he noticed something peculiar which piqued his interest. But he had to immediately jump back as he felt didnt know what was going on. Upon closer inspecting it seemed what Kang-Ho noticed was mana flowing out of the holographic image. Kang-Ho became vigilant as he felt the mana coming towards him but he didnt worry too much he just stood there and when the mana reached him it covered Kang-Hos head right then Kang-Ho saw something which made him dumbfounded.

Kang-Ho was awestruck by what was going on in front of him, as the words inside of the holographic image was changing right in front of his eyes which was truly a spectacle to watch. The words written inside of the image changed in just a few seconds and now if someone looked at it they would find out that the words inside the image were written in Korean. This was the first time in his life that something like this had ever happened in front of him, he was dazed for some moments as he looked towards the image dumbfoundedly.

After inspecting the image further and not finding anything out Kang-Ho started to read the long note on the image.

To the brave ones, who have decided to challenge this trail in its greatest difficulty, I would like to commend you for your bravery for you have chosen the correct path. Only by being fearless and defeating the greatest of foes would you be able to grow to become the strongest of the generation, and those who fear challenges and chose the easy path would always remain to be your followers, who would always be stuck on the great bottlenecks never to experience the true strength.

Only those who dare to challenge the trail in its greatest difficulty, would be able to enjoy the best rewards, that are stored within this trail, this trail is a gift from the past failed eras, for those brave souls of this era to help them in their journey. You would be rewarded according to your own contribution inside of the dungeon remember you will get what you deserve and nothing more so show your worth.

What is Past Eras supposed to mean? I think I get it when it says show your worth, although I cant feel the eyes on me right now but I somehow feel I am still being watched, its just a feeling thats coming from my guts. Anyway, there is no point in thinking about those things right now. Kang-Ho got more confused as he read the content of the image as he couldnt figure out what the words meant when it said Past Era, that was just such a vague mention, but somehow that was the only word, that managed to catch kang-Hos attention from the entire thing.

The other thing that caught his attention was the fact that they were admitting the fact that everyone inside the trial were being watched. Although Kang-Ho knew from the start but with this, he no longer had doubt about this. Kang-Ho even knew that everyone is being watched by someone right from the moment they entered the mass dungeon. The only thing Kang-Ho was still unclear about was, the motive behind those/that people who were watching them. Kang-Ho kept all of his thoughts behind on his mind and started once more reading the content of the image.

I would like to inform all of the brave souls participating inside of the trial that everything you find inside of this menu, are rewards that are most valuable for the level of people this mass dungeon was made for (i.e., for people below lvl 150 and above lvl 50). Obviously, this menu is present inside all of the difficulty of trail but the quality of reward differs drastically. The only place you would find the true treasures of the trial is inside the hardest difficulty.

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