The Harem Teacher at Elreis Sorceress Academy

Afterstories: Chapter 4: Going to Town to Buy Something

Afterstories: Chapter 4: Going to Town to Buy Something

Its been a few days since I brought Annica into the forest.

So far, weve been making good progress with the training camp program.

The camp was scheduled to last for five days in total, and today was the fourth day.

This time, as a compilation of all the previous ones theyve learned, were having the students use their learned magic spells on a larger scale freely, but with supervision, of course.

Hmm, its going pretty well.

I said as I watched the students cast their spells one after another.

In the past few days, the success rate of magic spells has steadily increased, and the scale of their magic abilities has grown.

Like a fish in a bowl and the ocean, If you have an environment where you can use magic to its full potential, it will naturally grow.

Liselotte, who was standing beside me, reported back.

She spoke admiringly as she looked that the results at hand.

Of course it is. Magic is always better learned through your own feel rather than what the grimoire says.

Magic may be cast by logical thinking, but people think about logic in lots of different ways.

The quickest way may be following those grimoires step by step, but without understanding how it works on your body, it will be bad for any magic users growth in the long run.

Basically, what were doing is making the students tune their own style to be able to cast the spells more comfortably in their system.

Whats more, this environment is more effective as it was less restricted than the school.

There are infrequent occasions when large-scale magic practice is conducted, and usually, training camps like these are only catered for support and assistance categories that do not cause much damage to the surroundings.

This is why this training camp is so valuable to the students and teachers alike, hence the number of applicants right now.

I looked at the students and saw that it was Annicas turn.

Fufu, here I go!

She casts a spell and creates an oversized fireball, over a meter tall.

If a flesh-and-blood person were to be hit by it, he or she would be immediately vaporized.

Teacher~! Please watch this!

She looked back at me for a moment and then sent the fireball flying into the earthen figures ahead.

Despite its size, the fireball flew at high speed and hit the dolls.

At that moment, it exploded and burned a radius of about five meters.

That was brilliant, Miss Ardent. With a little improvement, it might be just right for a fireworks display.

Mou~. Please dont make fun of me!

Annica looked a little sulky, but her cheeks reddened slightly, as if she was happy that I had praised her. This chapter translation is made possible by stabbing with a syringe translations. check up-to-date translations only at this site.

I then spoke to Liesl while Annica went back to the other students.

I want to go and get some materials for the last day of the camp. Can I leave the watch to you?

Sure, Ill take care of it.

After confirming she agreed, I made another request.

Also, Id like to borrow one of your students to help me carry the baggage, but of course, if its alright with you.

ThatsI dont think it will be a problem.

In that case, its fine, right?

With that, I turned my back on Liesl and left.

When I returned to the camp from the temporary exercise area, one of the students was waiting for me. Its Amelia.

I had called out to her beforehand.

Master, Ive been waiting for you.

She greeted me politely, showing her complete obedience.

Whats more, she shows me an etiquette that was only established in servants of noble households.

I have no knowledge of this even with my court life, but as Amelia is a brilliant woman, she must have learned it from a book or two.

Sorry to keep you waiting. Were heading to a town nearby.

Yes, sir. The carriage is already ready.

She led me to the carriage, and we headed for a nearby town.

By the way, this carriage is a little different from the ones around here.

The horse that pulls the carriage is not of flesh and blood, but a golem run by magic.

Its a magnificent golem, by the way. Did master make it?

Yeah, although I would have liked it more if they allowed me to make it a little prettier.

As I had to prepare quite a number of them for this trip and we have insufficient time, they were a little rough on the edges.

Still, its also an excellent way to advertise your magic school if its easily recognizable as a golem.

After about twenty minutes, we arrived at the town.

We need to get some materials for the last day. Lets check out their workshops first. Maybe we can find something.

As the town we are visiting is huge, I assumed that the workshop would be hugeas well, so we decided to look around that area first.

Hence, we walked towards the place where there was a large cloud of smoke accumulating a must scenery for a blacksmithing area.

After a short walk with Amelia, we arrived at a building with several large chimneys emitting smoke incessantly.

We opened the solid door and called out to the receptionist inside.

I need you to sell me some iron. Do you have any stocks?

The young man at the reception desk seemed surprised by the suddenness of the situation, but he quickly regained his composure and responded.

Of course, we can prepare it, but how much do you need?

I told the receptionist my order.

He was a little surprised by the amount but said it was no problem. As I would expect of the biggest workshop here.

Of course, he also said it would take some time to prepare because of the quantity.

I gave him some money in advance and decided to kill some time in the town.

Master, were you okay with that order?

That? Its no problem. Its just some materials needed for a small performance later on.

In a workshop of that size, releasing that quantity from their stockpile would still leave a sufficient amount for them to work on.

However, that doesnt mean that there wont be problems in other areas.

As Amelia and I walked through the town, however, we were surrounded by several men just as the streets became less crowded.

Heya, lad and lass. You must be newcomers here.

Yeah, but whats the problem?

I said, hiding Amelia behind me.

You see, were a little strapped for cash right now. Can you lend us some?

Hmm, lending money, huh? Well, as far as I know, thats not something you want to hear from someone who has a dagger hidden in his pocket.

The mens gazes went baffled for a moment, but the next moment they gave me a piercing stare.

Surprised that I know? Because at my old job, I hung out with a lot of people who did work that couldnt be revealed in the light.

Well, for starters, even I hid my goals a lot better than these guys.

Heh, in that case, Ill be quick. Leave all the money you have and the girl behind.

He pulled out a dagger from his pocket and threatened me. If you are reading this text, you are reading the incomplete version copied from an unauthorized aggregators.

The few passersby around him fled, not wanting to get involved in trouble.

Its no use calling for help, he said. No one wants to get involved.

No, I think thats a wise choice. You wont have to worry about me getting involved either.

What? Youve got to stop with thebullshi- guhaaaa!

The man who was reaching out his hand towards me suddenly fell to the ground as if he was blown away.

A small explosion occurred between them, and after that, they were all knocked down by the shockwave.

Of course, this was the result of my magic spell, and the direction of the explosion was perfectly controlled, so there was no damage to us.

I dont want to get into trouble, so I wont take your life.

This guyyoull pay for that with blood!

The other men also attacked with daggers and iron bars, with one of them even taking out a crossbow and aiming at me from a distance.

Youre pretty well-armed for a bunch of thugs.

The first thing I did was to cast a spell to neutralize the long-range weaponry.

I froze the earth ten meters square around me, causing the mens feet to slip.

Uwaa, the ground!

I cant stand up! Im slipping, Im slipping!

As this is a country that has a warm climate, they probably have never experienced walking on frozen ground.

I saw that the man with a crossbow could not stand still as well.

While theyre surprised by the suddenness of the situation, I quickly created a lump of ice and fired.

One of them was hit in the stomach, and he immediately winced as he cried out in agony.

Whats the matter, are you done?

I then created stone spikes on the soles of my shoes and pinned the men to the icy ground without a care in the world.

I had no experience fighting squarely, but my even own muscle strength was enough to take on the thug who could barely stand.

After being struck on the icy ground for too many times, the men gradually lost their will to fight and fled in a huff.

Damn you! Ill remember this!

I looked away from them running away while spouting random words, and turned to face Amelia.

Are you hurt?

No, Im not. All thanks to master. But, if you still insist, I would like to go to the nearest magic store, if thats okay with you.

I nodded to Amelias request. But still, she was not even fazed by those thugs, huh?

Well, this is far more relieving than sending a lady with a traumatic experience back to the camp.

After putting the frozen ground back together, we then walked into a magic tool store I saw nearby.

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