The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 2339: Tired of Running

Chapter 2339: Tired of Running

What was Xu Tui doing when Yuan arrived at the Sacred Spiritual Planet and communicated with Chuling? Or rather, where was the Blue Star alliance army led by Xu Tui?

He was on Planet Kono, which had already been occupied by the Spiritual Race's expeditionary army. This was the combat location chosen by the Blue Star Combat Staff to land on the solar system. Compared to the other planets that could land, Planet Kono was the most suitable for now. The reason was very simple.

First of all, Ceres Star was not suitable.

On Ceres Star, which had already been occupied, a portion of the Planetary realm of the Great Xi Race and the Spiritual Race were stationed.

Moreover, with the cosmic tunnel, the Planetary realm experts of the Spiritual Race and the Great Xi Clan stationed on Planet Kui, Planet Uda, and Planetary Peach would arrive in the shortest time possible.

There were no cosmic tunnels on Planet Kono. It would take a long time for reinforcements to arrive. Most importantly, Planet Kono was the closest to Xu Tui's next target.

Xu Tui's real target was not the 1,000 Planetary realm experts stationed on Planet Kono.

That's right. There were only 500 Planetary realm experts from the Spiritual Race stationed on Planet Kono.

The reason was very simple. After Chuling and Yuan killed their way to Ceres Star, because there were no more cosmic tunnels, they could only choose to cross over with their bodies and charge towards the Blue Star.

However, the lower the cultivation, the lower the speed.

In Chuling and Yuan's opinion, even the Seven Satellites and Eight Satellites had relatively low cultivation levels, let alone the Five Satellites and the Six Satellites. Some of the Nine Satellites were not worthy of their attention.

It was too slow.

Only the most elite of the late-stage and peak-stage of the Nine Satellites, as well as the Small Universe-levels, could reach the Blue Star at an even faster speed with Chuling and Yuan.

Speed was crucial. Therefore, Chuling and Yuan only brought the most powerful elites to the Blue Star. The rest of them would stay on the road. Of course, they would arrive in batches at a relatively slow speed.

A few days ago, the planet with the most Planetary realm elites of the Spiritual Race and the Great Xi Clan was Ceres Star. Other than the garrison on the various transit planets, the other Planetary realms were all gathered on Ceres Star.

There were more than 4,500 Planetary realm experts from the Spiritual Race and more than 5,000 Planetary realm experts from the Great Xi Clan stationed on Ceres Star. This was the data from a few days ago.

According to the remaining reconnaissance methods that Blue Star had left on Ceres Star, thousands of Planetary realm experts from both races had left Ceres Star a few days ago and charged in the direction of their previous elite troops.

The Spiritual Race was attacking Planet Kono, while the Great Xi Race was attacking Mars. The tactic was actually very simple and effective.

Chuling and Yuan led the most elite troops into the hinterland of the Blue Star and destroyed it. The subsequent main forces continuously consolidated the planets they captured. Firstly, they fought with the Great Xi Clan for gains, and secondly, they built and consolidated transportation routes.

For example, a large number of newly developed quantum teleportation channels would be built beside the Spiritual Race.

Building at least three to five on a planet would make their support very powerful.

Their Holy Ancestor, Chuling, would also become elusive because of the construction of the transportation system. It would be more beneficial to surround the main force of the Blue Star. At this moment, the troops of the Spiritual Race stationed on Planet Kono were doing such a thing.

More than 3,000 Planetary realm experts below the Eight Satellites were crossing space. They would arrive at Planet Kono in a day or two.

Xu Tui silently appeared in a quantum teleportation channel built deep underground. Then, he spent a minute before he crawled out of the long and narrow hole in the mountain. The Blue Star had occupied Kono for several years, and the Blue Star had begun to prepare at all costs for the battle in front of them. Xu Tui still had three quantum teleportation channels hidden underground on Planet Kono. Of course, it was just that the location was extremely secretive.

If given time, the Spiritual Race would definitely be able to find and destroy these quantum teleportation channels hidden underground if they invested enough and sustained energy. Then, they would cut off the possible infiltration method of the Blue Star.

Unfortunately, the Spiritual Race army had only entered Planet Kono for a day. They had just cleaned up a Blue Star base that they had captured and reorganized it into their forward operating base.

They were still setting up the facilities to operate the forward operating base. They had to build a few more quantum teleportation channels for the Holy Ancestor and the reinforcements. There were also fortifications. They had also begun to clean up the Blue Star troops and unmanned mechanical troops that might be lurking on Planet Kono. However, this all took time.

Under such circumstances, the Spiritual Race expeditionary army stationed in Kono was very stunned when Xu Tui appeared. This was a fire-type supernatural being at the peak of the Nine Satellites. He was a little surprised when he saw Xu Tui alone.

Did this Small Universe-level powerhouse from the Blue Star in front of him have a hole in his brain, or did he think that he was powerful enough to kill 500 of them alone? It would be fine if it was the former, but what if it was the latter?

However, in the next moment, the commander of the Spiritual Race, who was at the peak of the Nine Satellites, felt terrible. That was because he saw a large number of Planetary realm experts surging out of a vortex door of light beside Xu Tui. Moreover, he heard a voice. "Commander, no one can snatch this person from me. I feel that I can have a good time with him!" This was Ullr's voice.

"Sure, but I'll give you five minutes at most."

With Xu Tui's permission, Ullr turned into lightning in the next moment and charged toward the peak-level commander of the Nine Satellites alone. In fact, when he felt that the pressure was not enough, he directly carried the commander and killed him in the temporary base that the Spiritual Race had just organized.

In the temporary base, there were more than a hundred Planetary realm experts. Ullr was looking for pressure now. He was afraid that the enemy was not strong enough. Therefore, he rushed in crazily. There was no need for too many elites to deal with 500 people. Xu Tui only released the 500 Blue Star elites he had brought along, as well as the personal guards that Derry and Gabe had recently formed. It could be considered training, and could use the battle to let these people grow.

Derry and Gabe were two upstarts who had been appointed by Pope Qiao An as purple-robed bishops. Recently, they had used their power and resources to form a 200-strong elite personal guard, and they were still slowly expanding.

According to these two people, as long as their orders were not to kill Pope Qiao An, they

would completely execute them.

There was no discount.

Would there be any suspense in the battle? There was no suspense.

There were only ten people from the Nine Satellites Planetary realm in the 500-strong team

of the Spiritual Race stationed on Planet Kono.

Among them, there was one at the peak of the Nine Satellites and nine at the early-stage of the Nine Satellites. Other than this commander, Chuling was not interested in the other Nine


The remaining 400-odd people were all Eight Satellites and Seven Satellites. They could be considered elites. However, there was no doubt about it in the face of the Blue Star's numerical advantage and the elite advantage.

For example, Erera, Cai Shaochu, Qu Qingshan, Ji Gui, and the others had tacitly not taken

action and became Dao Protectors. If any of the Blue Star Elites really fell into danger, they would save that person before they died.

Xu Tui did not need to attack. But he still had an important mission. He had to find and destroy all the quantum teleportation channels built by this army. Otherwise, Chuling might appear on Planet Kono in an extremely short period of time.

This mission should not be difficult. Their arrangements were very limited in a day. This was especially so since Xu Tui could use the Emperor's Seal to suppress and communicate with the planet's ley lines, hence he could easily find the quantum teleportation channel.

After all, every teleportation channel was equivalent to opening a small hole in the planet's

earth vein.

It was like finding a leak in a tire. It was very easy.


Just as Xu Tui was leading his army into Planet Kono, Chuling and Yuan were making their

final decision.

When Yuan said that they had to retreat to the solar system immediately, Chuling hesitated. This hesitation made Yuan angry. "Chuling, are you getting worse as you live? Why are you being indecisive at a time like this? What's wrong with you? There's a high chance that the Blue Star alliance will return to the solar system. Then the expeditionary forces that we left in the solar system will be in danger." He had no choice. Even if he knew, he could not avoid a

strategic plan.

Chuling still did not speak. He was still hesitating. It was not that Chuling was indecisive. On the contrary, he did not. However, what Yuan saw now were the last two steps of this strategic plan. Chuling had already seen the last four or even five steps of this strategic plan through the encounter of the Spiritual Race.

Chuling was worried. What would he choose if the Blue Star Alliance attacked the Spiritual

Race's Star Field or the Sacred Spiritual Planet again after he and Yuan returned to the solar system and were about to find the Blue Star Alliance?

Would he dare to ignore the Sacred Spiritual Planet and attack the Blue Star? The answer was no! Once that happened, he would have to fight his way back to the Sacred Spiritual Planet. Then, the Blue Star alliance army would disappear. Then he would chase after them again.

If he repeated this, he would fall into a strange circle, in which he was led by the nose by the Blue Star Alliance. Every time he was led by the nose by the Blue Star Alliance, both his strength and the strength of the Spiritual Race would be continuously consumed. Yuan did not have such scruples because up until now, the strength of the Great Xi Clan had not been depleted at all. He naturally would not feel the pinch. What about his Spiritual Race? Their losses were huge. More than 3,000 Planetary realm experts had been killed, and tens of thousands of elites below the Planetary realm had been killed. More than 33 planets were destroyed and turned into dead planets. At least a fifth of the Spiritual Race's strength had

been consumed.

If this continued, then...

Chuling had already seen the catastrophic consequences. If there were no other changes, he

could only wait for the Blue Star alliance army to make a mistake while he was led by the nose.

As long as the Blue Star alliance made a mistake, they could destroy the Blue Star alliance in one fell swoop.

However, how much of the Spiritual Race's strength could be consumed before that? How many rounds of such consumption could it last?

Chuling was very worried! He thought of those words-tired of running!

"What if the Blue Star alliance army does the same thing again? If we kill our way back to the

solar system, they will kill their way back to the Spiritual Race's Sacred Spiritual Planet. If we kill our way back to the Spiritual Race's Sacred Spiritual Planet, they will kill their way back to the solar system. How do we break this situation?" Chuling suddenly asked. "Isn't this "Yuan did not even say the fourth word. His expression became bitter. Was that impossible? No, it was very possible! Moreover, the possibility was extremely high. There was only one reason the existence of the solar system's high-temperature fire screen. The high-temperature fire screen of the solar system was actually like a high-temperature river of flames that flowed around the entire solar system. The ordinary army of their two

races had only blasted a hole in the long river net and temporarily opened a tunnel. Then,

because of the liquidity of the energy, the long river net would close up again in an extremely short period of time.

The high-temperature fire screen of the solar system became a natural warning device for the

Blue Star Alliance. It was also the key to the time difference. Xu Tui from the Blue Star could enter and leave the solar system's high-temperature fire screen without any obstruction because he was from the Huaxia Divine Clan. However, every time they shuttled, they needed the cooperation of the army to pierce through the fire screen.

"We have to solve this difficult situation. Otherwise, we will be played to death by Xu Tui." Chuling gave a very wise answer, but in the next moment, his expression changed. An emergency warning jade talisman in his pocket shattered. This warning jade talisman came from the commander of Planet Kono.

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