The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 2333: Time Difference and Wash the Earth

Chapter 2333: Time Difference and Wash the Earth

The alliance army of the Blue Star and the Muyas had disappeared before they were about to enter the Sacred Spiritual Planet? Chuling and Yuan were a little confused. They had thought of many possibilities, but they had not thought of this possibility.

The Blue Star alliance army had already reached the entrance of the Sacred Spiritual Planet and was about to enter the Sacred Spiritual Planet itself. Yet, they disappeared again? Where did they go? What exactly did the Blue Star Alliance want to do? Wasn't their original strategic goal to charge into the Sacred Spiritual Planet and force Chuling to return? Wasn't it to force them to split up and attack them one by one? Why did they disappear at the door of his house?

For a moment, Chuling and Yuan were stunned by the actions of the Blue Star Alliance. Of course, Chuling would definitely scold Xu Yi. He was too useless. He had even lost the enemy's movements. He was really a military loser.

Now, Chuling already felt that Xu Yi was really not suitable to be the current Great Elder of the Spiritual Race. He had to have someone who knew the military. Xu Zhijia was not bad. However, changing the Great Elder at the last minute was also a huge taboo. He could only change it after this battle.

"Do you think it's possible that the Blue Star Alliance retreated because they lost a lot of people after attacking the cosmic tunnel node of the Sacred Spiritual Planet?" Chuling frowned.

"I don't think so. The Blue Star alliance army cherished the lives of their troops, but they would not include the Muyas. The Blue Star alliance army can completely use the Muyas as cannon fodder and charge into the Sacred Spiritual Planet without any damage," Yuan analyzed.

"That's true. So where did the alliance army go? Are they going to attack the other inhabited planets of our race?" Chuling's expression was a little ugly when he thought of this.

This was actually a possibility that made it more difficult for him to choose. Chuling could withstand the destruction of 30 to 50 of the Spiritual Race's inhabited planets, but more than 50 would greatly reduce the Spiritual Race's strength. This was especially so since the gap between them and the Great Xi Clan would become larger and larger.

However, it was also because of this that it was even more difficult to make a choice.

If the alliance army chose to continuously destroy normal life planets, he, Chuling, would definitely be able to contain this situation if he returned. However, Yuan might not return because of this.

If Yuan did not return, he would naturally be able to obtain a huge harvest from the Blue Star. Then, the difference between him and Yuan would be huge. If he did not return and took down the huge gains on the Blue Star with Yuan, more than half of his homeland might be destroyed by the Blue Star Alliance.

The difference between him and the Great Xi Race's Yuan in the future would be extremely terrifying. It would also be a huge danger in the future. He found it a little difficult to choose. Chuling actually hoped that the Blue Star alliance would attack the Sacred Spiritual Planet, then he would be able to return with Yuan. He would not have to make a choice.

"According to the information sent by your race previously, the Blue Star alliance army can quickly arrive at three to four inhabited planets without cosmic tunnel nodes in a day. This should be the superposition of the quantum teleportation channel technology that the Blue Star had mastered and the effect of the Heavenly River Chessboard. Then do you think it's possible that they have already set up a secret quantum teleportation channel to the Sacred Spiritual Planet?" Yuan suddenly thought of this possibility.

"That shouldn't be possible, right? The defense level of the Sacred Spiritual Planet is the highest. There is a strict registration system for entry and exit. Furthermore, there are many experts. It will be very difficult for outsiders to infiltrate the Sacred Spiritual Planet-" Chuling suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence. He did not quite believe what he said.

The defense on the Sacred Spiritual Planet was the highest, but were there really no loopholes? In the past, Chuling did not think so. Now that he had seen the ability of Great Elder Xu Yi, that he had personally designated, he felt that it was possible. However, he could not rule out the possibility that the Blue Star alliance was going to destroy other inhabited planets.

"At least 50%." Chuling finally faced reality.

"Fifty percent chance? That was very likely. My suggestion is that you pass down the order immediately and order your troops to shake the Sacred Spiritual Planet and temporarily block the quantum teleportation of the Sacred Spiritual Planet to eliminate this possibility," Yuan suggested.

Chuling thought for a while and thought of another possibility. "If the Blue Star Alliance really wants to use a quantum teleportation channel to infiltrate the Sacred Spiritual Planet and destroy it,

"Then do you think that if we had ambushed the Sacred Spiritual Planet early on, we would have been able to let the Blue Star alliance charge into our arms and kill the Blue Star Elites and Xu Tui in one fell swoop? So that we could completely get rid of this danger?" Chuling suggested.

At first thought, this idea was very feasible, but it was quickly rejected by Yuan. "No. The barrier of the solar system's high-temperature fire screen to the other races was too strong. Even we could only break through it and pass through. We could not pass through silently by any means. The High-Temperature Fire Screen of the Solar System was the natural warning device of the Blue Star Alliance. We won't be able to sneak back silently."

Yuan sighed in pity. "It's a pity. Whether it's the quantum teleportation channel of your Spiritual Race or the quark particle transition technology of our Great Xi Race, they can't withstand the power of the two of us and allow us to sneak back silently."

Chuling frowned. He already had other thoughts. He had to use the excuse of the Blue Star alliance army to bring Yuan back to the Milky Way with him. Otherwise, no matter what choice he made next, he would suffer the most and lose the most. The person who gained the most would definitely be Yuan.

"Let's change our train of thought," Chuling suddenly said.

"How?" Yuan was puzzled.

"We thought about lurking previously, but we can still fight the time difference," Chuling said.

"Time difference?" Yuan was also a sly old fox who had lived for 3,000 years. He immediately understood what Chuling meant. "We can fight the time difference, but that will require us to wait and set up in advance. Moreover, if we fight the time difference well, we can really wipe out the Blue Star alliance army. Of course, we need the close cooperation of the local troops on the Sacred Spiritual Planet," Yuan said.

"Should we set it up first?" Chuling asked.


Soon, Chuling and Yuan Xian contacted Xu Yi and Lu Qi and set up missions. It was actually very simple to make up for the time difference. Currently, it would take about 20 minutes for Chuling and Yuan to return to the Sacred Spiritual Planet without considering the


For ten to 15 minutes, the normal army of the two races that they had to set up would temporarily blast through the high-temperature fire screen of the solar system and let them


In that case, if the normal troops were to increase the intensity of their attacks on the high- temperature fire screen of the solar system, the time they had to kill their way back to the Sacred Spiritual Planet would be greatly reduced.

It originally took 20 minutes, but it might take five minutes now. The difference of 15 minutes was enough to determine the life and death of the Blue Star alliance.

On the Sacred Spiritual Planet, Xu Yi, who had been reprimanded by the Holy Ancestor several times in a day, was a little nervous and under immense pressure. On the one hand, it was the terrifying combat strength and elusiveness of the Blue Star Alliance Army. On the other hand, it was the terrifying pressure brought about by the Holy Ancestor.

Previously, the Blue Star alliance army had disappeared without a trace. By the time he realized it, almost an hour had passed. It had been almost half an hour since he reported it to

the Holy Ancestor.

It was at this moment that the Holy Ancestor suddenly contacted him. He thought that it was some punishment, but he did not expect it to be an order. After receiving the order, Xu Yi was about to contact the frontline of the cosmic tunnel.

He could not contact the troops in the cosmic tunnel directly. They could only contact each other through heavy transfers and orders. It would take at least a minute for the order to be successfully given.

It was also at this moment that a terrifying explosion suddenly sounded from outside. Xu Yi was in the defense fortress of the cosmic tunnel node on the Sacred Spiritual Planet. This place could isolate most of the movements in the outside world. For the sound of explosion to be able to be heard, it could be seen how intense the explosion in the outside world was. Before Xu Yi could leave, he heard the exclamations of the guards of the Spiritual Race.

Enemy attack!

Enemy attack!

The moment Xu Yi's mind power surged out, he saw the overwhelming elites of the Muyas

charging over.

There were 100 Planetary realm and 20,000 elite troops, who are below the Planetary realm, stationed outside the cosmic tunnel node's Defense Fortress.

Right at this moment, there was a one-sided massacre outside the fortress. They were all elite armies above the Five Satellites Planetary realm. There was no doubt that they would launch a surprise attack on armies below the Planetary realm.

Suddenly, Xu Yi realized that the Blue Star alliance had charged in. No matter how the Blue Star alliance army killed their way in, he had to do three things. The first thing was that Xu Yi had crushed a jade talisman. This was his agreement with the Holy Ancestor.

In an emergency, crushing this jade talisman was to inform the Holy Ancestor that the Blue

Star Alliance had charged in and asked for help. He completed the first thing in an instant. Then, in just five seconds, Xu Yi completed the second and third things.

He first ordered the troops who guarded the defense fortress at the node of the cosmic tunnel to temporarily shrink the defense line and retreat to defend; they were not allowed to kill their way out and conserved their strength while they waited for the other forces in the Sacred Spiritual Planet to respond.

The Sacred Spiritual Planet was the home planet of the Spiritual Race. It had many methods.

The third thing was that Xu Yi, as the Great Elder, had given the order to activate the ultimate defense of the Sacred Spiritual Planet-the ultimate battle fortress.

The combat division that had received the order suddenly became chaotic in the center of the Sacred Spiritual Planet, which was also the Sanctuary. However, after a dozen seconds of chaos, they returned to normal under the scolding of the commanders.

Although the ultimate battle fortress of the Sacred Spiritual Planet had not been used for

more than a thousand years, there would be a drill every ten years. However, no one expected

that they would have to fight this time.

That's right. The ultimate battle fortress of the Sacred Spiritual Planet was the Sanctuary. Even a small universe powerhouse would be injured if the Sanctuary went all out. It could be said to be an instant kill for those below the Nine Satellites.

Of course, the consumption was also extremely terrifying. However, at this moment, no one

talked about consumption.

This ultimate battle fortress took 15 minutes to activate and attack. Input the energy, charge

it, inject the energy of the array, activate it, and focus fire, every level consumes a large

amount of energy.

A mass amount of energy injection required time. Therefore, Xu Yi's order to the people

inside the cosmic tunnel node fortress was to hold on for 15 minutes and wait for the ultimate

battle fortress to annihilate the enemy.

He was confident in the defense ability of the cosmic tunnel node fortress on the Sacred

Spiritual Planet.

Over the past 3,000 years, it has expanded and strengthened countless times. The original underground defense fortress had now become a ground fortress that was more than a thousand meters tall.

The defense enhancements of the various arrays had been activated.

Xu Yi had confidence. Most importantly, the Defense Fortress of the cosmic tunnel node on

the Sacred Spiritual Planet should be the safest place on the planet. The Holy Ancestor would return fifteen minutes later. The Spiritual Race's ultimate battle fortress would also be activated. At that time, it would definitely not be a problem for him to lead his men out and entangle the Blue Star alliance army for a few minutes.

He had made his battle merits. He had also made contributions to command. The Holy

Ancestor's orders were also fulfilled.

This was Xu Yi's plan.

However, in the next moment, an ear-piercing explosion sounded in the Defense Fortress. It

was not just the explosions. The entire defense fortress even shook. In many places, gray rocks began to roll down.

This made Xu Yi feel uncomfortable. He was stunned the moment his mind power surged out


Damn it! Three-phase thermal bomb!

At this moment, the Blue Star alliance army was in the sky, blasting down the famous three-

phase thermal bombs like dumplings. In just an instant, Xu Yi saw more than 30 three-phase thermal bombs with his mind power.

Before this wave exploded, the next wave appeared!

Xu Yi was instantly dumbstruck!

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