The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 80: Provincial City, Lian Qingxue’s Timidity!

Chapter 80: Provincial City, Lian Qingxue’s Timidity!

Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue were on their way to the Provincial City.

The journey from Spring City to the Provincial City wasnt far, only about an hour and a half by car, which was very near. But Qi Yun, sitting in the car, still felt a bit uncomfortable.

After all, buses were like big cans, and it could get stuffy sitting inside. Qi Yun didnt consider himself a delicate person, but he felt a strange smell when he got on the bus.

Looks like I need to buy a car, thought Qi Yun.

In the past, buying a car wasnt necessary when he was in high school. But now, he was going to college, and there were also matters to handle for the milk tea shop.

No, it shouldnt be called a milk tea shop anymore. That sounded a bit low-end. It should be called Mu Yun Company.

Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue registered a company to expand the milk tea shop. The name of the company was Mu Yun, which Lian Qingxue chose, and the brand was called Xue Cha (Snow Tea).

According to Lian Qingxues idea, it was perfect!

Qi Yun was the chairman, and Lian Qingxue was the general manager!

Lian Qingxue felt a bit embarrassed because they were the only two people in the company, with one general manager and one chairman

Not even a worker!

Moreover, the Snow Tea Shop was replaced with the companys name.

Speaking of which, Xiao Yue, Lin Lin, and others could be considered company workers.

Qi Yun had to persuade Lian Qingxue that the company would eventually grow.

Lian Qingxue reluctantly accepted the title of general manager.

What troubled Qi Yun the most was that stubborn Lian Qingxue changed the distribution of the companys shares.

Now, Qi Yun owned seventy percent of Mu Yun Companys shares, while Lian Qingxue had thirty percent.

Initially, she didnt want thirty percent. She only wanted ten percent or even less!

According to her, Qi Yun shouldnt take so many shares because she provided the money.

Qi Yun, really?

He didnt expect having a girlfriend who didnt care about money would be troublesome.

Now, if he invested ten thousand yuan in the company, he might only get a return of thirty thousand yuan.

The returns were getting harder to come by!

Thinking about this, Qi Yun made up his mind to expand!

They must expand like crazy!

And he had to seize every opportunity to spend money on Lian Qingxue!

The two of them went to the Provincial city to realize the expansion of the milk tea shop.

After all, Spring City was only a prefecture-level city, and its transportation and commerce were not as developed as the provincial city.

They decided to open the first Snow Tea branch in the provincial city and acquire a food processing plant to supply raw materials for the milk tea shop.

When they would open a store in the capital city, the developed transportation in the provincial city would also ensure the supply of the food processing plant to the capital city and even radiate to the entire country.

After getting off the bus, their first priority was not to do anything else but go to the hotel. Although the bus ride wasnt long, they both had a slight odour. They wanted to freshen up first.

Qi Yun had booked the hotel, and Lian Qingxue had no idea. She thought it was just an ordinary budget hotel.

When they arrived at the destination, she couldnt help but open her mouth wide.

Is this the hotel you booked?

Qi Yun had booked the Hilton Hotel, not because it was the best but because it was the only five-star hotel in the provincial city.

There was no better option.

Why did you choose such an expensive one

Lian Qingxue tugged at Qi Yuns clothes and muttered.

If Qi Yun hadnt said he couldnt cancel the booking, she probably could have convinced the hotel to refund the money.

Qi Yun held Lian Qingxues hand and led her inside.

In Qi Yuns eyes, the hotels decoration was relatively luxurious.

It might be considered ordinary or even a bit old-fashioned in later generations. But in Lian Qingxues eyes, it was too extravagant. The young girl seemed a bit restrained.

A female attendant in the lobby saw the two of them and immediately walked over.

Do you have a reservation?

Yes, I booked an executive double room.

Qi Yun didnt book a presidential suite or anything like that, afraid of scaring Lian Qingxue. She was already a bit timid now.

A small orphanage-raised girl entering such a relatively high-end place for the first time, it was hard not to feel awkward.

Especially when she felt that the female attendants gaze was strange as if she was looking at someone who shouldnt be here. It made her even more uncomfortable.

After the female attendant confirmed the reservation, she led them towards the elevator

Qi Yun held Lian Qingxues shoulders and gently hugged her.

Do you think I shouldnt have booked this hotel? He asked Lian Qingxue.

Hmm Its a bit too wasteful.

Lian Qingxue pouted, looking a bit listless.

Qingxue, do you know why I brought you here? Qi Yun asked.


Whether the hotel is good or not, whether its one-star, three-star, or five-star, it doesnt matter to me. But I want you to know that no matter how expensive the hotel is, you deserve it.

The female attendant in front paused as if she had heard it but didnt stop.

But we dont need such an expensive hotel! Lian Qingxue still had a slightly wrinkled face.

Because I want you to have the best of everything. I want you to have what others have. I hope you can have it all, whether its a hotel or something else. Do you understand?

Why did he bring Lian Qingxue here?

First, he didnt want to be a miser who hoarded money without letting the people around him enjoy it.

Second, it was as he said. He wanted to give Lian Qingxue everything he could give her.

Just like he said, he wanted Lian Qingxue to understand that she didnt need to feel ashamed no matter where she was.

Not to mention anything else, her personality and character deserved the best of everything.

In any place, she could hold her head high and be fearless.

After hearing Qi Yuns words, Lian Qingxue suddenly felt that the oppressive decoration in this place no longer had that sense of repression.

She straightened her posture, and a relaxed smile appeared on her face.

With a curious and calm gaze, she began to appreciate the surroundings. No more timidity.

When they reached the elevator, the female attendant opened the door.

Before the elevator doors closed, the female attendant bowed gently to her and said, Wish you a pleasant stay. You have a perfect lover.

Thank you, I know, Lian Qingxue said with a smile.

Immersed in the touching moment, Lian Qingxue realized that she had imagined Qi Yun too well when she arrived at the hotel.

This was just an LSP (Luxury Service Provider)!

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