The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 181: The Appearance Of A Pay-To-Win Hero

Chapter 181: The Appearance Of A Pay-To-Win Hero

Alex's PoV:

The huge three-horned horse's mana started to go haywire while the mana stored in the huge three-horned horse's mana core had already exceeded its maximum capacity. Although that's the case, the huge three-horse kept on absorbing more mana from the surroundings while not minding the fact that the huge three-horned horse had already surpassed the maximum mana capacity.

The huge three-horned horse writhed in pain while it's in mid-air and the huge three-horned coughed up blood. It was all due to the side effect of storing more mana than what the huge three-horned horse's mana core could store.

I activated [Mana Sense] and saw that the mana core inside the huge three-horned horse's body was starting to crack which was the indication that a magic beast would self-destruct.

I only have 5 seconds left before the [Surpass Limits] skill would deactivate so I channeled all of the mana inside my mana pool outside my body.

I then conjured a thick cube made out of mana to trap the huge three-horned horse. The thick mana cube had enough size to to the huge three-horned horse. I made sure to reduce the size of the cube as possible so that the mana distribution wouldn't lessen.

After all, the bigger the cube I would create using mana, the lesser the defense of the mana cube.

Since I had already exhausted all of my mana, my [Flight] skill was deactivated which caused me to fall to the ground.

A crater was formed when my body fell on the ground but fortunately, the [Surpassed Limits] skill deactivated after I fell on the ground so I didn't receive any damage when my body fell on the ground.

I suddenly felt my body becoming stiff as the [Surpass Limits] skill's duration had ended. My body was then paralyzed rendering me unable to move.

Fortunately, I was able to see what was happening within my field of view since the [Surpass Limits] skill's side effect wasn't being unconscious after the duration of the skill had ended but only a paralysis to all of my body parts.

I fell on the ground with my back first so my eyes were facing towards the sky where the huge three-horned horse was inside a blue-colored thick mana cube.

I couldn't activate my [Mana Sense] now that my mana was depleted but I could still guess that the huge three-horned horse's mana core had already cracked and was on the verge of exploding.

Distere, Pedonar, Aileen, Sophie, and Satomi must have noticed that the huge three-horned horse was starting to self-destruct while I had created a mana cube to trap it. Aerin should have sensed the abnormal flow of mana in the surroundings and the mana that was densely packed inside the mana core of the huge three-horned horse.

I didn't want to delete all of my mana to create a mana cube to trap the huge three-horned horse but I had no choice because I wasn't sure of the damage that the huge three-horned horse's self-destruction would cause.

I had used all of my mana to create the mana cube just to make sure that the mana cube would either be able to withstand or at least reduce the damage of the huge three-horned horse's self-destruction.

I had planned to conserve at least 5% of my mana to be able to communicate to my teammates by using the [Telepathy] skill. But... oh well, what's done was done.

The huge three-horned horse's body started to shine with orange and red light while it was inside the mana cube. The mana cube was then filled with red and orange light until I wasn't able to see the huge three-horned horse's body due to being covered by red and orange light.

The huge three-horned horse was starting to self-destruct as the red and orange light inside the mana cube became much brighter than before.

A huge explosion occurred inside the mana cube as the huge three-horned horse had finally exploded. The huge three-horned horse's body was incinerated by its self-destruction.

The mana cube wasn't able to withstand the huge three-horned horse's self-destruction as numerous large cracks appeared on the mana cube until the mana cube shattered. A loud explosion reverberated in the forest while the fragments from the mana cube dissipated into mana particles.

A reduced version of the huge three-horned horse's self-destruction had broken out from the mana cube. The explosion wasn't big enough to reach my teammates and I so the mana cube that I had created had reduced almost all of the power of the huge three-horned horse's self-destruction.

Finally! The huge three-horned horse had died! Although, not the kind of death I was expecting for.

Nevertheless, the huge three-horned horse had died so the only high-level monster left was the huge tiger.

Satomi and the others should be able to defeat the huge tiger if they teamed up against it so I could relax here for a while and wait for the paralysis duration to end.

If I'm not wrong, then the paralysis duration should be at least an hour or two so I wouldn't be able to fight for at least an hour but it doesn't mean that I wouldn't be able to recover my mana as usual.

Although, I wouldn't be able to absorb mana from the surroundings a lot faster than before since I couldn't activate the [Mana Sense] skill yet.

As I closed my eyes and started to relax, I heard the sound of the leaves rustling while the ground was slightly shaking.

I opened my eyes to see what caused the rustling and shaking but I couldn't see it since it wasn't in my field of vision. I could only see the bright blue sky with white clouds in my field of vision.

"A huge snake has come out from the forest" 

The voice of Distere resounded in the forest as he identified the high-level monster that had caused the rustling sound from the leaves and the ground that had shaken.

I could feel my senses warning me to escape from the huge snake as the huge snake's killing intent was spreading in the forest until it targeted me.

I must have looked like easy prey for the huge snake so it decided to eat me first. The ground slightly shook and after a few seconds, I saw the huge head of a snake in my field of vision with its long tongue coming out of its body.

The hissing sound was generated by the huge snake as the huge snake opened its mouth which revealed two long sharp fangs.

I didn't close my eyes since I wasn't scared by just a huge snake as I waited for the huge snake to be done with it. It's not like I could escape anyway so I might as well face it like a man.

Distere must have helped Satomi deal with the huge tiger so the two of them were occupied with defeating the huge tiger.

Sigh... I hadn't experience that many fun memories after I was summoned into this world and it's all because of that training maniac of an Axel!

Axel didn't even spare the junior heroes from his training regime including the other senior heroes.

Was this what they meant when the time in the world feels slower when in an approaching-death experience?

The huge snake seemed to had been moving slower as its mouth was slowly approaching my body. The huge snake's mouth seemed to have been moving a centimeter per second if my guess wasn't wrong.

Even God was cruel to me. God did not want me to have a quick and painless death.

"You are wrong, you thief!"

Just as I was about to keep on waiting for the huge snake to bite me to death, a familiar voice rang in my ears. The familiar person who said that doesn't seem to be angry but he must have shouted to snap me out of my thoughts.

I saw a person clad in full body armor and each of the armors such as the breastplate and helmet had different designs and colors so each of the armor equipment was from different sets.

That person was flying through the use of a pair of leather boots that had a pair of wings attached to each side. Also, that person had a lot of necklaces (should be at least 15 or more) hanging on his neck.

That person was wearing a helmet so I couldn't see his face. Thus, I couldn't identify who it was but if I'm not wrong, then the voice that I had heard from that person was Mathew Light, the other Goblin hero besides Axel.

"You are right, I am Mathew Light! The Goblin Hero who have his artifacts and skill scrolls being stolen from not only Axel but also from you."

Mathew Light declared his name to me and afterward, he summoned a sword out of thin air.

For some reason, Mathew Light looked like a pay-to-win player who spent all of his money to acquire powerful equipment to get ahead of a game. In his case, he didn't buy his equipment but stole it.

I somehow felt bad for the people who had their valuable items stolen from them...

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