The Four Swords

Chapter 65: A Fitting Encounter

Chapter 65: A Fitting Encounter

My comrades and I slowly made our way down to the seamstress's workroom. On the way we decided that Alina should be fitted first then should retreat to the council chambers with Alejo and Marta. She did not need to be anywhere near the laundry for long and the seamstress took up the space next door.

Finley and I would try and figure out what Moha looked like. We would have plenty of time while Alina was being fitted for her wedding dress. A wedding dress that she would not wear down the aisle toward me. That thought still set off mixed emotions inside of me. I hated misleading everyone, but the relief of not marrying out of duty was freeing.

Finley led the way down a hall that I had never seen. I did not have much experience with rooms that servants used to keep the castle running. Part of me wondered if King Caderyn even knew these halls well enough to transverse them without an escort leading the way.

Finley stopped suddenly to fix his shoe. He had walked out of the back of it. Only after he was bent in half, did I realize he had done it all on purpose. His eyes met mine before sweeping toward the wall. A large painting hung there that almost reached the floor. It seemed familiar. My eyes grew wide in understanding. We were standing in the hallway where the two female servants met.

Finley righted himself and continued showing us the way. I think he even took a longer way to the seamstress's room just to make sure I knew where that painting could be found. As we turned the corner into the seamstress's room, I heard familiar giggles. Liliana and Abrin were dressed in finery.

Abrin was dressed in pale blue with deeper accents running the length of his tiny waistcoat. Liliana was in a cream dress with light blue flowers embroidered across the waist and down the flowing train.

I smiled at their joy, wanting so deeply to keep them happy and young forever. A pang of guilt ran down me as I thought that these beautiful clothes would most likely go unused. There are not many occasions to wear such nice things and they both grew so fast.

Liliana spun circles around a pedestal meant to help the seamstress reach her hem easily. Abrin practiced a courtly bow in the mirror. My mother and the seamstress were deep in conversation at the back of the room, both wearing jovial smiles.

"Jack!" My mother spotted me in the mirror. "Aren't your siblings adorable?"

"They are the picture of perfection," I agreed. I let the warmth of being near my family fill me, before an unsettling thought crept into my mind. I hoped the seamstress kept these garments away from Moha as well.

As if Alina read my mind, she found a way to ask about it. "Oh Lydia! You've outdone yourself! I can't wait to see my dress. I hope no one gets to see these outfits before our wedding. It would make the day that much more special."

"Indeed, Your Highness. I've been keeping all the wedding garments under lock and key. Your day will be a dream!" The head seamstress, Lydia, offered. I was impressed by Alina. She found a way to ask what I wanted without drawing attention.

"If Your Highness and Sir Jacobson will wait in the hall for a moment, I'll get these little ones changed and be ready for the next fitting," Lydia directed. She was efficient to say the least.

Our throng retreated to the hall, as we were told. Just as the door closed behind us, a laundress came out of the room next door with a basket of clean clothes. Her eyes grew wide as she realized she was face to face with the Princess. She, not so discreetly, turned around and walked back into the laundry.

Alina, Marta and I shared a glance. We had hoped the servants working in the laundry would not notice Alina, or at least not notice her as she arrived. Several gasps and excited murmurs could be heard from the room next door. Three curious servants took turns bobbing their heads out of the doorway to see if it was in fact the Princess who stood in their hall.

Luckily, Abrin and Liliana changed quickly. My mother and siblings came out of the room, meeting us face to face. Liliana hugged Alina without hesitation.

"Sister! It's good to see you," Liliana squealed without a hint of decorum.

"Good to see you too. We will have to do something together soon, but right now I have to go try on my dress. See you soon, little sister," Alina rushed into the seamstress's room. I could tell that being the focus of the servants in the laundry unnerved her.

Marta followed Alina and shut the door behind the two of them. Leaving my mother and siblings with my shadows and me.

"It's good to see you too, Jack," Liliana hugged me. Abrin clung on too, not to be outdone.

"I do love seeing all of you, but we need to get back to our studies. We will see you later!" My mother hugged my neck before leading my siblings away.

I took a deep breath. At least they would be safe at home. Staring toward my family, I did not notice a woman slink out of the laundry room.

"Sir Jacobson, excuse me. I did not know you had such a large family. Would your mother be interested in hiring a laundress?" The woman's vowels were pronounced with too much emphasis in a sing-song pitch. I heard this accent too often lately.

I froze. What do I say to this woman? Is my life in danger being this close to her? If I don't say something soon, she will be suspicious that I know something. I let my tongue wet my lips to buy me another moment of thinking.

"I have never thought to ask her about it. I can let you know if she does need the help, Miss..." I paused to wait for the laundress's name.

"Moha, my name is Moha."

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