The First Evolution

Chapter 355: Force the President

Chapter 355: Force the President

The matter of Veronica Laboratory was very big at this time. Almost everyone in Duckland Company was paying close attention to it.

The reason why Delto was unlucky was because the Gumball Company’s insiders had sent back the news that the Gumball Company had benefited amazingly from the lower level of the Veronica Laboratory.

As the saying goes people don’t suffer from scarcity but from inequality. After the comparison, the information and materials brought back by Delto seemed too ordinary.

In addition, Fang Linyan and the others had not sent back any news, and the life detectors on several people in the remaining team showed no sign of life. This basically confirmed that they were all eliminated.

Of course, there are factions and infighting in the Duckland Company, so it was logical to marginalize Delto.

Because of this, when Fang Linyan sent out a contact signal as a survivor, the news almost shook the entire senior management.

Mr. Larson, the president of the company, had directly ordered that he wanted to ask the only survivor, Fang Linyan, personally. The rest of the people should not contact him in advance.

As for the escorts, Hawley and the others were bribed to interrogate Fang Linyan in the name of escort to gain some benefits along the way. They just wanted to intimidate and lure Fang Linyan to say that Delto was incompetent!

If this matter was not caught, then it must be concealed from the superior, and nothing would happen. However, now that there was real evidence, the problem would be big! Just the “president’s order” could make them suffer!

“What to do? What to do? What to do?”

How could the three care about intimidation and luring at this moment? They were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, only feeling that time flew so fast at this moment.

One of them rushed forward to see Fang Linyan’s injury and tried to bandage him, but how could Fang Linyan let him do as he wished? They became entangled.

And at this time, a sullen voice suddenly came from the wall,

“Hawley, that’s enough! Turning off the camera for 3 minutes can still be explained with line and interference problem!”

“You have turned off the camera for a full 5 minutes now! The inspection office is not so easy to fool. Your damn favor does not include being called to drink coffee by the inspection office for illegal operations. Now restore the camera recording immediately.”

Hawley wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, then he stammered to the microphone,

“Listen, Simmons, there is an accident, but trust me, it’s still under control.”

Simmons on the opposite side was stunned for about 5 seconds, and immediately yelled at the microphone,

“Operator, connect the video signal in the interrogation room immediately! If you don’t want your brain to splash on the monitor!”

About 3 seconds later, Simmons saw the scene in the interrogation room. Fang Linyan was entangled with Hawley’s subordinates, then he bounced up from the chair and shouted,

“Gyour gun and follow me to the interrogation room immediately!!”


2 minutes later, Simmons put his hand on the handle of the gun and said to Hawley with a livid face,

“Very well, Hawley, is this how you repay my trust in you!!? What did you promise me!!”

Hawley yelled in despair,

“I swear to my father’s grave that I just punched him a few times, and I promise that the injuries can’t be determined! His fingers were broken by himself!!!”

Simmons grabbed Hawley by the collar and growled loudly,

“Facing the questioning of the president and the executive directors, can I use your words to shut their mouths?!!!”

“My duty is to deliver this person to BOSS intact! Now that something happened to him, it is my negligence. Since he has the tendency to self-harm, why didn’t he self-harm sooner or later, but after you violated the rule to interrogate him?”

Facing Simmons’ questioning, Hawley was speechless for a while, so no one noticed the sneer at Fang Linyan’s mouth.

Regarding this matter, Simmons did not dare to suppress it, because there were more than 5 witnesses. Simmons could not suppress it even if he wanted to.

So he could only call the president at the first time and explained everything clearly, then he took the initiative to apply for dereliction of duty. In this way, he could still save himself. After all, nothing big happened to Fang Linyan, which wouldn’t delay the real business.

In the final analysis, Simmons’ mistakes were nothing more than giving favor to Hawley. Things like favoritism were very common. Although there was a mistake, it was not irreparable.

Of course, as for the perpetrator of this incident, Hawley would shoulder all the responsibility. Simmons would save himself first rather Hawley.

As for whether what Hawley said was true or not, it didn’t really matter. Since he caused such a huge trouble that dragged everyone down, he was a total good-for-nothing.

And trash was not allowed in Duckland Company.

Soon, in just half an hour, the news about Fang Linyan spread directly throughout the entire Duckland Company. Naturally, some factions were happy and others were sad.

After President Larson heard the news, he temporarily interrupted an important meeting, left halfway and chose to return directly to the headquarters to meet Fang Linyan.

But this time, some members of the board directly raised objections, saying that this Wynch might be hiding a huge secret. Otherwise, why would anyone plan to silence him? So they asked to participate in the meeting together.

At this time, President Larson also regarded Fang Linyan as a hot potato and was under a lot of pressure, so he allowed the 4 executive directors to participate in the meeting together.

As for the treatment of Simmons, he was demoted by half a grade and transferred while Hawley was dismissed and handed over to the Internal Affairs Department.


At 11:45pm, Fang Linyan was brought into a brightly lit conference room.

Beside him stood 4 expressionless experimental subjects, both meant to protect him and also to control him.

Then, he met President Larson and the 4 executive directors present. These 5 people were also full of momentum of the superiors. After all, they could decide the life and death of thousands of people with a single thought.

Without any prelude or opening remarks, Larson went straight to the point,

“Wynch, I want to know everything that happened to you below Veronica Laboratory!”

Fang Linyan raised his eyes, looked at Larson and said,

“Who are you?”

Larson said in a deep voice,

“I’m President Larson, and they are the 4 executive directors of the company.”

Fang Linyan said lightly,

“Sorry, Mr. President, according to Article 11 of the confidentiality clause I got after I entered the special team, I have entered a special state since the mission started. In this state, unless my immediate superior dies, Otherwise, I cannot disclose any information to anyone.”

Larson changed countenance a little, and he immediately said to the secretary beside him,

“Go and find out if there is such a rule.”

Larson’s secretary must be one in a million; extremely shrewd. She immediately started searching for relevant information when Fang Linyan spoke, just waiting for Larson to ask.

“Yes, this rule was approved by the board of directors on March 11 last year. You personally sign and approve it the next day, then it is implemented within the entire company.”

Fang Linyan continued,

“Delto, my immediate superior, was seriously injured, so he left the battlefield. So, is he dead now?”

President Larson’s face turned ugly, but an executive director beside showed a smile in his eyes,

“I’m the executive director, Francis. Delto is alive and well.”

Hearing the words of the executive director, Fang Linyan’s eyes lit up. The ally he had been waiting for finally appeared. At the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Delto really belongs to a faction, and there is an executive level in this faction. Not bad.

So, now that his mind had settled down, he said,

“Then, according to the company’s confidentiality clause, I will only be responsible to Mr. Delto. I will not reveal anything until I see him, otherwise I will accept at least six months of confinement, and the maximum penalty of death — Presidents, executive directors, you can’t really ask me to violate the rules, right?”

At this time, President Larson and the other 3 executive directors looked very ugly. They really wanted to say the F word now.

As the superior and vested interest in the entire Duckland Company, he was actually bound by the rules he personally formulated!

He could pour scorn at it in a private setting. He could even say that I’m the rule.

But in public — especially in public where there was an executive director who was obviously on the opposite side, he must abide by the rules.

Fang Linyan looked at Francis and said,

“Mr. Director, I made an amazing discovery in the underground base of Veronica Laboratory. This discovery was what the Bloody Umbrella Company was eager to get but they couldn’t. I can confirm that this will give a major breakthrough in technology to the company!”

At this time, both Francis and Larson and the others lost their composure. Larson even said in a deep voice,

“Wynch, do you know what you’re saying right now?”

Fang Linyan smiled and said,

“My mental state is quite normal now. Of course, I will be responsible for what I say. As long as you call in Delto now, I will naturally hand over these things. Now, I want to find a quiet place to take a bath and rest, can I?”

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