The First Evolution

Chapter 337: More Mysteries

Chapter 337: More Mysteries

Then this was very obvious, this strange turtle jellyfish did not attack them for no reason.

It should have been attacked by the people of the Blood Umbrella Company who was piloting the submersible before. They tried to capture it, but even though it was shot by a metal spear, it still broke the chain and escaped successfully. Now it saw the old “enemy”, it naturally came to take revenge.

Fang Linyan also felt annoyed. It was not good to let it stick to the submersible like a glue, but under the deep water, he had no choice but to keep moving forward.

After the submersible continued to drive forward for more than a hundred meters, the strange turtle jellyfish turned around and swam away. Goat breathed a long sigh of relief.

But Fang Linyan knew that this may not be good news, because it meant that there was likely to be a powerful creature ahead. Even turtle jellyfish had to be afraid of it, so it could only leave dejectedly. Fang Linyan could only accelerate forward.

At this time, he was quite disgusted with this kind of condition that had no power to fight back. He only hoped to end this passive condition as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan found that the arrow on his retinas began to point upward, then he pressed the surface button.

When the submersible directly went up for more than 10 meters, it suddenly became light. After a sound of water splashing, it actually surfaced directly.

Fang Linyan and Goat were startled at the same time. They were at least several hundred meters below the water, how could they surface?

But existence is reasonable. Fang Linyan had heard of underwater hotels, underwater playgrounds and other buildings before. According to his speculation, it should be a similar principle, but the technology here would obviously be much higher.

After observing the surrounding area from the porthole outside, Fang Linyan determined that there was no danger, so Fang Linyan opened the top cover of the submersible.

They could be stuck in the submersible for too long or it was a psychological effect. They felt that apart from a faint fishy smell, the underwater air was exceptionally refreshing.

As soon as Fang Linyan turned his head, he saw an orange-shaped submersible parked on a simple dock 20 meters away. It was swaying slightly with the lake water.

Apparently, this orange-shaped submersible was the one that came in to explore years ago. The researchers inside were probably dead, but the submersible was still intact.

Fang Linyan took a look at the surrounding environment and found that it was a small lake with an area of ​​several thousand square meters. There were a lot of algae and reed plants growing beside the lake.

The leaves of these plants actually had a peculiar metallic luster. The surrounding walls were somewhat dusty, but they were so smooth that they didn’t seem to be formed naturally at all.

Beside the simple dock, there was a circular tunnel entrance. There seemed to be a door inside. The arrow pointed straight to the entrance of the tunnel.

However, Fang Linyan was not in a hurry to go in. Instead, he checked his submersible first, because the submersible suffered some heavy damages when coming down. Needless to say, the surface was covered with marks.

Fang Linyan was a very cautious person. He thought about losing before he wins. He must secure the retreat before entering, so he must first make sure that the return journey had no problem.

As a result, after this inspection, he immediately discovered that the situation was not very good. It turned out that the body surface of the strange turtle jellyfish should have some kind of strong acid. When it collided with it, the shell of the submersible was fine at the time, but it had already begun to be corroded by the strong acid.

Now according to Fang Linyan’s calculations, even if he had a solution now, the shell of the submersible would become very thin even if it was not corroded. It would probably be difficult to survive the water pressure, let alone the turtle jellyfish was waiting for them on the way back.

With this in mind, Fang Linyan could only turn his attention to the other submersible. He jumped on it to check it out, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that the condition of this submersible was much better than the one he drove. However, it was low in power and fuel.

Fortunately, this problem was not too difficult for Fang Linyan. The fuel could be pumped out of the damaged submersible and into the orange-shaped submersible.

As for the problem of power, it was also very simple to solve. Just remove the battery on the damaged submersible, move it to the orange-shaped submersible and rewired it.

Fang Linyan happened to be carrying a set of tools, so he took out Nicholas Flamel’s Toolbox, rolled up his sleeves and started working.

When he was halfway through the work, he suddenly remembered that the time to summon the elite mechanical warrant officer had also been off cooldown, so he naturally summoned it to help.

Goat was a little dumbfounded by this scene, because the way Fang Linyan modified the submersible completely subverted his perception of mechanics.

That kind of operation was so skillful that it was as smooth as flowing water. It could only be described as “the peak of perfection”.

What is art? If one thing is executed perfectly, it is art.

A fish slaughterer processed a large fish weighing 8 catties in 16 seconds; deboning, skinning and cutting it into fillets. This is art.

The chef of Huaiyang cuisine cuts tofu into a thousand-needle chrysanthemum with 6,400 knives. This is also an art.

Kazik of the League of Kings jumps 6 times in a row. This is also art!

Goat felt the feeling of never getting tired of watching it again and again from Fang Linyan’s precise and quick maintenance technique. He had a taste of the indescribable artistic atmosphere.

Of course, for an uneducated layman like Goat to watch the excitement, if he were to evaluate Fang Linyan’s operation, it must be “really fucking strong”.

But for experts, Fang Linyan’s actions would reveal a lot of information.

At this time, no one noticed that in the darkness at the entrance of the tunnel, there was a faint light spot shining. This seemingly ordinary light spot was like an eye, recording all of Fang Linyan’s actions.

After repairing the orange-shaped submersible, Fang Linyan thought for a while, then he turned on the dive mode, kept most of it under the water and hid it in the reed more than a hundred meters away.

The light here was already very weak. Under normal circumstances, it was impossible to see clearly if it was more than 10 meters away. The cave was completely pitch black more than a hundred meters away, so it was perfectly hidden.

Immediately afterward, they came to the front of the dark tunnel, then they walked in under the direction of the arrow that appeared on the retinas.

Only a few meters after entering, Fang Linyan and Goat backed out, just because the inside was completely pitch black. They couldn’t even see their own fingers. When walking in there, it was almost no different from being a blind person.

They discussed it and finally chose to use: Enemy of the Dark,

As a result, both of them obtained night vision at the same time. The darkness in front of them immediately faded like a tide, and the colors of the whole world disappeared, leaving only black and white, but the outlines of other things were clearly presented on the retinas.

There were a lot of sundries at the entrance. Desks, cabinets and other things were everywhere. It looked like there was a catastrophe.

Walking forward, they found that the entire tunnel space was deformed. There were even twisted load-bearing steel pillars protruding from the side. If there was no night vision ability, it would be very troublesome.

At this time, Fang Linyan came to the front of the tunnel entrance and found that the tunnel inside was definitely not formed naturally. It had a touch of metal.

On the edge of the tunnel, there were still traces of high-temperature welding, which made Fang Linyan wonder what was the purpose of this.

After entering the tunnel for more than 20 meters, they found 2 tunnels on the left and the right. 2 arrows appeared on their retinas, which indicated that both tunnels could reach the mission location. The map at this time was roughly in the shape of Y.

The tunnel below was the tunnel when they came, they stayed at the intersection in the middle.

After a brief discussion, they chose the tunnel on the left. After walking in for about 20 meters, they found that this path was blocked because there was a door blocking the way.

This door was thick and durable. It did not seek beauty but practicality. The thickness could probably exceed 30cm.

Although there was a controller next to the door, the controller was obviously hit by a huge force, so it was unfortunately damaged.

Not only that, Goat also found a sign on the wall here that should prevent getting lost and 2 used glow sticks.

Obviously, the people of the Bloody Umbrella had also been here before. When they realized that this path was blocked, they decisively took a detour.

After Fang Linyan studied the controller for a while, he said curiously,

“It’s really weird. This controller is very old, and the parts and workmanship are all in the style of the former Soviet Union. They were all made in the 1960s and 1970s at least. At least 30 to 40 years from now.”

“How could such parts appear in such a high-tech underground ruins?”

TL: How could they build such things in this place?

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