The First Evolution

Chapter 334: Run Away in a Hurry

Chapter 334: Run Away in a Hurry

Koi had been closely following the movements of the Duckland Company team from the beginning to the end. Before that, she even took the mission to kill the Duckland Company’s guide. She even made a precise guide of the Ymir’s Wrath war cabin launched by the Gumball Company.

It could be said that this woman was extremely powerful.

If it wasn’t for the fact that when Dart assaulted Fang Linyan, Koi happened to be summoned by her team to the logistics base of Veronica Laboratory, with her help, it was really uncertain who would be the real winner in the final.

Koi suddenly spoke and said in a slightly hoarse voice,

“Gores, it’s not Old Black’s problem. It’s that Wrench is very strong. I saw that after he was hit by [Chain Lightning], a strange ripple appeared on his body.”

“If I’m not wrong, that guy should be protected by a magic shield. [Chain Lightning] didn’t affect his body, so he naturally didn’t get paralyzed.”

Gores squinted and said,

Oh, but can they run forever?”

Having said that, a sneer appeared on his face:

“Isn’t it easy? There are only 2 people on the other side, and one of them is crippled. They are even trapped in this building. Could they still escape?”

“Koi, go and choose the commanding heights, overlooking the entire battlefield to provide fire support. The rest will follow me in to drive them out!”

Koi nodded and said,

“Roger that, but before that, I have one more thing to do.”

Gores said in surprise,


Koi suddenly drew the gun, then pointed at the sky and pulled the trigger directly. Immediately, something exploded in the air 30 meters away, then she said coldly,

“Of course kill the [Drone] used by the other party to scout. I have endured this fly for a long time in order to avoid alarming the enemy.”

When Koi shot, Fang Linyan also felt something, sighed and said to Goat,

“The opponent is very strong. We didn’t really suffer a loss this time. They discovered my [Drone] a long time ago, but they just waited until now. Are you okay?”

Goat, who lost an arm, smiled wryly,

“It’s not a big problem. I can still cast spells. That sniper is too powerful. The opponent’s killing plans are chained one after another. If you are not here, boss, then I must be dead.”

Fang Linyan dragged Goat and ran quickly in the corridor, then he stopped for a while at B2, chose a decent spot and turned the elite mechanical warrant officer into a turret here to stall for time.

Then he and Goat successfully came to the dock. Fang Linyan was very glad that he had done the preparations earlier. He had charged and refueled one of the football-shaped submersibles.

At the same time, he also familiarized himself with the internal instrument panel and operating procedures. Not to mention complicated operations, at least he had a basic understanding of how to start up.

Fang Linyan let Goat jump into the submersible first, then he directly pulled off the fuel filling pipe and charging plug beside before jumping into the cockpit again.

Goat immediately closed the heavy cover on the top of his head and locked it from the inside. Finally, he felt a little safe.

After Fang Linyan came to the driving seat, he realized that although the battery was only half charged, the fuel was not fully filled, and the self-inspection program also scanned several problems, Fang Linyan still pushed the start button without thinking.

However, after a series of sounds like old people coughing sounded from inside the engine of the submersible, it turned off directly.

It was also really maddening at this critical juncture!

Fortunately, Fang Linyan had a strong ability in machinery. He immediately thought of one thing mentioned in the manual he read before. Just in case, each submersible adopted a dual-engine configuration inside.

In order to save space, the backup engine had less than half the power of the main engine, but it was more than enough for emergency use.

So Fang Linyan managed to switch to the standby engine after searching in the instrument area, then he pressed the start button.

This time, the internal engine finally started reluctantly amidst the hoarse sounds of “ta ta ta ta ta ta“. Fang Linyan let out a long breath and directly pushed the propulsion lever to the end.

The engine immediately let out a low roar, then the entire submersible created a long ripple on the water surface and quickly drove toward the pitch-black lake.

At this time, Fang Linyan frowned suddenly, because he received the news that the elite mechanical warrant officer had been destroyed… but this was within his plan. He just sighed slightly in his mind.

Less than 30 seconds after they left the dock, they hurried to the dock. Because of the darkness around them, Fang Linyan and his submersible could no longer be seen at this time. The sound of “buzzing” engines could be faintly heard from the lake.

Seeing this scene, Gores slammed his fist on the railing in great annoyance, pulled out a machine gun and fired violently at the source of the sound in the darkness as if venting his anger.

However, this kind of blind shooting was useless. Not only because the hit rate was very low, but also because such deep-water submersibles paid great attention to the sturdiness of the shell when they were manufactured.

Otherwise, every square centimeter would easily bear hundreds of kilograms of pressure during deep diving. Once there was a problem with the shell, it would easily lead to the worst consequences.

Therefore, even if Gores’s strafing shot all hit, it would be difficult to shoot through the shell of the submersible, let alone cause damage to Fang Linyan and Goat.

Hearing the gunshots here, Koi spoke uncharacteristically in the team channel,

“Please report the battle situation. Do you need support?”

Another man, Kanner, said,

“The enemy has escaped in a boat. Koi, can you try to snipe?”

3 seconds later, a flare shot at the lake suddenly, illuminating the dark and vast space like daylight for a while. At this time, everyone saw the oval submersible leaving quickly on the lake, but it was already It was hundreds of meters away.

Seeing this scene, Koi was silent for a while before saying,

“I don’t have a shooting angle. is there a way to chase?”

At this time, Old Black suddenly said,

“Look over there.”

Old Black had always been quiet, but when he spoke, he often mentioned the most critical things.

So when everyone looked at it, they immediately found another remaining submersible. They immediately jumped on it. However, after searching a few minutes, they climbed up while cursing. Naturally, they found that this submersible could not be started.

However, a few seconds later, a dull roar of a sniper rifle suddenly sounded in the air as if a thunder flashed across the sky. Everyone was shocked, knowing that Koi had found another sniper spot and fired again. She always gave an impression of one shot one kill.

But after more than 10 seconds, Koi’s deep voice sounded in the team channel,

“I hit the ship the opponent was on, but it was useless. The combat prompt showed that the opponent’s vehicle was too thick. I could only cause the minimum damage.”

After she finished speaking, she continued,

“However, have you noticed one thing, after chasing here, a prompt appeared in our hidden main mission?”

When Koi said this, several other people immediately said,

Oh yeah!”

“A pointing arrow also appeared on my retinas!”

“Yes, yes, the place where the arrow is pointing to seems to be this broken ship. Could it be that the mission items are inside this ship.”

“The space inside that ship is very small. It is clear at a glance whether there are mission items.”

Hearing the rest of the people talking in a hurry, Gores suddenly said in a deep voice,

“No need to discuss. This is very obvious. Wrench and the person next to him are obviously quite familiar with the dock. They have obviously been here before.”

Having said that, Gores walked to the dock, bent down and picked up the fuel pipe and power plug that Fang Linyan had hastily pulled off, put the fuel pipe in front of his nose and smelled it,

“This fuel filler pipe is evidence that they already found a boat and refueled it before we came.”

Kanner said,

“Then what are they going to do in the other building? Could it be that they found that the ship is broken and are looking for tools for repairing the ship? Or do they need a key to start the ship?”

Gores looked at Old Black and said,

“Old Black, time is running out. They have the initiative, so let’s use the Prophecy Skull? The consumed resources will be compensated by the team.”

Old Black nodded silently, then he turned his palm over, took out a dark object from his arms, and kept rubbing it with his palm.

As he rubbed the dark thing, he could see that it gradually became luminous and transparent, and it turned into a crystal clear skull!

Old Black cut his wrist and poured blood on the crystal skull. It could be clearly seen that this skull quickly absorbed the blood, and its material began to quickly become that kind of red crystal like red agate.

Immediately afterward, Old Black let go of the palm holding the skull, then it suspended in mid-air in a strange way. The skull jaw opened and closed to say something, which actually sounded like an old woman,

“Thirteen shadows are dead, but the bloody one is still alive.”

“The giant serpent of Ohio lies dormant. The lights of Cahokia still lit.”

“I’m a fish jumping out of the water, occasionally seeing the abyss ahead.”

“The cost and the gain are important. Death floats fairly in the world.”

TL: Can black magic fix the submersible?

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