The First Evolution

Chapter 277: Danger

Chapter 277: Danger

For such a powerful enemy, I actually wanted to “discard a stone to gain sente”!? I was really stupid!!

As soon as he thought of this, the muscles on Burwell’s face twitched, and a grin appeared on his face,

“Genius? I am a genius killer!!”

Then he took out an item with a distressed face, looked at Fang Linyan, and used it decisively!

Item: Mutated Spider Silk (usage 1/3)

Quality: Black

Material: Serine, Alanine, C-type protein chain

Required Conditions: None

Explanation: This is a peculiar substance found by a cleaner while cleaning the roof of a building. It has amazing ductility and toughness. It later flowed into the black market and was made into a peculiar launcher.

Special Effect: [Silk Shot], shoots extremely tough mutated spider silk at the target, sticking it firmly and greatly reducing mobility and movement speed by 80%. It lasts for 5 minutes.

Special Negative Effect: This sticky mutated spider silk has a very strong elasticity, so when you use it to stick to your opponent, you will also be stuck. Both of you will be pulled together by a huge force at the same time… …

Inscription: Unless you can compete with the infected monster in strength, otherwise honestly face the reality. What was the last thing it did? Pull and stop a speeding subway?


Fang Linyan knew that Burwell must have a trump card, but he didn’t expect Burwell’s trump to be such a strange item.

He spread his palm and shot a white line from it. The speed was almost unavoidable.

Because of [Refraction], the spot that Burwell aimed was an empty space, so it was impossible to hit Fang Linyan. However, after the white line got 2 meters within Fang Linyan, it popped and extended into a white net of about 2 square meters, trapping him in it.

Fang Linyan immediately felt an incomparably huge contraction force transmitted from the net, pulling him toward Burwell; Burwell was also pulled toward him.

Just by looking at Burwell’s red eyes, ferocious face, and clenched fists, he could tell how much this guy was looking forward to this encounter.

Faced with such a dilemma, Fang Linyan sighed slightly and activated [Athena’s Blessing],

“You are really eager to step into hell yourself!”

“I have been holding back, because I still lack the means of pursuit. I am afraid that you will run away halfway through the fight. I didn’t expect you idiot to throw yourself into me. It’s wonderful!”

As they just met in the middle, Burwell immediately smashed a punch at Fang Linyan. Fang Linyan saw that the bastard’s big fist was even wearing a steel knuckles. It was also shining with a faint yellow light, so the opponent must have used some kind of skill.

This blow must have been filled with anger, so it should not be underestimated.

So in order to play safe, Fang Linyan drank a bottle of healing potion after seeing the 10 HP left due to the activation of [Athena’s Blessing]. His HP was recovered back to 40.

As expected, Burwell’s punch was aimed at Fang Linyan’s head, but unfortunately, he was deceived by his own eyes…

The refraction ability played a huge role again. Burwell’s punch directly hit the stone wall beside.

Bang“, after his fist hit the rock wall, the fist strength poured into it without reservation. The 32 strength immediately blasted the stone wall and splattered the rocks everywhere. A pit the size of a washbasin was left on the wall.

The punch made Fang Linyan secretly shocked, but Burwell almost went crazy.

The determined punch actually smashed into the stone wall. What the fuck is this illusion? Not only that, the recoil also caused severe pain in his wrist.

Thinking of this, Burwell was also a person who did not believe in bad luck. He aimed and threw another punch.

Obviously, he missed again.

Battle spirit will drop successively if one fails repeatedly.

Burwell’s first punch almost burst out 120% power, but the second punch could only exert 100% power.

The key was that his talent skill could only maintain 5 attacks at most. Throwing away the elite mechanical warrant officer was the first time and these 2 punches that missed were 2 times, so there were only 2 remaining chances.

So Burwell hesitated for this third attack, but he finally thought of a good way, that was Fang Linyan’s chest.

The target of the head was small and it was possible to miss, but directly elbowing the chest might have just caught the weakness of [Refraction].

Fang Linyan could only stretch out his arm to block, then a layer of translucent ripples appearing on his body,

“You were elbowed by the enemy.”

“The enemy’s strength is 32 points, your strength is 14 points. The strength gap between the 2 sides is greater than 14 points.”

“The enemy’s strength value is more than 2 times yours. Even if the damage fails to cause a critical strike, it will deal additional crush damage to you.”

“The crush damage is 50% of the theoretical damage of the attack.”

“Crush damage will be treated as an extra attack by default, and it ignores your defense and any damage reduction effects. This attack effect has a strong priority when it conflicts with other effects.”

“You’re about to suffer 10+16 (crush damage).”

“The damage absorption effect of your ancient magic shield has priority, which conflicts with the crush damage. Determining the result now.”

“The priority of crush damage is higher than the ancient magic shield.”

“Your ancient magic shield absorbs 10 points of damage, and your HP is deducted by 16 points.”

Faced with such a result, both Fang Linyan and Burwell were extremely shocked. Both of them felt that the other was cheating…

Fang Linyan must have been so frightened that his liver was thumping. If he didn’t drink a bottle of healing potion to recover 30HP, wouldn’t he be killed by this one elbow?

For example, when gargling, the toothbrush going in and out of the mouth, it felt very cool, but that was from the point of view of the toothbrush.

From the point of view of the mouth, that probably might not feel good.

Fang Linyan was the same when he used strength to bully the hapless Rondo. He was excited when he crushed the opponent.

When he was crushed now, he immediately felt that God was unfair. I have 14 strength and I still take crush damage? Is this possible?

For Burwell, it felt like the sky was falling.

He used 2 trump cards successively; a rare item and his talent skill.

His strength was as high as 32! Wasn’t it worldly destructive to hit a contestant? In the end, not to mention he missed 2 punches, but the elbow strike’s common attack was being absorbed. Only crush damage was effective.

Can I swear!!


I don’t care!!


The psychological game between the 2 people crossed in an instant,

Immediately after, Burwell hit the second elbow again, Fang Linyan calculated his HP and decisively activated Teldrassil’s New Shoot (Tier 2).

This thing had 4 energy points. Fang Linyan used 1 energy to replenish 30HP and 30MP, restoring his HP to 54.

So Fang Linyan was really anxious when he took another 16 crush damage from Burwell’s punch.

He raised his hand!

Immediately, the bracelet on the right wrist lit up.

It was as if a faint phantom of cherry blossom petals appeared around the bracelet made of rattan, followed by a bloody lightning that zigzagged through the air and struck down!

[Dragon Cough Flash]!

Fang Linyan, who felt the crisis, finally used this trump card: Sakura Dragon Bundle! !

When the lightning hit Burwell, making him twitch all over. He immediately felt an indescribable pain coming from the place where he was hit on his back, so he couldn’t help but grin and reach out to touch it.

Not only that, but a bullet hit Burwell’s thigh with accurate precision.

The bullet only caused little damage at first, so Burwell wasn’t worried, but then the bullet actually exploded, causing his thigh to bleed heavily.

Burwell was shocked. Does this bastard have reinforcement?

When he looked back hurriedly, he found a [Machine Gun Turret] aiming at him from 8 meters away.

Fang Linyan let the elite mechanical warrant officer transformed into a turrent when neither of them could move, so he could maximize his damage output!!

There was no doubt that the turret dealt higher DPS when hitting a fixed target.

Burwell was distracted, and Fang Linyan punched him in the face again, then he returned a punch with a roar.

They scuffled together as if they were biting each other like 2 wounded beasts, full of primitiveness and blood!

But soon Fang Linyan was pleasantly surprised to find that because Burwell could no longer deal crush damage to him after losing the effect of the talent skill. All the damage Burwell caused was absorbed by his magic shield first…

The defense of his magic shield was his defense+spirit! !

Fang Linyan’s defense was now 3 (his own defense) + 5 (Kevlar fiber combat suits) + 10 (Sakura Dragon Bundle), and his spirit was 21!

The defense reached a terrifying 39! ! It could reduce damage by 60%!!!

His current magic shield HP was 210 points + 40 + 50 + 30 = 330 points.

This didn’t count his 17% dodge yet…

If this value could be reported, Burwell would probably be desperate.

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