The First Evolution

Chapter 220: Bait

Chapter 220: Bait

This kind of armbar that wasn’t strengthened nor certified by the Space was too easy to counter. During close combat, an experienced opponent would have taken the opportunity to make an elbow strike when Fang Linyan was entangling his arm with his legs. It could squash Fang Linyan’s ball directly, making him unable to finish the following attacks.

After Fernand’s right arm was broken, he still didn’t give up. He and Fang Linyan rolled and fought on the ground. They were like beasts biting each other, tangled up together, headbutting, biting, scratching, and more. They did everything they could to fight.

Some fresh blood was spilled and landed on the dirty side alley ground before seeping into it.

The 2 sides were entangled like this for a while. Fernand actually managed to gain the upper hand by using shadow boxing as his HP was higher than Fang Linyan’s.

In a flash, Fang Linyan did a summersault to avoid Fernand’s frenzied punch and grabbed him by the hair.

Fang Linyan immediately felt a thick, greasy feeling on his fingers, then the smell of sweat mixed with poor quality head oil assaulted his nostrils. He exerted his strength and violently slammed Fernand to the wall beside him.

A muffled “bang” came. Fernand was stunned for a moment with his forehead bleeding heavily.

Before he could regain his senses, he felt a strong force coming for his neck, and his head was slammed into the wall next to him again.

After this second collision, Fernand felt that everything in front of him was unreal. Everything around him seemed to be rippling, and the whole world seemed to be moving away from him.

Under these circumstances, his heart was filled with deep fear. If he continued to be beaten down like this, he would most likely die here. So, Fernand gritted his teeth and forcibly turned to face Fang Linyan, unleashing his last trump card.

A white light suddenly appeared from the necklace on his neck, followed by a spark!

A fireball was shot from the necklace, directly hitting Fang Linyan’s chest and exploding.

Because of the proximity, the fireball’s explosion also affected Fernand. His body was covered in flame, and a large patch of his hair was scorched. Not only that, the fireball carried a heavy impact which pushed Fang Linyan almost 8 meters away. Fernand was also blown away by about 2 meters.

After this fireball was launched, the entire battlefield was instantly engulfed in silence…

Under the leaden sky, a flock of grey doves flew by,

The narrow alleys among the old buildings were empty,

On the dirty ground, there were 2 motionless and severely injured people. The air seemed frozen.

The only thing that jumped in the alley was the burning flames that flickered wildly on these two people…

After a few seconds, Fernand’s fingers twitched, then he slapped the flame on his neck a few times before realizing that it was in vain. He gritted his teeth, plunged his head into the filth-filled gutter and splashed the rancid water onto the flame. A few seconds later, he pulled his head back out from the water. There were a few pieces of paper that people had used to wipe their buttocks on his head. There were even a few live, wriggling maggots on the corners of his lips.

However, Fernand turned his head and saw that his enemy who was about 8 meters away stood back up. He used a water bottle that easily extinguished the flames on his body.

The 2 sides were in a standoff again!

Fernand let out a howl from the depths of his throat, and he rushed forward like a wild dog. His broken right hand slumped helplessly beside his body, while his left hand was outstretched with all his might to pick up what was fallen in front… His wand!

Only at this time, the gunshots sounded.

As Fernand pounced over to retrieve his wand, Fang Linyan also quickly took out the Lee Enfield Rifle from his private space and completed the process of aiming and firing,

A 7.7×56mm rifle bullet shot out and successfully hit Fernand’s chest.

It was then, Fernand roared excitedly while his face became contorted. He had never felt that his wand was so warmth for 30 years; he had never felt that the touch was so smooth and silky,completely thwarting the soft, silky skin on Khorkina’s thighs!


Almost without hesitation, Fernand waved his wand fiercely and chanted the most convenient spell that he had already memorized in his heart.

Then, a pale green acid arrow formed out of thin air in mid-air and flew out.

This was Fernand’s best acid arrow spell. Those that were shot by it would cry in pain and die with their faces looking unrecognizable.

Just when Fernand waved his wand, Fang Linyan deployed another [Drone] after easily predicting the flight path of the magic. Then… this acid arrow behaved strangely, bypassed the [Drone] and continued flying toward Fang Linyan!

“You fool, did you think I’d be fooled twice?”

Fernand’s face twisted in a sinister smile. He had the feeling that once the acid arrow successfully hit its target, this weakling in front of him would surely perish.

However, when the acid arrow reached in front of Fang Linyan, he waved his right hand and tore a scroll. An extra layer of mirror-shaped light shield formed around him.

When the acid arrow hit the mirror-shaped shield, most of its power was deflected, and then it shot diagonally to the wall. Only a small part of the acid arrow fell on Fang Linyan’s body, immediately making a sizzling sound. A burnt smell wafted out.


Seeing this, Fernand roared loudly and waved his wand again. As he started to chant, his expression changed and he hurriedly reached into his robe, looking like he wanted to take something.

But at this time with his right hand broken and his right hand holding the wand, this process of looking for something looked funny. It was like an anxious monkey that just stole a peach.

Now, Fang Linyan straightened up with ease. He made a sarcastic sneer,

“You finally realized… you’ve run out of magic power? Then I guess it’s time to reap what I painstakingly sowed!”

Fernand hissed in disbelief,

“What… What are you talking about!!”


In reality, Fang Linyan had already begun to set this up ever since he found out that the blood leech tracking magic was placed on him.

During his planning, he researched dark wizards’ weaknesses, which happened to be that they had the disadvantage of magic power insufficiency. This was related to the fact that they use quick and powerful spells, which consumed too much magic power.

Therefore, his plan was very targeted. He was going to consume as much of the opponent’s magic power as possible and prevent him from drinking the blue potion at his best.

When a wizard still had magic power, it meant there would be infinite possibilities.

But if the wizard had completely exhausted his magic power, he would be like fish in a barrel, waiting to be slaughtered!

To put it directly, if the plan was to cause damage, Fang Linyan would have put the shoe traced by magic in a dead end, then set traps to lure his opponent in… This would set Fang Linyan at a very small risk, but his success rate to kill the opponent was only 30%!!

Magic was ever-changing, so Fang Linyan had no clue what the opponent’s lifeline trump card would be. Being unable to make a plan countering this, it would mean there would be a huge loophole!

Moreover, if Fang Linyan couldn’t kill the opponent after painstakingly laying out his traps, he wouldn’t benefit from it, which would be a waste of time.

However, if this plan could exhaust the opponent’s magic power, then the probability that Fang Linyan could kill the enemy would rise to 80%!

That was why Fang Linyan looked for Shelter to be the bait and didn’t hesitate to give him 10


These 10 Galleons weren’t used to temp Shelter at all, but instead, it was for Fernand who was hot on his heels!!

Fang Linyan calculated that Fernand would interrogate Schelt to get the intel about the 10 Galleons.

Fernand, who was already annoyed that Fang Linyan managed to escape would be even more enraged. Not to mention that 10 Galleons wasn’t a small change that anyone would just easily shell out.

If the probability that Fernand killed Schelt was ay 70%, then adding these 10 Galleons would increase rise this probability to 90%.

So, would Fernand, a dark wizard, kill with his own hands? Of course, it was unlikely! Fang Linyan also gathered information while he was in Diagon Alley that if black magic was used to kill, it would leave obvious traces, so Fernand would most likely destroy the evidence after the murder.

This meant that Fang Linyan’s plan only used 10 Galleons to make a powerful dark magician like Fernand waste 2 black magics before the battle!

Everything he did next was deliberately baiting Fernand to release magic. The irritable Fernand would think that he was able to kill this pest with a single blow. Of course, he wouldn’t think about conserving magic power.

With his right arm broken, once he unknowingly exhausted his precious magic powers, it meant that in order to drink the blue potion he would have to set down his wand in his left hand to take out the bottle to drink the potion, then pick up the wand again.

Thus, the dust had settled.

Of course, Fang Linyan also took huge risks when doing these things.

Before he came, he spent all the Galleons he had: he took a potion that temporarily increased his resistance to black magic by 30% before the battle, and he also bought a black magic shield scroll as well as a magic mirror scroll.

These 2 scrolls and the potion were consumable items, and the effect duration was short. The effect would disappear after 10 hours, so they were much cheaper than the potions with permanent effect, which was barely affordable with Fang Linyan’s financial ability.

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