The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 97: Embroiderer (19)

Chapter 97: Embroiderer (19)

During the Preliminary Eve, Lin Dan and Du Ruyan bought a lot of things, so they hired a cow cart to pull them back. The two sat on the cart and chatted. Most of the time, it was Du Ruyan who was talking, and Lin Dan was listening, but the atmosphere was not stiff at all. Ruyan had too many things in her heart, and she needed a silent and serious listener.

"You were so powerful just now! I thought you were not good at talking, but I didn't expect you to be more vicious than my brother. Look at what you have done to Meng Si. She is crying on the street. Don't she feel ashamed?"

"I am not vicious. I just like to tell the truth."Lin Dan said.

Duyan seemed to think of something sad and sighed, "You know what? Truth is the most terrible thing. My aunt was too serious that she ended up like this. If she was ruthless, don't take that person too seriously, and her heart won't be broken to this point" speaking of this, she turned around and looked at the mountains in the distance, with tears in her eyes.

"Get out of the car. We're home," said Lin Dan, interrupting her thoughts.

"Okay. Don't forget to bring these gifts. I don't want to buy any gifts for your mom and the two aunts. I didn't buy anything for Cuilan. She has fallen into the money. I will give her a golden melon seed directly to see how she will be happy. I have earned a lot of money this year, hahaha"Du Ruyan stopped laughing abruptly because there were many carriages parked at the gate of her house. Several guards in tight clothes were carrying things out of the carriage, and soon the gate of the mansion was blocked.

Uncle Sun talked to several guards gratefully. When he saw Du Ruoyan, he immediately raised his hand and shouted, "Miss, look, this is the annual gift from the eldest prince to us."

"Where is my highness?" asked Du Ruyan in a daze. Since she changed her surname and left the bustling circle of the capital city, it was the first time she heard the news of an old friend, and also the first time she received a gift from an old friend.

"Your highness is still patrolling and defending at the coast. It's almost the end of the year. To prevent the enemy from attacking, the army should be more and more vigilant. If they work harder, we can only have a good year!" said Uncle Sun. His face was full of pity. He might think of Du Rusong, who was still on duty.

"Soldiers are the hardest and the greatest." Lin Dan deeply agreed with Uncle Sun's words. After that, she took her belongings and went home. There were noble guests in the Dus, so she couldn't stand outside and watch the fun.

However, as soon as she put down the things, Du Ruyan climbed up the wall on the tree trunk, tilted her head, and smiled: "Dandan. There are not all bad people in the palace. I thought that after my aunt was dismissed, the people in the palace would forget her, but I didn't expect that your highness still remembered her. His mom passed away a long time ago and was raised by my aunt. He and my brother are good friends and take good care of me. He could have come to see us or secretly so that he could have come to see us avoid angering the emperor. But he didn't. Instead, he sent many years of gifts in this way, which is to tell everyone in Lin'an that even if my brother and I are down and out, someone will take care of us. I don't know how his father will blame him after the news is spread back to the capital city, but this intention is rare. "

"There are so many good people in the world." Lin Dan took out a lively and jumping fish from the bucket, knocked it out with the back of the knife, and then neatly cut off the fish scales, removed the internal organs, and cut it into thin pieces.

Du Ruyan said in surprise, "Dandan, you are good at dealing with fish!"

Without raising her head, Lin Dan asked, "Really?"

Zhang Hui walked out of the kitchen and invited with a smile, "Lin Dan is good at cooking. The dishes she made are even better than those made by the chef of the Fish-Rice restaurant. Yan, since your brother, won't come back today, why don't you come to my house to celebrate new year's Eve? Let's have fun together."If it weren't for her good at socializing and business, the Danyan Embroidery House wouldn't have opened so smoothly. Zhang Hui treated her like her nephew. If there was anything delicious or interesting, she wouldn't have left some for her next door.

Du Ruyan immediately agreed and jumped off the wall with her hemline. She didn't look like a rich lady at all. She had thought that what Zhang Hui said was a little exaggerated, but two hours later, when she ate the soup cooked by Lin Dan, she was immediately conquered by the indescribable delicious taste.

"It's delicious! It's so delicious!" she praised as she waved her chopsticks. "You can embroider, cook, make money to support our family, and every skill is top. Why are you so good?"

"You know how to socialize, how to do business, and how to solve customer disputes. You are also very good at it."Lin Dan said.

Du Ruyan covered her mouth and snickered. She was very satisfied. In the past, she was often praised, but she didn't think it was a big deal. Now, just a few casual praises of her, she was very happy. After all, it was because that in her heart, Lin Dan was different from others. Lin Dan was one of the most excellent people she had ever seen and could be said to be mentally strong, so the praise of her was so obvious. It was rare.

Zhang Hui knocked on the edge of the bowl and reminded, "Well, don't flatter each other. Just eat. It's cold. The dishes will be cold if you don't eat."

Du Ruyan took a few bites of rice in a hurry. Suddenly, she was in a low mood. "Let's have hot food here. What is my brother doing? He's getting thinner and thinner recently. Can you leave some food for him? I'll send him to the military camp later."

"The leftovers are not delicious," said Lin Dan, putting down her chopsticks. "I'll cook another meal for your brother."

What kind of life was a soldier's life? Even if Lin Dan didn't see it with her own eyes, she could imagine it. When they were in the front line, ordinary people enjoyed a family reunion at home. Without them, there was neither the prosperous great Zhou kingdom nor the prosperous Lin'an.

Thinking of this, Lin Dan added, "I have made some winter clothes and leather armors for your brother. You can bring them with you later."

"You can go back to your work after dinner," said Du Ruyan, jumping off the chair in a hurry.

"Don't worry. It's getting dark after dinner. It's not safe to go back and forth. Send your brother's food first. We can have hot food at any time when we get home, but your brother can't." Lin Dan indifferently waved her hand. After entering the kitchen, she rolled up her sleeves to cook, without any impatience on her face.

At first, Du Ruyan wanted to help her, but she found that the more she helped, the more she could do. So she had to squat down by the stove and burn the fire. Looking at the busy figure of Lin Dan, smelling the strong and attractive smell of food, Du Ruyan sighed: "Lin Dan, why don't you marry my brother? If you marry him, you don't have to leave the Lins. Let's tear down the wall between our house into a family. Isn't that good?"

"My mother wants to find me a son-in-law, but your brother can't." Lin Dan said.

"It's okay to have a son-in-law. My brother has changed his surname. It doesn't matter if he changes it again." Du Ruyan immediately sold her brother, which made the passing Cuilan laugh.

Du Rusong, with a long halberd in his hand, led a line of soldiers and slowly walked past the river. The roaring sea wind lifted the hem of everyone's clothes, blowing the cold air into their bones. One of the soldiers' hands had already frozen, and he couldn't hold the heavy halberd at all. It fell several times, but he couldn't pick it up. His eyes were red on the spot. His fingers were all festered, not to mention taking weapons, and even couldn't hold chopsticks tightly.

"The weather is getting colder and colder every year, but our salary is getting lower and lower every year. This year's winter clothes are only stuffed with 2 talers cotton, and they are light and can't resist the cold at all. We are cold and hungry, and have to fight against the enemy, patrol all night, which is killing people to death!"

"Well, don't complain. We can go back as soon as we finish patrolling the river region."

"Why do we have to go back? There's no charcoal fire and no food to eat. There's only a bed as hard as a slate and a thin quilt with only a layer of cloth left. It's not much better to go back than here! We soldiers can't eat enough or wear warm, and we have to risk our lives. Those officers deduct our military salary, and we eat and drink in the back. Sometimes I don't want to go back, but I'm not reconciled. If we don't fight against them, who will protect the people behind us? Among these people, there are our wives, children, father, and mother! "

The soldiers held the halberds and cried silently, but the hot tears were blown by the salty sea wind and turned into ice, frozen on their red and dry faces.

Du Rusong licked his dry lips and waved his hand, "Hold on. I'll buy you drinks when we get back."

"Thank you, sir." everyone wiped off the ice beads on their faces and continued to do spirit patrol. With the strong alcohol to warm themselves up, tonight should be a little better. However, they did not expect that after returning to the military camp, what awaited them were dozens of jars of wine and hundreds of roast ducks. Under the protection of several guards, the two women were standing at the door of the camp, looking in this direction with eager expressions.

"Miss Lin, Yan, why are you here?" Du Rusong couldn't help but walk a few steps forward with a smile of surprise.

"Brother, let's celebrate the new year with you." Du Ruoyan smiled and cupped her hands to the guards. "Thank you, guys. I've been waiting for my brother. You can go back and report to your highness." then she gave a heavy bag to the guard.

They didn't accept Du Ruyan's salute and paid a visit to Du Rusong, who used to be famous for his calmness. Then they left the military camp. Wherever they went, everyone looked at them, not daring to stop them. These people were the eldest prince's soldiers, and the martial clothes they wore were different from ordinary soldiers. Even if they were not at a high level, they could not afford to offend the generals outside the commander.

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