The Female Leads Truly Loves You

Chapter 30: The more beautiful the woman, the more dangerous.

Chapter 30: The more beautiful the woman, the more dangerous.

"Teenage boys are like that; they do such things to attract the attention of the opposite sex," Sam clearly understood this kind of psychological behavior. Most people of Louis's age didn't realize that such actions were meaningless.

Angel leaned back in her chair, maintaining her superior posture as she watched Sam. "So, would you do the same as him?"

Sam continued eating calmly as if Angel's presence didn't affect him. He wasn't like Louis, who even considered performing a comical backflip in front of Angel to gain her attention.

"No need for that. I don't require much attention. Nor do I want to be the center of attention everywhere like you. Being ordinary is quite fine for me."

Angel laughed: "But you are not ordinary, Sam. Surely many people have told you how handsome you are? And your manhood are so... unique."

Sam didn't object but continued eating, vaguely replying, "Hmm... it's troubling, not being a normal ordinary person, but being handsome isn't my fault, right?"

Angel frowned and then, seeing that this line of conversation was ineffective, got straight to the point. "What about the thing we talked about before?"

Sam looked at her quizzically. "What thing?"

"Being my model."

Angel's expression turned cold, as if she was ready to take some drastic measure if Sam's answer didn't satisfy her.

Sam thought for a moment. "That's done, right? After all, in that situation, you saw everything about me, and there's nothing left to observe, right? And after all that, your curiosity must be exhausted, aren't you tired of playing yet?"

Angel's brow furrowed. "Do you think I'm just chasing a fleeting novelty?"

Sam answered matter-of-factly, "What else? I can't think of anything else that would attract a beautiful and wealthy girl like you to someone like me. First, you certainly aren't lacking handsome guys around you. If you wished, countless guys would flock to you, much like moths drawn to a flame.

Secondly, if it wasn't for novelty, why would you go out of your way to find me? Isn't it because I'm different from others, haven't tried to please you, and don't want to get too involved with you?"

Angel stared intently at the young man. "Why don't you want to get too involved with me?"

Sam smiled. "I'm someone who knows my place. The gap between our statuses is too great. Getting too involved would only make me fall too deep into this relationship, and the disparity brought by our statuses would be an obstacle.

Or, with time, your interest in the novelty might fade, leaving nothing to interest you anymore. The ending wouldn't be pretty, would it?"

Sam continued to eat calmly. "So, it's a form of self-protection. I hope you can understand."

Would Angel understand?

She didn't. In fact, she found the situation even more interesting, and a charming yet dangerous smile appeared on her face.

"So, you've always viewed me and yourself with such thoughts. Haven't you ever thought, for instance, about trying to conquer me, even dominate me, while I still find you interesting? To make me fall hopelessly in love with you?"

Sam shook his head. "To you, someone like me might seem like a symbol of fickleness. But I am always sincere and serious about relationships. So, I won't gamble on such possibilities."

"Is that so? You don't seem very brave," she noted.

"That's right, I'm not brave at all. I'm afraid of dying," Sam thought to himself.

Since the system's mission was to conquer these female leads, Sam needed a special strategy. If things progressed too quickly, it might lead to a Bad ending.

After all, Angel wasn't the only female lead Sam had to conquer; there were many others.

After a moment of silence, Angel smiled again: "Don't you know that the more you act like this, the more interested I become in you?"

Sam looked at her with admiration for her frankness. To Angel, expressing feelings or attractions didn't seem to be a taboo topic – she would either remain silent or reveal everything.

What a stark contrast. She always appeared so proud and cold to others, but to those she liked or was interested in, she was incredibly passionate.

Sam put down his cutlery and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Before we really get to know each other, you might find me interesting. But once you get to know me better, you'll find I'm nothing special, just a boring and ordinary man."

That's right, clarifying everything upfront is one of Sam's strategies for conquering Angel. These things needed to be said before their relationship got too intimate; otherwise, it would seem like deception later on.

Angel maintained her smile. "But I like challenges. What if I want to see whether you become more ordinary or more interesting after we get to know each other better?"

Sam shrugged. "I can't stop you from getting close to me, but I think if you want to experiment with me, I'll probably quickly find a girlfriend."

Angel squinted her eyes. "What if I told you that even if you found a girlfriend, it wouldn't stop me? It might even bring some uncertain danger to the girl you choose.

After all, even marriages can end in divorce, and boyfriends and girlfriends can break up. I believe most relationships can't withstand the temptations of money and power, right?"

Sam sighed, somewhat helplessly. "Angel, I have to admit you're very beautiful and extremely charming."


Angel, spoon in hand, brought it to her lips, a gesture that seemed either intentional or accidental.

But when she gently bit down on the spoon, it was as though a flame of seduction was burning, seeking to completely engulf Sam.

She is indeed enchanting, but unfortunately, if not handled properly, she might dismember Sam.

Sam calmed down, shaking his head. The more beautiful the woman, the more dangerous.

"I'm sorry, so don't waste your time on me. I'm done eating, I'll be going now."

Sam prepared to stand up, but Angel pressed down on his hand, preventing him from leaving while lifting her eyes, revealing a unique smile.

"No matter your reasons, the more you resist me, the more interested I become in you. Keep this attitude, and I'll keep using my supernatural powers on you. You can look forward to it."

"Please, let go."

Sam remained cold and distant. Angel's current emotions were exactly as he had anticipated; this was the effect he wanted.

It really did require quite a bit of acting.

"Why should I listen to you? I am Angel, after all."

Angel didn't let go; instead, she seemed to grip his hand even tighter, as if to crush it.

And just at this standoff.

"Angel and Sam. Are you blatantly dating here in school?"

Both turned their heads simultaneously.

There stood a woman, smiling, dressed in a teacher's uniform, exuding mature charm.

Alice had arrived.

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