The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 20 - 20 The Deadly Gambit

Chapter 20: Chapter 20 The Deadly Gambit

The team had gone dark. For two days, they stayed off the grid, pulling back from their usual sources and refusing contact with anyone outside their core group. They knew Volkov was watching their every move, and they couldn't afford to be predictable.

In that time, Dominic barely slept. He spent hours combing through every scrap of intelligence they had on Volkov, searching for the tiniest detail that might give them an edge. Alyssa stayed by his side, tirelessly analyzing every potential lead. Marcus, Eleanor, and Laura worked on cross-referencing international data and finding weaknesses in Volkov's network. But it still felt like they were grasping at straws.

"Ivan's checking in on his contacts in Europe," Laura said, looking up from her laptop. "He thinks Volkov may be planning to relocate there soon, but it's hard to say for sure. Volkov could be anywhere by now."

Alyssa frowned, staring at the wall of maps they had pinned up. "Volkov's smart, but he's also bold. He wants to make a statement, so whatever he's planning, it won't be subtle."

Dominic, sitting with his arms crossed, seemed lost in thought. "Volkov said he's already in motion... but we haven't seen any major moves in the markets, no sudden changes in power. He's waiting for something. The question is: what?"

Marcus leaned against the table. "It's probably something we can't see yet. Volkov operates on a different level—global, political. He's not going to just make a quick move for cash. It'll be a shift in the world order."

Alyssa's eyes darkened. "If he's planning something that big, we need to stop him before he pulls the trigger."

Eleanor, who had been quiet for most of the conversation, suddenly spoke up. "What if Volkov's entire strategy is to stay invisible while building alliances? We've been focusing on where he is, but maybe we need to focus on who he's targeting. Someone powerful, someone who could make his plan unstoppable."

Dominic's mind raced. "A partnership. Volkov wouldn't go for small fish. He'd need someone with influence, someone who could protect him."

Laura's fingers flew across her keyboard, pulling up a list of high-profile names in finance and politics. "Whoever it is, it's someone with global connections. Volkov wants to play at the highest levels, so we're talking about CEOs, world leaders, or major figures in black markets."

"Whoever it is, they might not even know they're being used," Marcus added. "Volkov's a master manipulator. He'll get what he wants and discard them when they're no longer useful."

Dominic stared at the list, his heart pounding. "Graves had connections to some of these people. Volkov's taking over those channels now."

He traced his finger along one name in particular—a wealthy oil magnate named Vladimir Orlov, who controlled a significant portion of Eastern European energy supply. Graves had been in business with him for years, but with Graves out of the picture, Orlov might be looking for a new partner.

"Orlov," Dominic muttered. "He's got the connections, the money, and he's notoriously ruthless. If Volkov's trying to solidify his global power, Orlov would be an ideal ally."

Alyssa nodded, catching on. "If Volkov's after someone like Orlov, it would explain why he's been so quiet. He's setting the stage for a major deal."

Laura pulled up more information on Orlov. "He's hosting a private summit in St. Petersburg in three days. It's an invite-only event for global elites—politicians, oligarchs, corporate titans. If Volkov's planning something big, this would be the perfect opportunity."

Dominic's pulse quickened. "We need to be there."

St. Petersburg was a city draped in history, but the event they were infiltrating felt worlds apart from anything Dominic had ever experienced. The opulent ballroom in Orlov's estate was filled with the kind of people who made decisions that affected entire countries—billionaires, heads of state, and covert power brokers. It was the kind of crowd where Volkov could blend in seamlessly.

Thanks to Eleanor's connections, they had managed to secure fake identities for the summit, allowing them to slip inside unnoticed. The team dressed in formal attire, playing the part of wealthy investors and political advisers. But under the surface, tension rippled through them.

"We don't know for sure that Volkov will be here," Alyssa said as they moved through the crowded hall. "But if he's not, Orlov will know where to find him."

Dominic scanned the room, his heart pounding. Everywhere he looked, there were layers of deception, hidden agendas playing out behind polite smiles and champagne toasts. It was the kind of environment Volkov thrived in.

They split up, each moving through the crowd, keeping an eye out for any sign of Volkov or his lieutenants.

As Dominic made his way toward the far end of the room, his earpiece crackled to life. It was Marcus.

"I've got eyes on Orlov," Marcus said, his voice steady. "He's in a private conversation with someone by the back balcony. Can't see who yet, but it could be our guy."

Dominic's heart raced. He casually moved toward the balcony, keeping a safe distance but staying within earshot of the conversation. As he got closer, he spotted Orlov—a tall, imposing figure with slicked-back gray hair—speaking in hushed tones to another man.

It was Volkov.

Dominic's blood ran cold. He kept his expression neutral, but inside, a fire ignited. Volkov had found his way to Orlov, just as they had feared. This was it—the alliance that could shift the balance of power in the global underworld.

Volkov's voice was low but carried a calm authority. "Everything is in place. Once the deal is finalized, you'll have control over the entire region's energy supply. And in return, I'll have the influence I need."

Orlov nodded, his face impassive. "And what about the Americans? They won't sit idly by while we consolidate this much power."

Volkov's smile was cold. "Let me worry about the Americans. They've been chasing shadows for months, wasting their time. By the time they realize what's happened, it'll be too late."

Dominic's stomach twisted. This wasn't just a business deal—it was a play for global dominance. Volkov and Orlov were planning to control not just resources, but the political landscape that would come with it.

He discreetly pressed the button on his earpiece, signaling the team. They had what they needed.

Alyssa's voice came through the earpiece. "What's the move, Dominic?"

Dominic's eyes narrowed as he watched Volkov and Orlov shake hands, sealing their alliance. "We take them down. Tonight."

The team moved quickly, coordinating their plan while blending in with the crowd. Eleanor worked her magic, disabling the security cameras in the back of the estate. Marcus and Laura moved into position near the exits, cutting off Volkov's escape routes. Alyssa stayed close to Dominic, her eyes locked on Volkov as he spoke to Orlov.

They only had one shot at this.

As Volkov turned to leave the balcony, Dominic and Alyssa intercepted him, blocking his path.

Volkov's eyes flicked over them, his expression unreadable. "Ah, Dominic. I wondered when you'd show up."

Dominic stepped closer, his voice low and filled with steel. "It's over, Volkov. We've got everything we need to bring you down."

Volkov's smile was slow, almost amused. "Do you really think it's that simple? Even if you take me out, the wheels are already in motion. The world is changing, and you can't stop it."

Alyssa's voice was like ice. "We'll see about that."

Before Volkov could respond, the sound of gunfire erupted from the far side of the room. Chaos ensued as guests screamed and scattered, the ballroom turning into a scene of pandemonium. Volkov's men had opened fire, creating a distraction for their boss to escape.

"Go!" Dominic shouted, grabbing Alyssa's arm as they took cover behind a nearby pillar. "Marcus, Laura, we've got gunfire!"

"We're on it," Marcus replied, his voice strained as the sounds of a firefight crackled through the earpiece.

Volkov, taking advantage of the chaos, bolted for the nearest exit, with Orlov following closely behind. Dominic and Alyssa sprinted after them, their footsteps pounding against the marble floor.

As they rounded the corner, Volkov turned and fired, the bullet narrowly missing Dominic. They ducked behind a stone statue for cover, exchanging gunfire with Volkov's men.

"Volkov's trying to get to his car," Alyssa yelled over the noise. "We can't let him escape!"

Dominic gritted his teeth, adrenaline surging through him. "We won't."

The final showdown was happening now, and there was no room for error.

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