The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 120: Shadows in the Open

Chapter 120: Chapter 120: Shadows in the Open

As the team split up to execute their parts of the plan, the weight of the coming hours pressed on Dominic like a vice. Every minute brought them closer to a potential global collapse, and they were standing on the edge of chaos. It wasn't just about stopping the attacks; it was about dismantling an unseen empire before it could rise from the ashes.

The safehouse buzzed with activity. Ivan remained hunched over his computer, working through layers of encrypted networks. His eyes darted over the screen, searching for weaknesses, an entry point into the labyrinth of digital chaos that had already begun to unravel.

"I've got something," Ivan suddenly announced. "A backdoor into one of the servers controlling the power grids in Eastern Europe. If I can get into this, I might be able to disable one of the key cyberattacks."

Alyssa, who had been cross-referencing Volkov's network with Eleanor, rushed to Ivan's side. "Do it. If we can disrupt their systems, it'll buy us time."

As Ivan worked, Eleanor's voice cut through the tension. "I've tracked down a few names from Volkov's inner circle. One of them Demitri Orlov was his primary logistics man. He's in Serbia right now, likely coordinating the movement of resources for 'The Purge.'"

"Do we have a location?" Dominic asked.

"Yeah," Eleanor confirmed. "A fortified estate outside Belgrade. But it won't be easy to get to him. Orlov's estate is locked down, and Volkov's death has probably made him even more paranoid."

Marcus had been listening in while prepping gear. "I'll take care of Orlov. If I can get close, I'll get the information we need about who's controlling this operation. Volkov might be dead, but someone's keeping this thing alive."

"Orlov's our best lead," Dominic said, nodding. "If we can find out who's really in charge now, we can stop this."

"I'll go with Marcus," Laura interjected. "If Orlov's coordinating resources, he'll have files or a paper trail we can use. I'll pull whatever I can from his systems."

Dominic agreed. "Fine. Alyssa and Eleanor, I want you two to stay focused on the players in Volkov's network. We need to identify anyone who's still pulling strings especially this 'Seraphim.' Ivan, keep working the cyber angle. Every attack you stop gives us more time."

Alyssa looked at Dominic, her voice quieter. "What about you?"

Dominic's gaze hardened. "I'm going after Seraphim. Ivan, I'll need you to trace the signal once I'm in Belgrade. Orlov's going to know where Seraphim is."

As Marcus and Laura prepared to leave, the safehouse felt eerily still. The team had been in dangerous situations before, but this was different. The stakes had never been so high.

The drive to Orlov's estate was tense, and the landscape around them seemed heavy with the knowledge of what was happening across the globe. As they approached the heavily fortified gates, Marcus slowed the car, using the cover of the night to assess the perimeter. Security was tight, as expected.

"I'll take the north side," Marcus said, checking his gear. "You'll have to find a way into his office and get what you need from his systems. Once I'm in, I'll take out the guards and grab Orlov."

Laura nodded, slipping out of the car and making her way through the shadows toward the estate. She had always been good at blending in, and tonight was no exception. As she approached the side entrance, she quickly hacked into the estate's security, bypassing the cameras and slipping inside undetected.

Inside, the estate was as lavish as it was guarded. Laura moved swiftly through the corridors, finding Orlov's office. She worked quickly, bypassing the encryption on his computer, her fingers flying across the keyboard. Files started pouring in documents detailing the logistics of Volkov's operation, shipment routes, and hidden bank accounts. But as she dug deeper, she found something else: communication logs between Orlov and someone identified only as "S."

"Seraphim," she whispered.

She copied the files and made her way back, just as Marcus's voice crackled in her earpiece. "Got Orlov. He's talking."

Laura hurried to meet him, heart pounding. By the time she arrived, Marcus had Orlov pinned in a chair, a gun pressed against his temple. Orlov's face was bloodied, but his eyes were filled with hatred, not fear.

"I've got the files," Laura said, holding up the drive.

Marcus turned his attention back to Orlov. "Who is Seraphim?"

Orlov spat blood, chuckling darkly. "You're too late. It's already begun. Seraphim will bring the world to its knees."

"Who is Seraphim?" Marcus pressed the gun harder against Orlov's head.

Orlov's grin faltered slightly, but the defiance remained. "You think you can stop this? You're nothing. Seraphim is everywhere, in every corner of the world. We are the future."

"Last chance," Marcus growled.

Orlov's eyes flickered, and for a moment, he seemed to consider giving up the name. But before he could speak, a shot rang out. Orlov's body slumped forward, lifeless.

Marcus spun around, gun drawn, but the shot hadn't come from the shadows. It came from Orlov's own security detail. Reinforcements had arrived.

"Damn it!" Marcus cursed, returning fire.

Laura ducked behind cover, adrenaline surging as they exchanged shots with Orlov's guards. They were pinned down, and getting out would be far from easy.

"We need to move!" Marcus yelled, pulling a flash grenade from his belt.

As the explosion of light and sound disoriented the guards, Marcus and Laura made a break for the exit, sprinting through the estate's gardens as gunfire erupted behind them.

They dove into the getaway car, hearts racing. As they sped away from the estate, Laura glanced at Marcus. "Did Orlov say anything useful?"

Marcus shook his head. "No. But the files you grabbed might be all we need. We're close, but whoever Seraphim is they're still out there."

Dominic's voice crackled through the comms. "You both alright?"

"Yeah," Marcus answered. "Orlov's dead. But we've got the files. We're sending them now."

Back at the safehouse, Dominic watched as the files uploaded to Ivan's system. The clock was ticking, and somewhere in the chaos, Seraphim was watching, waiting for their moment to strike.

The final battle was about to begin.

And Dominic knew that not all of them would make it out.

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