The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 44: The Foolish Overload Offer a Humble Apology

Chapter 44: The Foolish Overload Offer a Humble Apology

As soon as the fat man spoke, Sun Shaozong secretly shouted unluckily.

Originally, he came to the Wine Bureau unwillingly. Now, he met a party crasher without having to enter the banquet.

Although Sun Shaozong didn't know which family this dandy, Qiu Yunfei, was from, seeing that he dared to bring these dozens of military men to the door to seek revenge, he knew that his family was not under the Great Conquering General’s Mansion in rank. He was caught in it now, and it was exactly the saying of “Immortals to fight and mortals to suffer!”

When Sun Shaozong was having internal turmoil, Feng Ziying didn’t dare escape while standing over there facing dozens of military men, he came out quietly. He looked up and laughed, "It's said that villains take revenge from morning till night. Today I’ve finally encountered one. Qiu Yunfei, if you have any tricks, you can use them as soon as possible. If I am to frown once, I am a little pussy!"

Qiu Yunfei sneered, "Good, good! Mad dog Ying, I want to see how hard your bones are more than your tongue!"

One of them was on the horse and the other was standing on the ground, each showing off their words by quarreling and pretending to be a hoodlum.

Those military men were not idle. They had already divided more than ten people, got off their horses, took ropes and wooden truncheons, and surrounded them from both wings.

Seeing that they were near, Feng Ziying could no longer care about showing off his words by quarreling. He quickly puts on a stance, ready to make a final struggle.

"Brother Feng, count me in!"

At this time, he saw that Xue Pan jumped over excitedly, stood side by side with him, and shouted, "Such a big scene, how can I not be involved?!"

Feng Ziying knew that he would not be able to win this time. How could he have implicated him in vain?

He couldn't help but persuade him not to get involved.

But would Xue Pan listen?

When he was getting annoyed by what he said, he shouted, took the initiative to meet the military man on the left, and shouted, "Give these to me, over there... Ouch!"

Xue Pan was usually spoiled. How many days has he been practicing boxing? Even if he had grown some strength within him, how can it be worth several elite military men?

Therefore, before finishing his boasting, he was whipped and swept on the bone at an unexpected moment. Although the military man knew that he was either wealthy or a respectable figure, he did not dare to use his full strength. While Xue Pan, who was still in pain, fell forward with an ”ouch.”

Before he fell to the ground, he had been caught by two arms and could not struggle for half a minute.

What a fool!

Sun Shaozong looked speechless, but Feng Ziying was in a hurry. He rushed forward and swung his fist and foot, intending to save Xue Pan.

His skill was much better than Xue Pan, and there was nothing wrong with dealing with three or five people at ease. But there were more than three or five people opposite. They were also elite in the army, and were best at the art of joint attack!

Therefore, in only a moment, Feng Ziying was also surrounded and was only able to parry blows and had no power to fight back. This was still under the circumstances that the military men didn't dare to hurt him, otherwise, even if there were three Feng Ziying gathered together, he’s afraid they couldn't hold on any longer too.

So he tried his best to support several rounds, but he was hopelessly outnumbered. He was wrapped around his shoulders, held his arms together, and tied a solid knot.

"Bring him here, bring him here quickly!"

This time, Qiu Yunfei was so proud that his double chin turned into three layers at once. Seeing that Feng Ziying was brought to him, he shouted, "Let this dog kneel and talk to me!"

As soon as Feng Ziying heard this, he immediately straightened his waist and spat up at Qiu Yunfei's fat face.

Qiu Yunfei was unprepared. He was sprayed with saliva on his face. He suddenly became angry, whipped Feng Ziying on his shoulder, and shouted, "You! This bastard doesn't give up until it's a complete failure. Come on, take off his clothes for me, and push him to the flail in front of the Baihua Restaurant!"

Hearing this, Feng Ziying couldn't help but change the color of his face and jump on his feet to ”greet” the eight-generation ancestors of Qiu Yunfei. But suddenly he heard someone behind him shout, "Wait a minute!"

Everyone looked over, following the voice, and the person who spoke was Sun Shaozong, who had been watching for a long time.

Feng Ziying didn't have many reactions, but when Xue Pan over there saw Sun Shaozong speak, his spirit was immediately uplifted, and he hurriedly said, "Second Brother save me, Second Brother save me!"

Seeing Sun Shaozong carefreely descend the steps, he arched his hand at Qiu Yunfei and said, "You two officials as palace guards must be just having a dispute of personal prejudice. It's not a big deal to get back into revenge after suffering a loss, but now you have beaten and scolded them. If you were to continue with the revenge, it's not easy to end. Why not give me a face, stop, and make peace?"

Previously, he looked on, only because he was uncomfortable that he was involved with these two dandies for no reason. However, if he continued to stand idly, the Great Conquering General would know what happened in the future, and he was afraid that he would first take on the Sun family.

Although Qiu Yunfei saw that Sun Shaozong was not ordinary, he thought that there was no such person in the family of noble relatives in the court, and the Sun surname was not significant, so he sneered dismissively, "Who do you think you are? How dare you ask me to give you face? Come on, take this thing that doesn't have eyesight, hit a hundred flogging first, before I can talk some sense with him!"

Hearing those words, several military men who were still idle immediately encircled Sun Shaozong from left to right, just like how it had been done earlier, and captured Sun Shaozong with joint arms.

But was Sun Shaozong comparable to Xue Pan and Feng Ziying?

He greeted them with a smile, stretched out his ape-like arm, grabbed a wooden truncheon with his hand, and kicked him gently and skillfully while the military men were stunned.


When the military man ascended, his feet were off the ground, and he flew two feet away before landing on his feet with a plop.

Sun Shaozong swung the wooden truncheon again and swept it casually, then gathered all the military men who came around in the circle.

Several military men hurriedly resisted with their wooden truncheons. They heard three clicks, clicks, and clicks, and out of the five wooden truncheons, two were broken and three flew away. As for the last ”click,” Sun Shaozong's wooden truncheon was too heavy to bear and broke in two.

Sun Shaozong threw the broken wooden truncheon at random, walked forward, and pulled it from left to right. It didn't show that he used too much strength, just like playing with puppets, he put all the military men to the ground.

"Official Qiu."

After finishing several military elites, Sun Shaozong innocently arched his hands and said like a repeater, "Please give me face to stop and make peace?"

Qiu Yunfei saw that he took down several elite military men neatly and quickly. When he was stunned, he heard him repeating the same words. He suddenly felt that he had lost his face and quickly swung the whip around and scolded, "What are you guys doing in a daze? Hurry up, get this guy together!"

With this order, those military men jumped off their horses. There were more than 20 people, each holding a wooden truncheon, and surrounded Sun Shaozong murderously. But no one dared to not give their full power this time. Every attack was done with all their strength and skills.

However, in the face of Sun Shaozong's cast-iron muscles, what could a mere wooden truncheon do with him? He’s afraid that those who attack were not strong enough and would only act like a tickling feeling to Sun Shaozong!

So with only three to five combinations of the martial arts, Sun Shaozong was like a tiger in a sheep den and put down seven to eight people. This was the result of his convergence of strength, not wanting to hurt human lives.

Seeing this, no matter how brave those military elites were, they couldn't help but feel a little timid, but they didn't dare to stop without Qiu Yunfei's consent.

Just when they were in a dilemma, someone suddenly shouted, "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"


All the military looked over following the shout, and they saw three people and three horses running wildly. It seems like they wanted to win with the help of horsepower!

The military men immediately dispersed to the left and right, only blocking Sun Shaozong in the center.

Quicker than words could tell, three people on the horse came close in an instant. Regardless of people, the horse was a top-grade horse, with thick legs, wide shoulders, and a length of nearly ten feet. He’s afraid it has the strength of thousands of pounds when charging!

But in the face of these three galloping horses, Sun Shaozong still did not dodge. Instead, he walked forward vigorously, swung his fist the size of a vinegar bowl, and hit the head of the leading black horse!


The earth seemed to tremble under this punch. The black horse first folded its neck 90 degrees, then bent its body, hit its right companion sideways, and then trampled on its four hooves and tripped its left companion.

So three fat and healthy horses fell under Sun Shaozong's punch!


On the small square in front of the Jinxiang Yard, for a moment, they only heard the pain and screams of the three riders, and the rest were silent!


Sun Shaozong lowered his head and blew away the horsehair on his fist. He arched his hands again and said peacefully, "Official, please give me face to stop and make peace?"

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