The End Of The World's Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 186 - Volume 2 Chapter 80 Kill

Chapter 186 Volume 2 Chapter 80 Kill

The back of the bookshelf looked like a normal wall, but upon a closer look, there were thin lines on the wall. The lines just formed a rectangle in the shape of a door.

Most people who come in would probably look at the bookshelves, after all, the bookshelves seem to be the most suspicious. Thus, they would ignore the more obvious walls.

In fact, the people who set up this mechanism were relatively smart.

Shao Qing pushed the bookshelf away and then began to study the wall carefully. As she was studying it, a gap suddenly appeared in the wall and a door opened slowly.

You can still hear people chatting inside.

A: “Master Guan should be back soon right? It shouldn’t take long to finish two people.”

B: “Is the blood of a virgin prepared for the Da Ren ready yet? Go quickly check. If the Da Ren comes back, but doesn’t have fresh virgin blood to drink, he will definitely lose his temper.”

Then two people came out. As soon as they came out, they were stunned because there were two people who should not be there.

Shao Qing and Er Dai were also stunned. They had not yet found a way to open the door and someone actually helped them open the door.

“You ...” When one of them was about to speak, Er Dai quickly covered his mouth. Shao Qing did not dare to let them make a sound. She quickly stepped forward and subdued the other.

Both of their abilities were not high and they were taken care of in seconds.

Shao Qing covered the person’s mouth, then dragged him to the corner and asked in a low voice: “Is this the experimental base of the mad demon mercenary regiment?”

The man was terrified, but closed his mouth tightly and did not speak.

Shao Qing smiled slightly and looked very gentle: “Not speaking? I will give you two choices. Either speak now and I will let you die quickly, or don’t speak now and I will torture you to death.”

That person seemed to have thought of something and continued to keep his mouth closed tightly, shaking his head non-stop.

Shao Qing also didn’t expect to be able to pry it out. After all, the mad demons must have a strict regulation, so she signaled Er Dai to bring the other person over. Replacing her palm with vines, she used it to block him from speaking.

“I am a person who is actually quite gentle, but only when faced with humans. When faced with beasts, I’m not so kind.” Shao Qing said coldly. She used a knife on the man’s neck to make a small cut, only a few blood drops dripped down.

Then she stuffed some dodder seeds into it.

Under her control, the seeds infiltrated the man’s skin, just under the skin and above the muscles and took root.

Then he could see small bubbles form on his skin, very clearly. These small and large bubbles became bigger and bigger, soon the tops were torn apart exposing the tender green buds below.

Not only was it painful, but the itch was deep in the bone marrow. It instilled a sense of fear.

After all, whoever sees grass growing on their body will be dominated by this fear.

He wanted to scream with pain and was going crazy, but he couldn’t make a sound at all. He could only bite the vines in his mouth, yet the spikes on the vines pierced his lips and tongue.

“He won’t die.” Shao Qing looked at the other person and then smiled: “All the seeds will germinate and root under his skin. It won’t reach the internal organs, so he won’t die. What do you think will happen if I tossed him into a dark corner and let those cute little buds grow on him. Unable to scream or move, he could only lie in that dark corner feeling the little cute buds grow until he either starves to death or is sucked clean by the little cuties. When he gets discovered, his whole body would be like a living potted plant, doesn’t that sound interesting?”

The remaining man was fighting two battles. If it wasn’t for Er Dai holding him up, he probably would have fallen to the ground long ago. Shao Qing patted his face and chuckled. “Is the experimental site inside? Once I go in, I will know. Why is it necessary to ask you?”

He glanced at his companion for a long while, then he rolled his eyes, a foul smell coming from him. Shao Qing looked down, his legs gradually stained with liquid as a yellow substance started to trickle down.

He was actually so scared, he peed himself.

Shao Qing took a step back in disgust and kicked the man on the ground into the corner, letting him die.

The remaining one kept making pitiful nasal noises and Shao Qing whispered: “Do you have something to tell me?”

Er Dai released his mouth and he quickly said: “This is indeed the experimental site of the mad demon mercenary group. There are a lot of forks in the path and many of them lead to a trap. I can take you in!”

“Very good.” Shao Qing liked his current attitude a lot better. She immediately got Er Dai to carry him to the corner, take off his pants, and used the clean parts of the pants to wipe his unspeakable location.

Finally Er Dai threw away the dirty pants and threw him a pair of underwear. Then Shao Qing said: “Lead the way.”

The captive holding a pair of underwear: ...

Shao Qing kicked his ass: “Hurry up and lead the way. ”

He put on his underwear honestly, then with his two hairy legs, led the way ahead. Before leading the way, Shao Qing cut his wrists and planted two dodders into it, making her words clear.

“Honestly lead the way and I will give you a happy clean death. If you play any tricks, I will make you wish you were dead.”

The man had some ideas in his heart before, but now he was completely honest. Leading the way, after the three people entered, the door behind them slowly closed.

There were lights on the walls on both sides. The light was very soft, not blinding at all. Then the three people began to walk in unhurriedly.

It took a long time before reaching the first fork. The man who led the road honestly said: “These two roads have one leading to the laboratory, and the other is a dead end leading to a trap. Follow me.”

Then he took Shao Qing and walked to the left. On the way, they met a total of six forks and there were many places where mechanisms were arranged. If they went in a wrong direction once, they would trigger the traps.

By the time Shao Qing arrived at the last intersection and got in the elevator, Shao Qing suddenly realized that although they were underground at the moment, they had left the base.

If her guess is right, they should be in the small forest, near the pond, underground.

Guan Haishan was really clever. He brought them to the pond on the first day and Shao Qing never suspected it would be there. No wonder they say that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

The ancients don’t lie.

Shao Qing discovered from the elevator that the space here was very wide, with lights lit at the top. It shone the entire underground space as if it were daytime.

Many people in white coats and masks walked around. Except for the middle passage, there were rows of rooms on both sides. Some rooms had doors open and others closed.

As soon as they came down, Shao Qing followed the agreement and gave the man who led them a quick death, then threw the body into the corner and quietly sneaked into the laboratory.

The infiltration plan was to kill two researchers, put on a white coat, put on the mouth mask, and then look around.

The more she looked, the more angry Shao Qing became. Some rooms were filled with experimental products, held inside transparent glass. They would be filled with strange liquids and then the experimental products would be immersed in the liquid.

You can see the lower body cut off and in place of it were animal lower halves. You can also see superhumans half zombified or babies curled up in the open stomach of their cut up mothers.

These experimental products should be the failures that have not been destroyed yet or perhaps have some other use, thus they were displayed in the room.

There were some living people in the room. They were all wearing uniforms like a patient. Everyone had a sign on their chest with a serial number written on it.

These were the people who will soon become experimental products.

Shao Qing walked through a lot of rooms and felt her heart burn with anger. The most terrifying thing was that there was a room where experiments were still being carried out. They would seal living people into a room and then throw in the developed chemical weapons.

Shao Qing personally saw people in the room gradually turn into corpses from the poisonous fog and finally turn into a terrible monster that resembled a zombie with some animal characteristics.

But this chemical poisonous mist seems to have not been thoroughly successful yet. This is because all those that have become monsters have died.

She couldn’t restrain her anger, her long nails started extending out. It was at this moment, a man in a white coat came hurriedly and grabbed Shao Qing: “Where did you two go? The experiment is at its most critical period, why are you running around?”

Then Shao Qing was dragged away and Er Dai hurried to catch up. The two arrived in a room that was twice as big as the other room.

There were a lot of white coats in the room with a variety of medicines, drugs and tools placed on both sides. In the center was a table that looked like an operating table and a woman was tied to the table.

The woman’s belly was bulging. It seems that she has been pregnant for seven or eight months. At this moment, there were a few white coats around the woman preparing to do a caesarean delivery.

One of them said: “The state of the mother is normal, the transformation is incomplete. Characteristics of life are gradually decreasing.”

Another person was holding a small notebook and jotting down notes.

“Begin to inject SX93.” Another white coat that looked like the leader stated.

Immediately, someone took a needle filled with green liquid and shot it into the pregnant woman’s neck.

Almost a minute or two later, the unconscious pregnant woman on the stage suddenly screamed and blue blood vessels appeared on her face and neck. She widened her eyes, her facial features were slightly distorted.

After screaming for a few seconds, she died.

The leader hurriedly said: “Hurry! Take out test subject No. 1398!”

The rest of the people cut the pregnant woman’s belly in a hurry. There was only a small portion cut, when a small white and tender hand came from the pregnant belly.

Several people were a little surprised, but they have experienced a lot, so soon they lowered their guard.

The next second, a wet baby came out. The baby came out with his eyes open, looking slightly larger than a normal born baby.

More importantly, it had a very strange smile on its face. Once it crawled out, like a flash of lightning it pounced on the face of a white coat.

Then there was a scream because it had chewed the face of the white coat. Soon a few senior superhumans rushed in, quickly grabbing the weird baby.

But the white coat had his face gnawed beyond recognition with black liquid continuing to drip from the wound.

The leading superhuman took a gun out expressionlessly and ended the life of the white coat.

The leader waved his hand: “Temporarily store Experiment No. 1398 away. This is the first semi-successful product that we have gotten since experimenting with No. 068. Take good care of it, there must be no problems.”

Shao Qing’s eyes were cold, she quietly held onto her mobile phone to take lots of evidence. Then after leaving the room, she started looking for the power control room.

She was going to ruin this place! This dirty, hell-like location.

As for those poor guinea pigs, she couldn’t save them. This is because she found out that all the guinea pigs were injected with mutated drugs. They ... were no longer human.

Rather than let them painfully watch themselves become a monster, she should just let them disappear with this sinful place.

However, Shao Qing was not prepared to completely destroy this place. This was because this is also physical evidence. She wanted to make the world see the disgusting face of the mad demon mercenary group.

Shao Qing sneaked into the power control room with Er Dai. She touched Er Dai’s head and asked softly, “Are you afraid?”

Er Dai shook his head seriously.

Shao Qing smiled slightly and took out a lighter. She found a barrel of oil then poured it all over the surrounding machines, then she ignited it.

After starting the fire, she took Er Dai and rushed out. Finding a corner, her vines slowly stretched out layer by layer, wrapping her and Er Dai tightly in the middle.

Layer after layer, layer after layer.

There was no gap between her and Er Dai. The body of a man and the body of a woman fit perfectly together.

After the vines turned into a big ball, the horrible explosion suddenly sounded. At that moment, Shao Qing felt that she was deaf, her head was buzzing and was blank.

Even though there were layers of vine protection, she was still suffering from the shockwaves. After a long, long time, she calmed down a little. This relaxation allowed her to hear a voice.

Shao Qing withdrew the vines and found that her poor vines were blown to pieces. At least one meter of the vine wall of the two meter thick vine wall was completely broken.

Of course, this did not show how terrible the explosion was. Even more terrible was when she saw the sun.

The laboratory was originally under the ground, but this explosion exploded through the soil layer above, leaving the entire base exposed to sunlight.

Shao Qing walked blankly in the laboratory. If she encountered a white coat that didn’t die, she went up and made up for it with a stab of a knife. If she encountered a poor test sample that had been mutated, she also killed it.

After she and Er Dai searched through it all, there were no more living people except them in the laboratory.

At this time, sounds could be heard from the base. Rows of people were rushing here. Shao Qing calmly shot the vines out like a rope, pulling her and Er Dai out.

As she climbed out, Shao Qing said seriously: “Don’t leave a single one alive, okay?”

Er Dai nodded very seriously. After they climbed out of the big pit, many people appeared in front of them. Their chins were about to hit the ground. Everyone looked at Shao Qing with unbelievable and terrifying eyes.

Then, the time to massacre approached.

The two were killing machines that had no sense of pain or tiredness. Like two lions, they rushed into the flock.

This one-sided killing was simply a live slaughter. No one could resist at all. At most, they would struggle a few times, then become a bloody corpse on the ground.

Shao Qing took Er Dai and killed their way back to the base. She hated these crazy animals in the base, she just wanted to scrap them all to feed the dogs.

Oh, but the dog probably won’t even eat them.

At first, a group of people surrounded Shao Qing and Er Dai. Later, the group of people who were frightened were simply chased by Shao Qing and Er Dai.

She took Er Dai and they slaughtered all the way. Wherever she passed, the blood under her feet soaked the ground. Especially after entering the base, the battle square caused the blood to soak into the soles of their shoes.

O all the superhumans in the base, not one could escape. Even if there were one or two who ran away, they would be chased by Shao Qing’s tearing space ability and then killed.

Shao Qing really hated this group of people. Even the killing methods she used were the most cruel. She would cut up the corpse, crush the bones, shatter the bones, or get her man eating flower to swallow them down. Even though she did that, it still didn’t satisfy the hate she felt in her stomach.

Especially after seeing the extreme scenes in the laboratory, she was reluctant to just let this group die like this. She really wanted to torture them, let them feel what the experimental subjects felt andmake them suffer countlessly.

After killing all the superhumans of the entire base, Shao Qing and Er Dai searched several times and found some of the people that were hidden.

In the end, they found the place where these poor people were being held captive. A few girls emerged. As for the children, the only remaining two children were lying on the kitchen board at the moment, and were broken.

To this end, she deliberately entertained the two chefs. She didn’t do much, just cut the meat off them slice by slice, then stuffed them into their mouths.

In order to give them the best hospitality, Shao Qing also specially dipped it in soy sauce.

See how kind she was?

As soon as Yan Qiyue returned to Jing Du, he immediately contacted Grandpa Qin. Without saying a word, Grandpa Qin directly used the army and seized the entire mad demon mercenary group, while taking the strongest team of superhumans under the Qin family, he quickly rushed to that unknown base.

When they were travelling they weren’t like Shao Qing’s group travelling leisurely, turning a one day journey into three days. They rushed off in a hurry.

When the group of people arrived, they saw Shao Qing and Er Dai and were stunned. They could also see a few pale and sick young girls sitting in front of a big pit.

The rich bloody smell seemed to already become putrid.

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