The Empress' Livestream

Chapter 400 - Moving the Capital to Chenzhou (VI)

Chapter 400: Moving the Capital to Chenzhou (VI)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Oh! — Daddy’s Changsheng, come over and let Daddy carry you.”

He patiently waited for Wei Jingxian to feed the child milk and for her to burp their baby. Feng Jin then stretched his hands forth to carry Changsheng, his face brimming with the tenderness of a father.

“Ai, haven’t seen her for half a day and Changsheng is looking even prettier.”

Feng Jin does not need a script to praise his daughter to the heavens.

Changsheng loved his easy-going demeanor and his fresh body scent, she was determined to get close to him. Her crystal-clear eyes widened, and both father and daughter looked into each other’s eyes lovingly. She occasionally made strange noises, grin thus revealing her bright red gums.

Upon seeing both interact without understanding each other, Wei Jingxian pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes were overflowing with bliss.

After playing with her for some time, Changsheng was exhausted and Feng Jin laid her down in her cot and pulled a book from his sleeve.

It is said that if little children hear some basic reading materials, they will amass intelligence prematurely and learn to speak faster than their peers.

Following the principles of “my daughter will definitely not be inferior,” and “I love studying so my daughter will surely also enjoy studying,” Feng Jin instinctively desired for his child not to lose at the starting point. If she listened more attentively now, then when the stage of reading and speaking is attained, she will be quick and clever at talking and more.

As the baby was taking a nap, Wei Jingxian did not notice the book Feng Jin pulled out.

The maids helped her wipe down her body briefly and she felt better. Then she laid down again and was overwhelmed with fatigue.

During confinement, the cycle of eating and sleeping repeated itself. Her bones felt so stiff.

She originally intended to fall asleep hearing her Langjun’s gentle and soothing voice in the background, but unexpectedly, what is this that he is reading!

“...All women must learn first to conduct themselves properly. The means to do so is not to neglect to be chaste thus bringing honor to her body...Wherever she is, men and women should be separate. She should not be curious about what’s outside nor step to the outer courts. She should not introduce herself to males who are not her family members. Neither should she be matchmade if she doesn’t prove to be virtuous and benevolent. She should conduct herself appropriately to be deemed a human...?” As Feng Jin finished reading this paragraph, he inevitably flipped to that page and felt bewildered.

The book’s title clearly displayed three big words, Analects for Women, can it be fake?

Wei Jingxian also felt uneasy, she slowly got up and saw Feng Jin casually flip two pages and continue to read.

“When a woman marries, her husband is the lord of her family... her husband must be given the utmost respect, she has to put her own will down... if her husband is furious, she cannot be annoyed or displeased. She must retreat and submit, be forbearing and meek...A woman stays within her chambers, she seldom has a cause to step out of the house. She comes when commanded, leaves when asked to. If she falls short of these standards, she deserves to be shouted at furiously...”

Feng Jin was confused, he immediately shut the book, Analects for Women, then picked up Women’s Commandments and vaguely flipped through it.

“...Her husband has the right to remarry, a wife does not as in time past, her husband is her all. She cannot escape from the solid heavens, likewise, she cannot leave her husband’s stronghold. If one disobeys and dishonors the gods, the heavens will enforce punishment; Any transgressions against the code of conduct, her husband can rightfully despise her...” The more he read, the more his expression became tigthened.

Having got up, Wei Jingxian carried her daughter who was soundly asleep in her cot to her bosom and covered her ears.

With much sarcasm, she remarked, “Now I see that my husband loves women who are obedient like wooden puppets.”

With a stomach full of grievance, Feng Jin was speechless.

Without waiting for him to speak, Wei Jingxian added, “If it pleases my husband, go ahead and find such women. However, Changsheng was in my womb for 10 months before I delivered her, and I dote on her dearly so how can I bear for her to be trampled upon and despised by other men in future. Your wife is tired, please do as you wish my husband.”

An innocently confused Feng Jin continued to keep quiet.

In utter shock, he sat where he was, flipped the remaining two books disbelievingly. The contents are similar, demanding for women to be increasingly humble, meek and submissive. Without the need to step out of the door, it seemed best if they threw their brains away and stopped thinking altogether.

How was this raising a daughter? It was clearly raising a female slave. Which legitimate noble daughter has such a low-down disposition?

Feng Jin felt he was cheated.

A genius like him should naturally have a talented, intelligent daughter who is becoming of his heritage.

What about the Four Self-accomplishment Classics for Women?

Where is the aforementioned starting reading material for women?

He must have read a pirated copy, right?

Jiang Pengji has said it well; men are not solely the father of husbands in their lifetime but may also be the father of wives.

According to the content of the Four Self-accomplishment Classics for Women about a woman’s private life, which women do not end up as a wooden figurine without the ability to make decisions?

Some men may not mind marrying a compliant, wooden person as his wife because they can choose from a variety of concubines but may not accept their daughter to be such and allow their future husband and his family to despise her... even more so, was it unbearable for a new father like Feng Jin.

Anger consumed him till he threw the book out of the horse carriage, how he wished he could confront Qiguan Rang.

Such an evil-minded person. Why did he even give such a disgusting thing to him?

Stirring up trouble on purpose!

Before that, he felt he must clear his grievances himself. How can he be such a man?

“Jingxian, this is a pure misunderstanding. Your husband loves Changsheng with my life, how can I...”

Feng Jin was speaking halfway before Wei Jingxian interrupted, “If my husband truly means it, why read such a demeaning book to Changsheng?”

An aggrieved Feng Jin found he could not speak.

If he foresaw the content of the book will be such, he wouldn’t even read and will immediately burn it. Keeping his precious daughter away from this...poison.

“This was just given to your husband by Wenzheng.” To preserve the harmony at home, Feng Jin has to betray Qiguan Rang. “When we light-heartedly talked previously, I mentioned about the Four Self-accomplishment Classics for Women. Initially I thought it was an ideal starting reading material, so I unsuspectingly...”

Speaking of which, he is very innocent.

Wei Jingxian wasn’t genuinely angry, this was just her extreme reaction.

At this, a fatigued Changsheng briefly opened her eyes and yawned, two drops of tears flowed, and she looked innocently at her mother.

“Your husband was clueless. These four books have become the essential readings for Zhongzhao’s noble women, it has also been hailed as the gold standard. Before one gets married, the groom’s family must give a set of books to his future wife.” Wei Jingxian sighed heavily, she looked into Feng Jin’s feeling conflicted and suddenly mentioned someone, “Does my husband remember a revered Confucius scholar, Master Wan Changzhai?”

Wan Changzhai?

He remembers him as he values scholarly men and thought highly of them.

“Master Wan Changzhai had a daughter, aged 15. Last year, she went to the temple to offer incense and carelessly lost her handkerchief which was picked up by a shameless local bully. This incident was made known, all the people thought the lady and the bully have sexual relations, her prior wedding engagement was called off, moreover, her fiancé’s family despised her as an unchaste woman. The elders of her tribe were utterly embarrassed, they seized the opportunity when Master Wan Changzhai was away from home and forcefully drowned her in the pond.”

“Drowned her in a pond?” Feng Jin was dumbfounded.

“He anxiously rushed home, but unfortunately, his daughter already drowned. By-standers didn’t judge this to be a crime, contrarily they felt this move protected her chastity. Her virginity was robbed from her, having had a relationship with a shameless bully, only through death her innocence can be proven...”

These happenings were mentioned to her by her friends. The more she heard, the more Wei Jingxian felt her anxiety building up in her heart.

“Also, Master Wan Changzhai has a younger sister who couldn’t get along with her in-laws and divorced. The elders prevented her from re-marrying and disgracing the family. She also met with the fate of being drowned in a pond. Master Wan Changzhai is an esteemed person in Zhongzhao yet he was unable to protect his sister and daughter.”

Feng Jin felt he was listening to a heavenly book as the content of Wei Jingxian’s words reflected that.

She added oil to fire saying, “Rumour has it that a distinguished rich “Wangmen” widow in Zhongzhao...A “Wangmen” widow refers to women who prior to getting married, their prospective husband passes away. In order to guard their chastity, she marries her husband’s tablet, thus the title. Her in-laws worry that she’ll be unwilling and unfaithful in guarding her chastity since their son died... let alone having an affair with other men, they forbid her from masturbating thus forcing her to cut off her fingers to prove her determination to remain pure and chaste... the source of these problems is the Four Self-accomplishment Classics for Women book.”

As she finished her tale, Wei Jingxian broke unto a sardonic smile befitting the end of such horrors.

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