The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 196. The Orc’s Arrival IV

Chapter 196. The Orc’s Arrival IV

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 196. The Orc's Arrival IV
Once we arrived near the fortress, what entered our view was a sea of fire burning the vast field in front of it. The sky had turned dark. The temperature should have dropped but the fierce fire turned everything around. This place was hot. The smoke made the sky look darker but it lit the ground as if it was still day. The heat that filled the place burst out and raised the temperature.
Shriek, roars, shouts, and explosions came from all directions, indicating that the fierce battle was not over. Unlike the Minotaurs, the orcs were harder to beat. Indeed they had fewer resources than the Minotaurs, but General Kul, Princess Glasha, and Uraugh had extraordinary fighting skill and commanding abilities. Unlike how Xinrax relied completely on General Dravis. So this would be a tough battle for us. A real battle I could say since the previous one was nothing but a strategy game.
Amidst the chaotic war, I could see the orcs who didn't hesitate to use their true forms against the dragons. To withstand the heat, all of them wore the Fire Mana Bracelet which gave them high fire resistance. It showed how good their preparations were. I was sure it could work better than the Minotaur's earth armor.
So even though General Guillotine hadn't canceled the fire elemental changer's effect, the orcs could get through it just fine. The damage was also not much so they could fight with their fullest strength.
A roar came out of my mouth. It was an order to back up General Guilottine's troops. If I couldn't kill Uraugh, I would turn my target to General Kul. Better, I wanted to catch him alive, since I needed a lot of information from him. Although I was not sure he would spill the beans, killing him wasn't a bad idea either.
Eir and the others responded with another roar before they accelerated their pace and launched on the battlefield. We had an aerial advantage and I wouldn't hesitate to use it.
Once they joined the battle, fierce fire came out of their mouths. Some descended to grab the Orcs before they threw them into the sky. Either let them die from the impact or let the other dragons ruthlessly tear the orcs to pieces.
It was a cruel sight. A horrific one. I could even feel my human side shudder in horror. It was worse than an X-rated horror or thriller filled with blood. While my dragon instinct thought all this was normal.
'I'm a beast and I act like one.'
This was the reason why I didn't want to bring Evelina to this place. But I needed her powers and I was sure she wouldn't agree if I left her in the capital since she thought she was the main cause of this war. I could only hope this war did not bring trauma to her.
My eyes searched for General Kul on that battlefield. I just saw Guillotine busy slaughtering some orc elite soldiers so he should be somewhere else.
As I searched for him, I soon realized that the orcs provided better resistance than the Minotaurs. It was clear from the number of the dragon's corpses. The orcs adapted faster and had better tactics. Even after the first attack, Eir and the others couldn't grab any orcs again since they used their Mud Doll skill to make their double before the claws grabbed them. I had to admit, It was a clever strategy.
‘Where are you?’ I grumbled internally. I looked from side to side, trying to find my target. Every now and then, I threw my Fire Pillar here and there to help my soldiers. Mostly to burn the orcs' crowd. But I couldn't find General Kul anywhere. Not even among the corpses. It made me feel restless. The orcs should have retreated if General Kul was dead, so I was sure he wasn't dead yet.
As I continued to search, I was deep in thought and trying to predict what would happen. I knew they came for Evelina, but why was General Kul, the princess and Uraugh nowhere to be seen?
Suddenly a thought crossed my head. My eyes widened.
‘Oh no… Evelina.’ They might have found a way to infiltrate the fortress while we were busy. In other words, the decoy was not Uraugh and Princess Glasha, but General Kul.
In a panic, I turned around and flew back to the fortress. Not forgetting, I also gave an order to General Guillotine with my roar that I handed this battle to him. I just hoped my worries hadn't happened yet.
As I landed on the fortess' rooftop, I turned myself into my humanoid form without stopping my steps. My feet moved quickly down the stairs and into the fortress, completely ignoring the guards who greeted me or passed by.
Without a word, I quickly walked through the corridor to where Evelina was. She was supposed to be with the other healers to treat the wounded dragons.
A loud sound accompanied by an explosion that came from the medical room proved that my guess was right. Smoke and rocks were thrown everywhere. Some guards were thrown with it but they swiftly used their dragon's armor so it also didn't do any damage to them.
While I used my Mana Barrier to protect myself from the explosion and anything that fell on me. The dust covered my vision, but I didn't stop my steps. I ignored the ground that shook violently and kept moving forward. My ears could catch the healers' screams and the dragons' grunts coming from the room.
The door itself had broken into pieces and wide open, showing how big the explosion impact was. But the fact that the people inside were still alive and making noises indicated that someone had used a high-level spell to reduce the impact significantly. And I knew who she was.

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