The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 93 93 The Distance Between Them

"There is a thick smoke in the north of us!"

Emily told Allen her findings without any hesitation and gave more detailed guesses.

"The smoke is at least ten kilometers away from us!"

"But the smoke is very strange. I feel like there are dozens of people."

Based on her experience in cooking in the past few days, Emily thought about it and gave a figure that wasn't quite right.

But Allen knew that if a layman like Emily had such a judgment, there would be more savages than he imagined.

"Okay, I see. Let's go back to the cabin and do some preparing!"

Allen said, pointing at the crossbows.

"By the way, here are the crossbows I made last night. Each of you armed yourself. Wooden arrows are not enough, but it doesn't matter. Later, I will teach you how to make wooden arrows!"

"The finished product is crude, but it works. We'll do it together, and we'll finish it before the savages attack us!"

The girls kept nodding their heads when they heard Allen's words. After all, Allen was their mainstay now. In such a special situation, they were naturally obedient!

"Okay, let's go with the crossbows!"

Seeing that the girls had all picked up crossbows, Allen ran away with them without hesitation.

Although Allen still felt tired, he was much better than before.

On the other side, the flames of the cannibals were burning more and more fiercely, and all the cannibals were dancing around the flames.

Even the leader of the cannibals twisted his body to the roar of the cannibals.

It was like they were going through some kind of ritual, and it was terrifying.

Allen took the girls back to their cabin.

The first thing he did was to take them to the grocery store in the cabin and bring out a lot of wood that Allen had stored.

It was stout solid wood, a good material for making wooden arrows!

"Come around and listen to me carefully!"

Allen instructed the girls to carry the wood out and began to make wooden arrows in front of them!

Fortunately, Allen had been worried that the tools he used to make wooden arrows would be damaged, so he had made a few extra tools for making the arrows!

"Do you understand?"

After Allen had demonstrated it three times, the girls were still confused.

After all, they didn't usually do handcraft.

Even if their brains could make wooden arrows, their hands couldn't.

Allen spoke hoarsely before the girls began to understand.

And Jessica was the fastest learner.

This was out of Allen's expectation.

"Jessica, you can continue to teach them to make wooden arrows. I'm going to the watchtower to see what's going on!"

Finally, Allen was getting tired of the girls, and he asked the moderately skilled Jessica to take his place.

At the same time, he left with two crossbows that had been loaded with wooden arrows.

Allen came to the watchtower quickly. He looked north just in time to see the thick smoke still rising.

Allen's visual measurement was much more accurate than Emily's, and he saw at a sight that the cannibals were at least ten kilometers away from their cabins.

"I thought these cannibals were already moving on us, but it turned out that it was just a false alarm!"

Allen breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he had confirmed the location of the cannibals, what Allen needed to do was to investigate it.

"Is it a trap?"

But when Allen left the watchtower, he suddenly thought of this possibility. Allen thought maybe he was overthinking it.

Anyway, he thought it was better to be careful now, and it would take a long time to go back and forth ten kilometers.

Allen felt that he still had time, and when he returned to the ground, he changed his mind. He walked to the girls to check their current progress.

He found the girls' progress was slow, and how many wooden arrows they had made when he left, and how many they were making now.

Allen sighed and said to Emily and the others, "Well. Natalie, stay here. The others can continue to do the task I assigned yesterday!"

"Don't worry about the savages. They are at least ten kilometers away from us and wouldn't know what's going on here."

"I will go to check on them after I finish these wooden arrows. Now let's get ready together!"

Allen's words made Emily and others feel much relieved, but Jessica was not willing to cut the tree and insisted on saying something more.

"Ten kilometers is not far. Why don't we finish all these wooden arrows now? If the savages come over, we don't have enough weapons. Are we going to fight hand-to-hand with the savages?"

Allen glanced at Jessica and said, "You mean my judgment is not accurate enough? Are you questioning me?"

As soon as these words came out, Jessica immediately felt that several fierce gazes were fixed on her.

It seemed that as long as she nodded or did anything, she would be thrown out of the cabin house as an ingrate.

Because of this situation, Jessica coughed and said, "I don't mean that. I mean, I'm going to cut the tree right now!"

Jessica stood up and was about to leave. At the same time, she pulled Taylor, who seemed to want to make two more wooden arrows.

"Wait! Before you leave, each of you takes a crossbow and twenty wooden arrows!"

Allen stopped Jessica who was about to run away and pointed at the crossbows on the ground.

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