The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 550 552 Again

What happened in the end? Allen's dick was finally set up by Jessica.

Allen thought Jessica was going to let him in and out from behind slowly, so that she didn't need to move her body and just needed to turn around.

The result was beyond Allen's expectations. Jessica had never thought of such a simple thing.

She was tempted by Natalie's performance and also wanted to try her blow job skills. She even moved her body when Allen's dick was about to be hard and swallowed it in one gulp.

Allen took a deep breath again. He didn't know whether his luck tonight was good or bad!

The two women were going to service him!

Then there was nothing to say. Just close his eyes and enjoy!

So Allen gave up struggling and lay on the bed quietly.

After a long time, when Jessica finally ate the essence of Allen into her mouth, Allen felt that he was totally different.

Allen didn't know what was the difference. Anyway, Allen finally escaped.

Not asking why, Jessica fell asleep at last.

Allen heaved a long sigh of relief. He felt that he could finally rest.

"Damn it. I hope everything will be fine tomorrow!"

After thinking about all his plans in his mind, he was sure that she would be in a state of sleep overdraft because of being too tired.

Allen only felt that his thoughts began to blur, but he could know that he was in a dream, a long-term beautiful dream.

It was a wonderful dream for him to live with the girls. It was also a dream that could make him have seven days without rest.

On that kind of day, after the third promotion of his physical fitness, his physical fitness soared to the limit! None of the girls can bear him!

In the end, he had no choice but to slowly adapt to the threesome!

Then, it was supposed to be a girl every day for seven days, but now it turned out to be two girls every day doing something shameful with him!

In the end, after adapting to the two girls, his physical fitness unexpectedly turned into three! What did that mean? This was a special and terrible situation that neither of the two of them could satisfy Allen.

In a word, Allen's appetite was getting stronger and stronger! In the beginning, there were two or three, but now there were five or six or seven at the same time.

Almost every day, a scene of being slept together was played on this uninhabited island that only belonged to Allen and the girls!

Allen was overjoyed!

Allen didn't wake up until dawn.

Allen didn't want to get up at all in the beginning.

But soon Allen was called by the frightened Jessica.

"What's wrong, Jessica?"

Looking at the expression on Jessica's face, Allen thought that she had a nightmare. When he was about to comfort her, he suddenly saw the girls looking at him.

Because it was already in the morning, they had already put on their clothes at this time.

But they wore thin clothes. After all, the space in the tree was warmer than his wooden house.

When Allen was about to appreciate beautiful women, especially when he noticed the bulges on the bodies of some girls, he felt happy. However, he did not expect that he only paid attention to the figures of these girls, but did not notice their expressions.

"Why are you so serious?"

Allen didn't understand why the girls were all serious.

But after a minute, Allen finally woke up from the chaos.

A strange sound came to his ears.


Allen frowned.

"Is this the sound from the ship?"

Allen's face became serious. He immediately understood what had happened.

Without saying anything, he put on his clothes and began to open his iron box in front of all the girls.

Then Allen assembled the sniper rifle.

The black steel startled all the girls!

They didn't expect Allen to have such a thing.

"I didn't tell you that I got a sniper rifle because I was afraid you would worry about me!"

Allen couldn't help explaining when he saw the reactions of the girls.

Although these girls heard Allen's explanation, they were still afraid of Allen subconsciously.

Because they didn't know where Allen got the sniper rifle.

But as long as they thought about it, they would feel that the matter was terrible! So they couldn't think too much!

They could only look at Allen from a distance.

Allen wanted to waste some time and explain to the girls.

But normally, Allen not only had enough time to calm these girls down.

But also could he even use an alternator made them excited!

But not this time!

Allen didn't have time to do these meaningless things!

Because when Allen woke up, he heard the clear whistle in his ears.

Then Allen understood one thing.

Last night, the people on the ship came.

That was why the whistle beside Allen's ear was so clear! That's why Allen got nervous all of a sudden!

He could only assemble his sniper rifle in front of the girls.

Because Allen knew that if he didn't assemble the sniper rifle, he would be no longer a threat to the people on the ship!

"If these bastards find out the existence of beautiful women on this uninhabited island, even the calmest person will lose his mind! Then those who don't want to commit crimes will learn to commit crimes!"

Allen knew a classic saying.

"Beauty is the original sin!"

Allen had a deep understanding of this, so he assembled the sniper rifle. It was the symbol of his deterrence and strength, and he couldn't make any trouble.

On the other hand, Nolan was having his breakfast as usual. Suddenly, his first officer opened the door and came in, which made him a little unhappy.

"Luo, if you don't give me a legitimate reason to disturb me to have breakfast, I may throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

Facing the threat of Nolan, Luo just showed a weird smile.

"Captain, I don't think you will do anything excessive to me now, because I have brought the information you want to know the most!"

Hearing this, Nolan put down his greasy goblet!

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