The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 504 506 Don't Kneel

"Sure enough, danger makes people's brains burst out the strongest desire to survive. It's right!"

Allen sighed and walked into the bushes.

When the savages who had been locked up by Ren saw Allen, they immediately stood up from their seats and wanted to kowtow to Allen.

However, seeing this, Allen stopped them. Then he asked Ren beside him who were about to kneel together to stop such brainless behavior.

But Ren gave Allen a blank look.

It seemed that he was asking Allen, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"! It's not a shame to kneel to Master Allen. It's Master Allen who saved all of us!

Allen could understand what he was thinking, but he didn't agree to do it!

Because he didn't like it!

"Hurry up and tell them not to kneel to me. I don't like it. I'm alive. Why should I be worshiped like a dead person?"

Allen's tone was fierce. Ren was frightened and got up from the ground. It was not until then that he realized that Allen didn't like the feeling of being treated as a God.

He shouted at the savages.

However, these savages seemed to have not received any professional training. Under this call, they raised their heads, revealing confused expressions.

They wondered if the person who sent the message had said something wrong. Why did Allen ask them to stop? The patriarch used to like them to kneel like this!


Ren taught Allen the words of the savages. Allen slapped his head hard. It turned out that Ming treated his clansmen as his slave! That was why they learned to kneel.

"But what are they? Slaves?"

Allen was speechless. Allen asked them to get up, but these savages still acted as if they were going to kneel. As a result, Allen could only run away.

This made Ren who was observing Allen's expression feel incredible!

"No way! How could Master Allen show such an embarrassed expression? Is there something wrong with my eyes or my illusion? It's impossible!"

Ren thought it was too magic! It was so unreal that he couldn't believe what he had seen.

Allen had slaughtered the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack easily.

At this time, he chose to run away when he was knelt by the savages who also didn't have much strength in their hands.

"Is it reasonable?"

Anyway, Ren finally understood what Allen's great was!

Allen was cruel to his enemies and kind to his people!

"You are my idol from now on. I must be with you!"

Ren silently made up his mind that he had already had an idea and he was more determined now than ever!

Allen left the bushes, which made these savages feel uneasy. They asked Ren, hoping to know what Allen was doing and why he left again! Did they do something wrong?

Ren glanced in the direction Allen left and made sure that Allen couldn't hear or see what he was doing.

Therefore, Ren squatted down and chatted with his savage compatriots.

Master Allen doesn't like what you have done, but you can continue to do it. It's good for you!

Ren saw it! He knew that Allen didn't like the savages who knelt to him.

However, in Ren's opinion, if he wanted to take control of these savages, he must set an example!

He needed deterrence!

"They are our slaves. If we take them over, they will become our fighting capacity. Why are you still hesitating?"

Ren didn't understand. He had never seen the world where Allen come from.

If he had known this, he would not have been in such a situation. Instead, he would tell these savages.

"Damn it! Be normal! Don't make Master Allen angry! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Then he would turn to Allen and say, "Don't worry, Master Allen. I will teach these savages well and won't let you get into trouble, Master Allen!"!

But now... All he wanted to do was to help Allen turn these savages into loyal followers of Allen.

"It would be best if they could kill Ming and Zack!"

"Only in this way can the hatred between us for so many years be eliminated!"

Until now, Ren still didn't know what Allen had done in the cave.

So he didn't know what Allen would do next.

But after comforting these savages, he felt that he and his savage compatriots didn't have the same topic, so he set foot on the road to look for Allen.

He wanted to ask Allen what to do next! Even if Allen had killed some elite troops formed by Ming and Zack, there were still hundreds of people!

If Allen ran away at this time, they would be able to survive at their speed and means!

But the old, weak, and sick savages behind them would die.

It could be guaranteed that these savages couldn't hold on for an hour in the face of the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack.

They couldn't even hold on for half an hour!

No matter how heartless Ren was, he couldn't abandon these savage compatriots.

But if he wanted to help, he was powerless.

In his opinion, only Allen could save them.

"Master Allen!"

So this guy came to Allen and was about to ask Allen what his plan was. It would be best if Allen could bring him with him.

If he couldn't, he would have to wait until he adjusted his body to the best state and then go with Allen to deal with the elite troop members organized by Ming and Zack.


However, before Ren could say anything, Allen turned to him and said something that he would never forget.

"By the way, let me tell you something. Ming and Zack have already died!"

"Master Allen, what are you talking about?"

Ren thought he had misheard and Allen had said something strange, so he asked in silence.

Allen looked at his expectant eyes and smiled.

"What I'm saying is what you think! They made you live in the wilderness for decades! Now they are dead!"


Ren didn't seem to believe all of this, but the expression in his eyes suddenly became empty.

After Allen finished his words, Ren staggered and fell to the ground.

There was no stone or anything behind Ren.

So Allen didn't help him.

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